“VRShowdown” Speaks on SA World Rankings Cheating
The SA Online competitor has joined the DC Tech Pages, and he shares the secrets on how the Interact Quantum Fighter Pad helped him in the World Rankings:
If anyone here participated in the first Sonic time attack contest, which was Emerald Coast and Sonic2k and Speed Highway level, you’ve probably seen me in the top 10 on both contest, Well let me tell you something about what happened during that time …Remember hearing about the news someone posted on this message board about SEGA changing the sonic contest because of 3rd party controllers?…well there’s some truth there. Most people knew the controllers made you somewhat jump further or glided a little .. what they didn’t know was how to use it …During the first Sonic 2k I invented a trick that enabled me to get 28 seconds on speed highway being in fist place for 2 weeks, beating Flint. What i did was spin dash off the triangle slanted building, pulling off a horizontal glide off it by holding the left trigger spindashing sideways ….Flint begged me in the e mail about the trick during the first Sonic2k contest but . i knew he was the kind of person who would figure that out anyway… Once they did find out, josh beat me with a few microseconds under but I still held my ground against Flint, winning 2nd place on Speed Highway …after that contests it went down hill for me, as they overdid my trick methods on the next few competitions, making Sega change the rules having point attacks and stuff with other characters….I really wanted a time attack on Sky Deck! aw well …BTW during the contests, Josh and Flint were sharing secrets, being some tag team. while me and solid poy was a team ..I just had an urge to rant off this message you people … BTW if you noticed on the 1st time attack contest emerald coast I’m in 10th place passing e coast at 1:08 one of the reasons is because I was very few people in that top 10 to use a REGULAR CONTROLLER. (I didn’t know about the controller until sonic2k)..with this 3rd party controller I could get under 1:03 on E Coast.
This is a huge development in the SA WR cheating saga, and we’ll inform you of any developments.