Super Sonic Special #16 Details: Knuckles Returns
Just because the his series is being cancelled doesn’t mean Knuckles is gone for good. Here’s Ken Penders on the situation:
I wrapped up work on the script to KNUCKLES: THE BEST OF TIMES, THE WORST OF TIMES and turned it into Archie’s offices earlier today. It’s 26 pages long, and features just about every major character you can think of, including the only Guardian who has never been seen or mentioned in the series before. It’s got romance, drama, action, suspense, humor and one walloper of an ending. It is currently scheduled to see print in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #14, and Steven will begin drawing it probably the start of next week.
The final caption in the story reads: The adventure continues in the pages of SONIC #86, as we and KNUCKLES embark on… THE ROAD TO ALBION.
So those of you who think Knuckles is only going to make token appearances in the SONIC series are mistaken. The stories will feature the same continuity and style of stories you’ve been following all this time. Sure, it’s only eight pages a month, but it’s better that than nothing at all, wouldn’t you think?
As for KNUCKLES: TWENTY YEARS LATER, now that I’ve wrapped production on THE LOST ONES #1, I’m spending the next couple of weeks concentrating exclusively on that one, and it is scheduled to see print in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #16. (If we can move it up, we will, but for now, this is the best we can do.) Again, this one has some major surprises and revelations.
More info will be forthcoming as further developments unfold.