OGRE RAGE SMITH | Red Dragon Inn #10
It’s been some time since the LMC team returned to the Inn. It’s only five of them, but the play is going to get intense with gold and heavy hitting drinks flying about all over the place
ShadowFox is playing as Wrench – whose creations everyone knows must be stopped. T.A. Black is playing as Natyli and keeps escaping trouble. Mr. Vanato (Nibal) is playing a brand new character to the stream in Molly the Stablehand, and is engaging in his own private war with Titans Creed’s Torglesnarf Duncleton, First of His Name (Goblin King, don’t ‘cha know). But there’s also a stranger at the table, as Kevin’s version of Gog has been replaced by a smart-mouthed substitute: Sonic The Hedgehog. Much to Torglesnarf’s annoyance!
**LMC House Rules**
1) When gambling players have the ability to fold on their turn.
2) When drinking copies of a drink effects can be put on those of an individual.
#reddragoninn #tabletopsimulator #boardgames
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