FastFeet’s FoneMix

The FastFeet Media Podcast returned after a six month break into RadioSEGA and repackaged as FastFeet’s FoneMix.
FFM saw FastFeet discus the SEGA news and music of the day with various other SEGA Media/FastFeet Media personnel – including SJ, SoundReaper and Gonic. However, they were also joined by callers into the show (via Skype) from across the community.
FFM lasted for an additional 20 episodes as well as a Sonic birthday special.
Take one highly successful satirical panel show from the UK, rip the format off shamelessly and quickly sellotape some video game posters over it.
No one said Mock The Geek was subtle; least of all host FastFeet and regulars Kevin, JJ, Roareye and Vger.
Hosted by FastFeet Media head and Summer of Sonic stalwart FastFeet, this was one of the oldest LiVECAST shows from the early days of SEGASonic:Radio.
FLS was more an occasional item than one with a regular schedule. But features would be refined down the line.