Sonic Revolution to Hold Digital-Only 2020 Event
On Saturday, organizers of the 2020 Sonic Revolution festival – its physical component now cancelled due to ongoing coronavirus-related restrictions in California – announced the festival would instead be held digitally – not unlike SAGE.
Also not unlike SAGE, the Revolution will be held largely through popular online social venues Discord and Twitch. On June 20th, there will be a virtual meet-and-greet, opportunities to purchase merchandise from attending artists, commission opportunities, Q&A, and more.
Organizers confirm the onetime, long-time voice of Sonic, Ryan Drummond, will be among the featured guests. Much of the writing crew behind the Sonic Boom TV series, has also been announced to appear.
A virtual cosplay contest will also be held the day of the event, with details to be announced the day of the show.
The physical Sonic Revolution convention was cancelled in April amid the growing likelihood of it being cancelled by way of continued restrictions on large gatherings and enforcement of social distancing guidelines in the state of California.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
“Unlike SAGE, the Revolution will be held largely through popular online social venues Discord and Twitch”
Actually, most SAGE events, streams and content occur on the SFGHQ discord. The site only hosts the games and has an outlet for scheduled streams. I don’t think you stopped by last year so I think you don’t realize you’ve been missing the other half of SAGE for the past several years, haha.
You’re right — it’s less my lack of presence and more that I’ve been writing these in a quarantine-induced trance – I’ve adjusted the piece accordingly. -T
I was just wondering if you have any idea how the virtual cosplay contest is suppose to go? 🙂