Sonic HQ’s WB has Surgery
John Gray, AKA WB and webmaster of Sonic HQ, had all of his wisdom teeth removed yesterday as doctors figured out one was causing his persistent health problems throughout the past few months. We found a message on the NGHZ message board describing what he went through:
I don’t feel well and the bleeding just stopped about an hour ago – I’m currently doped up on drugs so excuse anything that may sound weird or any misspellings. I’m prone to falling asleep which is what I plan to do (AGAIN) after I check messages.
Anyways – for those that don’t know, I had to have my wisdom teeth (ALL 4) surgically cut out yesterday. The doctors finally found out the reason I was always so sick for the past few weeks and why my mouth was always hurting – turns out my bottom right tooth was
—><— this close to my jaw nerve – Hence my health problems (sinuses and colds) for the past few months or so. So they had to do a double incision on that area specifically along with the other 3 teeth. I don’t remember much except for falling semi-asleep, aware of what was going on yet not aware if you follow me. It was a really weird feeling, and I THINK they may have used a drill on me several times. All I know is that I was covered in blood around my mouth when I finally did wake up and I bled from that point up ’til maybe 2 hours previous to this message. The only reason I’m typing now is cause after sitting in bed for a day and half with nothing but a Game Boy, Painkillers and a drawing pad to keep you company – one tends to get bored. >;O)
The Doctors say it should take me 3 to 4 days to heal (MAYBE 5 depending on the area of the double incision – part of my mouth is still swollen and puffy, this morning it was my entire mouth, and I cant feel the left side of my face.
So I wont be doing anything major net wise (during that time and if I’m up to it, I may hit the NGHZ up later, I may not. Depends on how I feel. :O)
We wish WB a quick recovery and hope that this will mean the end of his health problems.