Sonic The Hedgehog: The Screen Saver

In 1996 SEGA released, via SEGA PC, Sonic The Hedgehog The Screen Saver – a… well, a screensaver.
Bundled with western copies of Sonic & Knuckles Collection and sold separately in Japan, it featured music and sound effects from various ‘classic’ era games. Plus icons and a focus on art related to the series. Something of a 50-50 mix between early official art and the strange situational art for Sonic you come across occasionally.
There was also these odd alternate sounding tracks, not listed with the other music. Check them out as a curiosity.
Writer of words and comics, streamer of games, presenter of radio shows and eternal 'just a guy'. LMC's boss-man has worked on projects for SEGA, Square Enix, Konami, Capcom and more. Once co-created and hosted an international fan-convention because he can do that sort of thing. Used to be known as AAUK/ArchangelUK.