Sonic Comic News from the UK
From tipster Dr. Zac:
Bad news for all those planning on going to the Comics 2000 convention in a couple of weeks, hoping to attend a Sonic signing. The STC team (Nigel, Lew and Richard) can’t make it, so if you thought there would be some big Sonic event I’m afraid you were wrong. And yes, the Comics 2000 web site is also wrong in this case. It’s too late to print anything about this in the comic, the team have prior commitments, and the organizers have known about this for months – they simply haven’t bothered to do anything about it. But if you want to go to the convention anyway, to see the other non-Sonic comics stuff on display, I’m not stopping you – just don’t expect to see any of the team.
Also, STEM has some more STC preview art, this time featuring Tikal. See for details.