SRB2 Xmas CD: Features Revealed
Sonikku has posted a new White Glove Diary today, and it explained what lucky winners of previous STJR contests will get:
In any case here’s what’ll be in the CD:
* SRB2:XMAS v0.945 (0.95 is going to be built under the DooM Legacy 1.29 engine.)
* Bug fixes from 0.94.
* Bonus levels that won’t be released on the net! (Including hidden levels)
* A nifty front-end! (With secrets built into it…)
* Preview all the artwork and music of the game!
* This and much, much more!
In other STJR news, now the team is having visitors to their site guessing what their new project is via a poll. Will it be a platformer/RPG mix? Or perhaps a Sonic racing game? Could it be the next Sonic Robo Blast? We might not know for a while.