Yesterday Was Actually Quite Momentus
No seriously.
I’m not talking about the Sonic 4 updates, I’m actually talking about a little conference which occurred between the admins of (arguably) the big three Sonic fansites as they came together for the very first time. Sonic Stadium head admin Dreadknux, joined Sonic Retro head Scarred Sun (who was over from America thus allowing this all to take place) and Sonic Wrecks head admin ArchangelUK (which is me) sat around a table for the first time and talked all manner of things hedgehog.
Some might’ve been about Sonic 4, others might’ve been about Summer of Sonic, yet others could have been about what to do about you guys and how to make things better for all concerned. We came out of it many hours later sad our time was up and much closer bonds between SEGA-TSS-Retro-Wrecks had been forged
Yes, luckily the seas didn’t boil or the stars fall out of the sky and in fact we had a really nice time. If this were another game series we could claim this was “The Triforce Conference” or something.
I suppose me being all SEGA-y I’d have to be Triforce of Power, Scarred Sun the Triforce of Wisdom and Dreadknux… with hair like that you need Courage frankly.