Sonic Mania Will Be Digital-Download Only, Asks “What If Sonic Continued 2D Glory After S3&K”
From the Playstation Blog:
You’re not dreaming. Since the 90’s, Sonic has advanced from the 2D world into 3D, and has crossed multiple platforms along the way. But what would have happened if Sonic had continued his 2D glory after Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles? The world is about to find out.
Sonic Mania will be available as a digital download, and is being developed by SEGA of America in collaboration with PagodaWest Games along with Christian Whitehead and Simon Thomley. We’ll have more details later, but for now, rest assured that Sonic and your PS4 will be good friends sometime in Spring 2017.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.