Celebrating 10 Years Of SA2 – It’s BATTLE Time At SOS 2011!
This year at Summer of Sonic we mark Sonic’s second decade, as such it is perhaps fitting that in doing this we look back at the game that was created for Sonic’s tenth anniversary. A game that really did usher in a lot of new blood into the fanbase and is still held up as one of the best Sonic games of any era.
Sonic Adventure 2.
The game that introduced us to Shadow, Rouge, G.U.N and that really is the foundation of a lot of the background to the the current main storyline canon. Plus it was fun as anything.
The timing is also good considering the original Dreamcast version was SEGA’s hot E3 property that year, much like Generations is scheduled to be this year. As such Sonic Adventure 2: Battle will be at SOS 2011, playing on a Wii pod and we’ll be instigating a ‘Winner Stays On’ system of 2-player versus battles. The person with the longest win streak as we hit the final hours will win a prize.
Be sure to bring your snowboards, mechas, karts, treasure scopes and shovel claws on June 25th.