Radio Redux to return to RadioSEGA as part of the “LMC Block”
Announced during the most recent special to celebrate the community radio station’s tenth anniversary of live shows. LMC’s long running video game music podcast Radio Redux will be making a return to the regular fortnightly programming at RadioSEGA as part of an agreement that will also see it back in its traditional Sunday at 7PM slot.
The agreement, put together by Last Minute Continue and RadioSEGA management, will see the creation of the “LMC Block”, incorporating not just Radio Redux which will return to the airwaves on a regular basis for the first time since 2014. But also see LMC Cast – Last Minute Continue’s monthly entertainment discussion show about games, films, music and more get its premiere on RadioSEGA. With the ‘fourth week’ slot taken up by archive shows and new content currently being developed under the LMC banner.
Kevin Eva, Editor and Radio Redux host: “I’m delighted to confirm that in what is Radio Redux’s 15th year, we’re able to bring one of the very first shows to live cast on the station back, RadioSEGA have always been extremely supportive of Radio Redux and the specials we have put out during the last few Winterfest events have gone over very well with the listeners. In this year of renewal and renovation for LMC’s archive content I’m glad we’ll be able to introduce new listeners to Radio Redux, and also bring diverse new content to the RadioSEGA lineup with LMC Cast and what else is planned.”
The new Radio Redux episodes will begin as part of the LMC Block later this year in a continuation of the show’s Season 9 with episodes likely to be a combination of recorded and live broadcasts.
Both LMC and RadioSEGA will reveal more at a later date.