Sonic Boom Games Out in May?
This both doesn’t make a lot of sense, and then does, when you consider what the Sonic Boom game is supposed to be in this campaign. A report published today by Arcade Sushi alleges that both the Wii U and 3DS edition of Sonic Boom will be out this May, just three short months from now.
The report cites a Tomy public relations representative at the New York Toy Fair–ongoing this week–but not a Sega rep:
At Toy Fair 2014, a Tomy public relations representative told us that we can expect the 3DS and Wii U versions of Sonic Boom to arrive some time in May. They also gave us word that the release window for the actual animated series will be in September.
It’s easy to dismiss that kind of information given Sega’s reliance on the Holiday season to release Sonic titles in recent years. The Tomy representative could have easily been misquoted, referring to their own line rather than Sega’s game. A couple of you have already noted that Sega reps were hyping up E3 in regards to Boom as well at the NYC press event earlier this month–we remember those remarks too. However, consider that the Boom game is meant to be a prequel to the TV series, which will air in the Fall. Chronologically, it makes sense for the game to be out before the series for storytelling’s sake, rather than release the date concurrent or even a few months after the TV series’ debut. If such a timetable held, it allows Boom time to find an audience, and not get lost in a flurry of other big name fall and Holiday releases. It also opens up the possibility of something else to come at the end of the year from Sonic Team or elsewhere–though what it could be is anyone’s guess.
UPDATE: Arcade Sushi has amended their report to include a statement from an unnamed Sega PR rep, who says:
Unfortunately, this information is incorrect and TOMY was wrong. No release dates for the game have been announced. The animation date given is also wrong and it has only been announced that the animation will be released in the 2014/2015 season.
Sonic the Hedgehog, the iconic video game character who has brought his trademark speed and attitude to four TV series and more than 70 video games, is returning to television in his first-ever CG animated series in the fall 2014.
This is the second time in two weeks that Sega has refuted their own press release on Sonic Boom TV.
Though it’s feasible, we’ll label this rumor for now, and let you know anything else we pick up on. Thanks to Brolinvids for tipping us. If you have news to share, be sure to share it with us.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.