Sonic Corner to have MIDI Contest?
JD Harding posted the info we need to know right now on TSC’s main page yesterday:
The Sonic Corner is planning to host MIDI competitions. There are three types of competitions; Best arranged, Best remixed, and Best new original. However, I need proof that there are enough MIDI artists that want to join the competitions. If you’re a MIDI artist, drop me a line. Say that you’d be willing to join the competition. Say that you’re here. I need ten or more replies. Then I’ll know there’s enough MIDI artists for the competitions.
When that’s done, I’ll ask to have judges. I don’t need many, just four or five are needed. MIDIs will be judged by quality, originality, technique, and overall enjoyment. All MIDI types can be used.
If you’re interested in a TSC competition, and you’re a MIDI artist, please contact me.