SAGE 2019 Playthroughs: Batch 1
Last night on TSSZ Plus and the official SAGE stream, Lou checked out a huge batch of titles on display at this year’s Sonic Amateur Games Expo as part of our peeks of as many titles as we’re able to get to of the more than 80 on display.
Featured games and tech demos included the Core Engine, I Can’t Believe It’s not Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and Knuckles: Key Hunters, Poker Panther Chameleon, Sonic Remastered, and Sonic After the Sequel Omega, among many others.
Tonight at 8PM ET on TSSZ Plus, Lou will continue his live playthroughs and reviews of the wide variety of titles showcased at the show. You’ll also shortly see text reviews of other titles from the SAGE floor pop up here as the week progresses.