S.W.A.G Returns – The Original Sonic Generator Is Back Online
I have to admit feeling a little bit awkward about this post despite the slight bombast of the headline, mainly because it is kind of SW going “Er, didn’t we do this first?” You see Sonic Retro the other day launched their Facebook app to much fanfare and very nice it is too; the concept of one of us, i.e. the sites that are on Facebook (PS: we’re on Facebook) doing an actual app intrigued me immensely and I privately applauded it. Then I read about Sonic Generator and its ability to create random funny game names and my eyebrow raised a bit.
Didn’t that sound ever so slightly like S.W.A.G, the Sonic Wrecks Alternate Game Generator created in 2007 (off the back of an old 2001 KevsKingdom.com item in fact), once very popular on SW and something that SW veternas should remember well? A random generator that not only generated you a game name, but also down the line was expanded to give you an entire game run through complete with bosses. Something that although not linked to on the main site was actually still online and was sitting in my pile of things to rejuvenate at some point. It kinda did. Awwwwkward.
So unsure as to what to do about Sonic Generator – I can hardly waltz up to Scarred Sun and go “Oi, that’s ours sod off!” as that’s hardly fair on them since it’s not been visible since we went over to WordPress. I thought it best to actually get S.W.A.G back up and running since if we came back in months down the line with a remake people will start accusing us of ripping off Retro. So, despite it still needing to be optimised as well as updated a great deal, not to mention that it actually took a fair bit of doing since WordPress doesn’t like the old code we have been able to relaunch S.W.A.G with some graphical tweaks and a few minor updates. Is it as dynamic as Generator? No. Is it as flashy? Probably not, but it is I believe the (inadvertant) predecessor to this and we’re glad to see its return… even if it was somewhat out of neccessity.
It’s available now and is even in the navigation at the top of the page, so if you want to see what terrors await you in Sonic The Hedgehog Jam Gems Collection or similar check it out here.
Actually, I’m looking around at playing with it enough to have it generate boxart, which would be taking things in a comfortable-enough diversion between the two. Cheers to both SWAG and Sonic Generator!
Indeed, don’t blame you as I said it was kinda a case of “Ohhhhhh…. dear.”
Since when were you on Facebook?
PS: Do you know when E-On will be back?