Sugogo-Blop Cast

How it came to be that LMC became custodians of… this, we honestly can’t remember.
Digicowboy, aka DC – who appeared in some of the earlier episodes of Radio Redux and whose alter-ego Alzari appears in the Sonic Wrecks comics on occasion – did a short-lived podcast in 2006.
Okay it’s more of a collection of zany musings interspersed by music tracks than a podcast per se. But the seven shows that do exist contain a Halloween themed show, one dedicated to cowboys, one to Canada, to pirates and we’re pretty sure Kevin even appears at some point. Though frankly it’s very hard to tell…
Take one highly successful satirical panel show from the UK, rip the format off shamelessly and quickly tape some video game posters over it.
No one said Mock The Geek was subtle; least of all host Fastfeet and regulars Kevin, JJ, Roareye and Vger.
One show that Sonic Billboard often crossed over with was our own flagship podcast, Radio Redux.
It’s been going for over 15 years, so why not check out the latest chat and music all related to video games.