Sonic the Fighters achievements revealed
Sonic the Fighters hasn’t been officially announced in the west by Sega , but the achievement for the game are already online.
If the first leak was right, we might see the game early on 2013, and the achievement reveal surely points to a sooner release. That is just what happened.
The achievements have been revealed by Exophase. They are 12 achievements, for the Xbox 360 version of the game, but it’s fairly common for PS3 Trophies to be the same as Xbox’s achieves. As the achievements themselves, they’re pretty easy to complete, so anyone who had played Sonic the Fighters before won’t have many problems getting them all.
One of them reveals how Honey the cat, hidden character, can be selected to play with. To do so, you just have to press start at the Amy select image.
You can see the complete achievement list down here.
Sonic the Fighters Achievement List
20Ultra Rare0.00%
20Ultra Rare0.00%
20Ultra Rare0.00%
20Ultra Rare0.00%
20Ultra Rare0.00%
20Ultra Rare0.00%
40Ultra Rare0.00%
60Ultra Rare0.00%
40Ultra Rare0.00%
40Ultra Rare0.00%Turn small by being attacked (ie, by Amy’s↓+P, etc) in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus
60Ultra Rare0.00%
40Ultra Rare0.00%
Useless achivements, no challenge at all … What’s the point of having achivements if they can almost be all unlocked in one hour?
@Funkyjeremi The quantity of points.
Holy crap, seriously guys? You can get most–no, not even–ALL of these achievements in ONE RUN OF ARCADE MODE. ONE. RUN.
No effort was put into this game’s achievement system at all. …I’m probably gonna get it anyways, but still. Christ on a bike…
…I’m still waiting for “Sonic Battle 2” btw Sega. /get on that
I couldn’t agree more, I almost don’t even see the point in playing a game if there’s no interesting challenge or hook to keep you in, and I recall sonic the fighters being more challenging than hell!
Where’s the achievement for taking on the final battle as Super Sonic, completing the game without losing a match or under a strict time limit, K.O.ing a character out of the ring several times or even playing through the entire game as Honey the Cat, while keeping a bag of ice wedged in between your thighs… while sitting on the hard side of a pineapple… while trying to keep a goldfish alive inside of your mouth.
(anyone? no?)
After the brutally hard SA2 achievement list its nice to get a list like this for a change.
While the achievement system was easier than expected… at least I’m happy for one thing.
Honey the Cat is INDEED playable in offline verus AND in arcade mode. Now we need a confirmation that she’s playable online, and I’m good.
As for Metal and Eggman… well, hope they’re playable too. Can’t wait for this, dangit!
Wait…They’re tossing out achievements for progressing through the Arcade mode WITHOUT any achievements for CLEARING IT!? DAFAQ? I could play through the game as Bark or Amy, throw any match after their Mirror Match, continue on with Honey and just quit after beating Bean.
Achievements have worn out their welcome, they’ve ruined a decent number of games by embedding themselves in the game design it’s time for them to curl up in a hole and die.
Jak has a point.
I mean sure that doesn’t mean that just becaus SA2 was brutal, means we should get a toddler-friendly difficulty level… but what the heck, I’m not playing this game for achievements anyway. I rather have in-game unlockables, THOSE are the TRUE achievements.
I’m looking forward so much for this game… I’d even love to have a site dedicated to StF and have a community of players play online and discuss strategies… 🙂
… If I already didn’t have so many projects in my hands…
Sorry for double posting, I forgot one thing:
I can’t believe they missed the chance to make “Unleash Super Sonic” the final achievement. 😛 That is one of the hardest things I’ve ever strived for doing in a Sonic game ever… and I still haven’t done it.
… no Super Sonic achievement? Huh.
Lame list, like the Mega Drive Ultimate Collection. That´s dissapointing, especially on a game that can be completed in less than an hour and which feature no unlockables at all. At least there should had been a Super Sonic achievement, which isn´t that hard, but at least is some challenge.
So you spend 800 points, you finish everything in less than an hour, and then what? You either love playing online (which you will have trouble playing on, as fighting players will be on other games and no online achievements means the community will die soon), or you just have a game you can barely do anything else.
This could be easy.
What about for clearing arcade mode (easy and hard)?
10,50,100 Vs wins on Online?
There can be so many challenging achievements…these are barely achievements, just statements…
@AshtonNextGen XDDD You’re right! ^^ Even simple players like us seem to find more interesting achivements than people working at sega , what a shame ^^
Give me 15-20 minutes and I’ll be done with the achievements.
Honey the cat es una parodia de otra chica de videojuego en Fighting Vipers llamada Honey. Aunque en America le cambiaron el nombre de Candy the cat sigue siendo la misma.
just saying something, sonic the fighters is already out so why would they resell it again besides i’v seen and its crap except the combat.