Poll: 52% Think Sega Should Bail out of Sonic/Nintendo Exclusivity Agreement
The results of the latest TSSZ @Issue poll were the closest we’ve seen in a while. In the face of lagging sales of both Sonic Lost World and Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, we asked if Sega should bow out of its Sonic exclusivity agreement with Nintendo, which still has one game to go.
Out of 971 votes, 52 percent voted Yes, while 48 percent voted No.
There is some precedent that at least suggests the possibility. You may remember that Rayman Legends from Ubisoft was originally a Wii U exclusive this year, only to be delayed and go multiplatform with the Wii U version receiving exclusive content. It can be done–the one thing that could hold Sega back from doing so is the fact Bayonetta 2, a Sega IP, is being developed by Platinum with Nintendo funding as a Wii U exclusive for next year.
A new poll is now available to vote on. The above results can be discussed below in the comments.
The exclusivity is hurting SEGA, why would you vote No? Lol.
That’s what I’m saying. 48% of the votes clearly want Sega to sink.
How do you know the next game isn’t for 3DS?
Don’t get me wrong, I want to see Sonic on Xbox and PlayStation again as much as the next fan but screwing over Nintendo is only going to screw them back over more in the long run.
What if Nintendo decides they don’t want Sonic in the Smash Bros Series anymore or Mario to appear in the Mario and Sonic Olympic titles?
Hell Nintendo could do worse. The contract doesn’t run both ways, they’re holding all the cards here.
Okay but it’s talking about being exclusive on Nintendo. Not about leaving Nintendo entirely.
I don’t think Ubisoft had the same kind of business relationship with Nintendo so I’m not sure the situations are comparable. It’s not confirmed but If Nintendo has indeed PAID for the exclusivity rights like so many were suggesting then there’s no clean out for Sega without facing legal ramifications.
I have to think Ninty paid Ubisoft at least a little for Rayman’s exclusivity at first.
I wonder if they got their money back, then.
It’s possible that there was a similar relationship there but that’s 100% speculation. Sega and Nintendo on the other hand have gone public with their 3 game partnership, heavily implying that there is something legally binding at stake.
It’s true that the Wiiu isn’t doing great and that it would make short term business sense to bail on the console altogether, but there is also something to be said about establishing trust/positive relations between the companies that may serve Sega in the long term. People don’t seem to understand that while Nintendo is down in the dumps today, that might not be true a year from now. And then they may return the favor by helping Sega. Who knows. I’m happy about this partnership because I feel the companies have a similar creative flavor and could help each other greatly. Not to mention it has guaranteed Sonic being in Smash Brothers for at least one more entry.
It’s more than likely Nintendo is paying SEGA, just as Microsoft and Sony pays developers for exclusivity either on content, or a game/franchise itself. It’s a smart move on Nintendo to buy into the franchises of SEGA, but they also unfortunately need to invest in the finances required to ensure the games are of quality so it actually benefits their console.
To add, I say more than likely because SEGA can get more profit out of Sonic if he’s on multiple consoles. Look at GTA V’s sales. The franchise Halo will never have sales like that because it is an exclusive IP, but it could if it wasn’t exclusive.
SEGA is aware of this but they (along with Ubisoft) were also very successful on the original Wii thanks to it’s massive install base, these decisions are made years in advance so it’s simple to see why they thought they would have similar success on the console to follow it.
You can be sure like Ubisoft SEGA isn’t blind to to their games underperforming on a underperforming platform, it will be interesting to see what happens in the event the 3rd isn’t a 3DS game.
It’s a fact that the Wii U has a low install base in the UK. Both the Xbox One and PS4 have outsold it and they’ve only been out for a matter of days. Unleashed and Generations both did much better than Lost World has thanks to being multi platform. Creating games exclusivity for a console relativity few people own and expecting it to sell well is madness.
A big problem with this partnership is that Sega has been lazy. Lost Worlds and Sochi Olympics are NOT up to snuff for them. They chose now of all times to slip into a Dork Age, and it’s hurting Nintendo. You can’t quite blame Nintendo entirely because look at what they’ve been given to work with.
What’re you talking about? SEGA and Sonic Team have been working hard with the recent Sonic games, and with hardwork comes satisfaction since with Unleashed SEGA was reaching a point where they created a base for future Sonic games that people loved and they could work with.
However, as soon as they decided to work with Nintendo, their Sonic project turned into a near Mario clone. Lost Worlds in my honest opinion is not a Sonic game, it’s Mario Galaxy using a Sonic mod. The level design, assets used, and movesets available are not how Sonic plays, and it’s crazy to think that we had to wait two years for this.
People always used to say “Give Sonic to Nintendo and let them make Sonic games”, and Lost Worlds is a fine example of why that is a terrible idea.
But then you have games like Sonic Colors, Advance series, and Rush which indicate that Nintendo does not interfere with Sonic Team’s work; and also that this game was being developed by Sonic Team on a PC before the Wii U was even announced. The sales of this game are not all Sega’s fault, at least on Wii U considering its low install base, but the overall quality of this has everything to do with Sonic Team themselves thinking that Nintendo gamers do not like Sonic’s gameplay (which is untrue given their past track record) and trying to clone the Mario formula.
Yeah but Colors and the rest weren’t also developed by Nintendo. With Lost World, developers from Nintendo ACTUALLY worked on the game alongside Sonic Team, and with that, the Mario elements managed to leak into the games.
I’m positive the tube-like gameplay was supposed to be a standard in this game, and I’m also positive the Parkour movesets were a standard when it was initially being made for the PC, but what I’m not positive about is everything else. No, I don’t think the wisps were going to return, especially for no reason whatsoever and I think Iizuka just added that in because the game was now on the Wii U. No I don’t think the graphics were going to be so visibly flattened that ever people who don’t even care about graphics, especially in a Sonic game, can notice and be irritated by, especially if it was going to be on PC, because with the PC SEGA can go all out graphics-wise. And no, I absolutely don’t think the level design for certain stages (I.e. Sky Road, Tropical Resort, and Frozen Factory) were going to originally be in the game. I mean seriously, parts of Tropical Resort force you to go around doing needless puzzles and literally not even running to guide some damn fruit to continue the stage. That has never been in a Sonic stage, and frankly that shouldn’t be pause when a element takes you to the point where you aren’t even utilizing the main feature of the franchise: running fast, something’s wrong.
I blame Sonic Team and Nintendo for taking away what really is Sonic and instead replace it with a Mario that can run a bit faster. I don’t blame the sales on either of them because people are just not interested. As I said before, I’m incredibly disappointed that I am going to have to wait an extra two years just to play a Sonic game that’s actually a Sonic game.
There’s no proof what so ever that Nintendo helped develop SLW. Honestly, if they had the game probably would have been much better. Between ST and Nintendo one has a track record for failure while one almost consistently puts out quality games. You do the math.
Whaaaat? If Nintendo has that kind of power over Sonic Team don’t you think they would make something NOT mediocre? What with their name being on the line?
Even if they did have SOME influence in the design of the game, the radically different playstyles, craptacular story and blah levels are all things that Sonic Team had to give the green light on. You’re treating it like they had Sonic Team at gunpoint and would only let the game come out if Mario rubbed his ass on it. Sonic Team tried to be too clever and different when they had just finished laying the foundation for a perfectly fine gameplay engine to experiment with. It was all them, You’ve said it yourself.
And that STILL doesn’t excuse Sochi, which has been noted as being weaker than Vancouver and is flying off shelves like a NyQuil drunk dodo.
Not enough info to really say, truthfully. If it’s something like Mario & Sonic, one would think they’re kind of stuck with it.
i voted “no” cause it’s not the plataform’s fault that a game is bad… sonic lost world on ps4/xbone would have been just as mediocre :/ this is Sega’s fault
This is a valid point on voting “No.”
@The new poll… really? Is this because of the DLC? Because we’ve only had 2 games. I highly doubt having some bad DLC would make the series (which again, is only made up of 2 games) jump the shark. :/
Yeah GTA 5 was really an amazing feat in gaming. I love that game.
I’m tired of SEGA using Sonic and only Sonic… And using the other characters for party or side games is only making it worse… Sure, it is nice to see Shadow on his vehicles racing and Tails sloping down the snowy hill and so forth with the others, but it’s starting to get annoying JUST seeing them like that… They are basically wasting the other characters’ potential to use their skills and abilities, all we see from them nowadays is racing cars and competing in olympics… This is actually one of the main reasons sonic is going down, because they think sonic and ONLY sonic is the still the answer to improving his games… It’s getting tedious to see Sonic and ONLY Sonic playable in main games, and making the other characters just watch in the sidelines…
I could argue that even 06 knew on how to have other characters in the game, even thought the game itself was botched by being rushed to meet it’s deadline.
Personally, whatever is in this 3rd part of the Nintendo deal, if it isn’t a Sonic Rush 3DS or something like a Sonic fighter or other cool spin off game, then this whole deal was a waste.
Completely agreed. Especially when you consider that the other characters have fanbases, some almost as large as Sonic’s. Some of us play the games JUST so we can see and play as our favorite character (mine being Knuckles, not Sonic). If Sega keeps this Solo-Sonic up they’re going to lose a lot of fans. There’s already a lot of people who are considering jumping ship and either moving on to the comics or leaving the franchise for good, if they haven’t already.
The only reason Sonic’s ever been going down hill is because Sega can’t make consistently good Sonic games. That trust from consumer to publisher died out pretty much when Sonic 3D came along all those years ago.
I mean you KNOW you have a sour franchise on your hands when even it’s own loyal fanbase has no idea whatsoever if the next Sonic game is going to be good or bad, and then argues to death, pointing fingers and comparing it to past games because even they have no idea.
I agree it is important to mix things up once in a while with new characters and ideas to keep the series from going stale, (I don’t think Mario 3D world would be the success it was without Luigi, Toad and Peach as playable characters) but for the most part, I still stand by the theory that this entire franchise could of been just about Sonic and Eggman alone and still be successful had the games been consistently fantastic and not just ‘Good sometimes’.
I’m tired of seeing Knuckles get used as a butt of the joke in Amy’s presence.
God damn it SEGA he’s the Guardian of the Angel (Floating) Island, not fucking Yamcha from Dragon Ball Z.
Please, SEGA, hurry up and abandon this sinking ship of a system, and take Bayonetta 2 with you. The Wii U is not your future, SEGA!
Well, actually, they can’t take Bayonetta 2 with them since Nintendo is the only reason that thing is even getting made.
I am fully aware of that. But surely there has to be a way to circumvent whatever is holding Bayonetta 2 back from being a multiplatform game. SEGA needs to find it and use it.
Well, to be honest, I seriously doubt there’s any realistic way to do it.
Ironically, Rayman Legends flopped across the aisle because it came out the same month as GTA V.
That’s actually sad, the new Raymans are really good, though GTA V FTW
So many opinions… so many people to disagree with… make it stop. 🙁
I wouldn’t bail out of it. Its easy money.
Going on Lost World, at least. Nintendo have paid Sega a bunch of money to make a Sonic game that behave like Mario games. The only problem is that while they had the mechanics right, the game is dull and doesn’t realise what makes Mario games good.
Its not a BAD game.
Now they also done the Mario Sonic Olympic game. Which might make money, might not.
Now they have this other Nintendo-Sonic game in development. It’ll be interesting whether to see if its another Unleashed/Generations game or if its Lost World 2 or if its something new entirely. Sonic does Metroid?
But its important to note(So important that I forgot to put it) : Unless Sega are really bad at negotiating contracts – They don’t lose money. They might miss out on bonuses however.
Agreed! The sales of both exclusive games are actually hurting Sega financially and arguably are aslo hurting the reputation of the Sonic franchise which was just gaining momentum with Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, in my opinion Sega could go the safe way and release a Sonic Unleashed type of game for the Wii U, or they could take some risks with the more succesful Nintendo 3DS and release Sonic Rush 3DS.
It was Iizuka’s own decision to make Sonic lost world look and play deliberately like a Mario game because of his own lack of confidence with the series.
All Nintendo wanted was 3 exclusive Sonic games, hoping for another success like Sonic Colors or the past Mario and Sonic titles to reel in a much needed fanbase and support for the Wii-u.
Nintendo’s at no fault whatsoever that the games were bad, fact if anything this exclusivity deal blew up in their face because they can’t even afford anymore negative rep towards the Wii-u right now, and they’ve essentially paid Sega millions to ironically do just that.
Not saying Sega was trying to sabotage Nintendo or the Wii-u, but both of these past Sonic games are proof that it makes no difference whatsoever what console or format Sonic’s on, he’s never been exempt from making bad games.
(And not to be a jerk but you did kind of contradict yourself in your own comment, a dull game is NOT a good game and never can or will be.)
I found Sonic Colors to be insanely dull. Is it a bad game? According to most, no.
Nice DeviantArt page BTW.
Hmm… good point.
And thanks =)
I didn’t say Lost World was good. I just said it was Dull and Not Bad.
And its not.
The controls are good. Graphics are good. Music seems a bit lack lustre. Story is kinda ok. Animals pop out of robots.
Overall – There is a lot of things that are good about Lost World. Its just the level design is dull.
Its average. In the grand scheme of things.
Alternative reading: 52% of those polled are whiny Sony/MS fanboys who can’t stand the fact that they can’t play certain games without buying a console they don’t like.
Was there nearly as much whining when Sonic Generations wasn’t released for Wii? Or what about Sonic ’06 (which was praised as a SUPER AWESUM ACH DEE game before it was released)?
Actually, the 52% are the people with their eyes open who see that this Sega-Nintendo partnership is failing and the Wii-U is sinking faster than the Titanic. Why anyone would want Sega to stay with this exclusivity is beyond me.
You call the Sonic/MS fans “whiny fanboys” but they’re all laughing hysterically at the Nintendo fanboys who STILL continue to support this failed partnership. It’s better to be a whiny fanboy whose predictions turned out right than a blind sheep who refuses to admit they’re wrong.
Alternative reading: “I paid $500 for an Xbox One and it’s already broken, so I’m going to buy another one instead of sending it back for repairs.”
…..And that has something to do with what I said?
The butt hurtness is strong in this one
u mad bro
Plenty of people were pissed about it especially because they ignorantly thought it was running on the same engine as Colors, just look in the comments on this very site from 2011. But go ahead keep creating these little fantasy worlds for your drive-by shitposts.
Only person living in a fantasy world seems to be you, who thinks everyone who doesn’t agree with you is “shitposting”.
Shitposting is how just about every post you make here is either crying about the fanboy bogeyman and/or distorting reality (acting like nobody was mad about Generations not being on the Wii haha that’s a good one!). Those all smell like grade A shit posts to me.
I didn’t say no one was complaining about Generations on Wii. If you read my post (which you didn’t), you’d notice I asked if there *were* people complaining about it.
Imagine a world where everything that’s happening now happens there, except the deal Sega is making now was with M$ and LW was exclusive to the Xbox One. What would you say then.
Bro, don’t be ignorant and try to make us look bad because we don’t games we like being exclusive to consoles we don’t like. Hell, KI3 is exclusive to the Xbox One, so how you think I feel about that? I’m pissed, because I waited for KI3 since KIGold for N64, and it comes to a garbage system who’s main saving grace is actually having games people want on it. The WiiU is even worse because it not only has games no one wants, but is taken down further by it’s forced gimmicks.
Case in point, if there was a poll like this for Sega to leave M$’s deal, I’m sure you’s sign it to, so keep your mouth shut.
I don’t sign Internet petitions/polls that have no weight. (I didn’t vote in this one.)
There *are* “exclusive” Sonic games for Microsoft and Sony consoles (Sonic’06, Unleashed 360/PS3, Generations [not counting the Windows version], Sonic Free Riders). I simply ignore them instead of ranting and raving at Sega for not porting it to a different system.
And no, I don’t have Sonic Generations on Steam, nor do I plan to get Steam anytime soon unless they remove the DRM. (This is the point where everyone starts whining that Steam DRM isn’t really DRM and begs me to buy a copy of Generations on Steam.)
Yes, Sega should bail out of the exclusivity deal, they shouldn’t stop releasing games for Nintendo systems of course, but I don’t buy that the exclusivity deal was just to focus on one console in order to make a better game; Sonic Generations was a multi-platform game and it was a bomb! Sonic Lost World, Sonic & the secret rings and Sonic & the Black Knight not so much (all exclusive for Nintendo consoles), and I know that Sonic Colors was also a success but my point is that Sonic Team doesn’t need to develop for only one console to make a succsesful Sonic game.
Generations was a bomb? Uhh… do you mean it failed? Because, that’s what the term usually means, and it’s used when it fails spectacularly. Much the way Sonic 06 bombed. From what I recall though, Sonic Generations had reasonable profits, not spectacular, but not what I would call a failure.
Some people say “That stuff’s the bomb!” for something good.
I mean it was good, if I said SG was a dull the it would mean that it was bad, though some people use that expression as a verb when something is bad (i.e. Sonic Generations bombed in sales).
Bring Sonic back to real consoles!
The only real consoles have BLAST PROCESSING xD
“Real consoles.”
Are we really doing this, guys?
I legitimately laughed at your comment. XD
But yeah, “real consoles” isn’t a very good thing to say, considering the XONE is more of an entertainment system. I know, since my dad owns one. Though it IS fun to play on.
Sonic belongs on Nintendo. Sure a couple of exclusive games were not quite where they needed to be, but they weren’t ’06 bad.
“Sonic belongs on Nintendo.”
Dude, they’re consoles suck. People don’t wanna pay for that shit.
“Sure a couple of exclusive games were not quite where they needed to be, but they weren’t ’06 bad.”
I hope you’re not trying to use an unfinished and rushed game as an argument on why Sonic belongs to Nintendo…..
Sonic adventure 3, 2013, 3rd game hasn’t been revealed? The only way it could be more obvious is if the release date was 03/03/03
Grasping at straws.
I thought Smash Bros. counted as the 3rd game.
I doubt it is. Smash Bros. is a spinoff fighting game series, it can’t count as a Sonic game.
No, Aaron Webber confirmed a while back that it wasn’t.
No. Sega needs to remain by Nintendo’s side to help push the Wii U further into the market.
If Nintendo themselves can’t push their game console coming off of the original Wii they don’t belong in the market.
I have no comment on Lost World, as I haven’t and won’t ever be able to play it, so I can’t judge if it’s a fun game to play or not. 🙁 I did watch all the cutscenes though, and I’m wondering A. Why the Zeti were made out of Play-Doh, B. Why the cruddy copout at the end by Eggman when they had something interesting going, and C. Now Tails gets an attitude?
I think a game truly is a failure if it’s not fun to play, not on it’s storyline. Sure, some of the more ‘kid friendly’ dialogue can cause a few shudders here and there, but if the gameplay’s good I can look past a bad/weird/annoying/etc plot. That being said, I dislike Sonic 06 for that reason. Not the whacked storyline, not the pitiful voice-acting, not the human-kissing-a-hedgehog-corpse, but the fact I couldn’t even get past the first stage without wanting to vomit from dizzyness. I have a problem playing most 3D/360/any game where you have full-roaming capabilities where I get dizzy and feel sick for awhile, and 06 did that to me almost immediately. Unleashed and Generations, I was able to play them an hour at a time (Unleashed for longer if I was only doing Day Stages) and I had fun playing them, and would recommend them to anyone. 🙂
Uhm, I think I”ve gotten off topic here. Oops.
I don’t know what Sega should do. If Lost World’s fun to play, it may end up doing better over Christmas, but turning Sonic into a furry blue Mario isn’t cool. Not at all.
I feel bad for Nintendo.
Nintendo made a partnership with SEGA at the time SEGA was making a bad Sonic games again. :/
Plenty of shit, absolute shit Sonic games have sold well in the past and don’t fall for the myth that Nintendo hasn’t put out garbage games before.
You know I think SEGA should just finish the contract. A deal is a deal, and if you back out of that you’re nothing but an asshole…the same goes for anyone else who would do that to a friend in need in real life. If they backed out now Nintendo would probably be pissed, but if SEGA continues then it could help in the future, it’s always good to stay faithful.
Plus it’s only one more game…..just finish the damn thing…it’ll probably come out next year.
Also another thing.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Why are you guys so god damn negative all the time? Why in the world would SEGA back out of their agreement with only one more game left to give out for it?
Also those SAYING it’s a bad game speak for yourself….please…
Some people actually enjoy it, now you CAN say that it’s pretty much like a Mario game because Izuka’s an idiot and needs to stop coming up with stupid ideas or be replaced.
But some people actually like this game and some think this game is average but they had their fair share of fun with it such as myself.
Anyways guys it’s negative comments like these that are making people get REAL TIRED of coming on this site and seeing the same shit. It makes people not even want to join the conversation.
You guys need to CHILL. Seriously…
You may not know how the next game will go
SEGA is a publicly traded company they exist to make money and keep their shareholders happy not people like you or even Iwata. One of their biggest moneymakers flopping because they took a bet on the wrong platform is a big deal and they will have to answer for it. If Wii U sales continue the way they are then they are better off burning millions of dollars in a barrel and charging admission.
I’m sorry this site isn’t a hugbox I’m sure you find tons of other Sonic sites and forums that ban critical thinking.
Most comments here aren’t very critical.
Thanks. A lot of Sonic fans, like this individual (it’s obvious), are quite young, so it’s great that you and a lot of others on here offer this kind of critical thinking, so they can use it in their future. The more people can critical think, the better we all are. It’s not being negative, it’s being educated.
Personally, if I didn’t like the franchise, I wouldn’t be on here. Sonic Lost World, from a large majority, was a mediocre game, the Wii U sales are terrible, and SEGA needs to make some decisions — one being lose the exclusivity, UNLESS Nintendo is paying them good money.
I like how you say I’m young without even knowing my age, yeah that makes sense.
Anyways back to the topic.
Nintendo may or may not be paying them, the fact is, is that we don’t know.
If they ARE paying them then they’re ok, but if they aren’t then SEGA may suffer a little from this.
But I believe it is a bigger risk to back out of an agreement with an ally that is POSSIBLY paying them and that can help them in the future, rather than sticking with the console for one more game that MAY or MAY NOT sell well.
Remember this guys….you don’t actually know what will happen in the future, YOU’RE JUST SPECULATING. Not that speculating is a bad thing, but you don’t know.
What if the Wii U starts selling huh? The main reason that the Wii U doesn’t have much now is because in the beginning they didn’t have shit….which was stupid of them to release it. Now they’re getting some games on it and not only that, THEY’RE PRETTY GOOD GAMES. Wonderful 101 is Amazing! Rayman Legends (Wii U) is terrific! Wind Waker HD is of course a remake but still really nice! Pikmin 3 is great! Super Mario 3D World is a fun game I’m sure (haven’t played it yet so I’m not going to say much about it). Bayonetta 2 is coming out soon! A new Zelda is coming! FUCKING SMASH BROS FOR FUCKS SAKE WITH FUCKING MEGAMAN! And I’m not gonna lie but Nintendo Land is actually kinda fun with friends.
I don’t know about you guys but I buy consoles for the games and these are a lot of good games for children and adults. I would assume that if we kept getting good and original IP’S such as these, people would eventually come and buy the consoles, it would make more sense to wait considering where Nintendo’s at but they’re getting there. I know the Wii U isn’t as powerful as the Xbone or the PS4 but when it comes to games and who has the best, does it really matter? There are some people who thought that the Wii U sucked that are now changing their minds to buy a Wii U because of all these great games.
Look I know I’m going on a bit of a tangent but….
All I’m saying is that you don’t actually know what’s going to happen in the future.
Just because you THINK something is going to happen doesn’t make it TRUE…
I try to view it from both perspectives and in the end there’s no real benefit in turning your back on Nintendo. SEGA knew what they were getting themselves into and they took a risk, y’know RISK! Ever heard of that? It’s what you do in a business that can lead to good results or bad results. In the end you can’t say, because you don’t know what will happen.
You can call your one sided arguments critical thinking all you want but if you call – “SEGA not keeping their word with Nintendo with a good possibility that it will create bad blood between the two, even though all SEGA had to do was make ONE game that is probably already in development – critical thinking!?
Then you obviously haven’t thought critically enough yet…
Next time think twice or even three times (because I know how hard it is for you to think critically) before you start talking about someone’s age and being a smart ass.
@SSJSonicXX14 and serpx
“SEGA not keeping their word with Nintendo with a good possibility that it will create bad blood between the two, even though all SEGA had to do was make ONE game that is probably already in development – critical thinking!?”
I don’t recall any of us saying anything like that, and yes, it’s quite obvious you are young. If you aren’t, you act like it. The maturity of your arguments and way of thinking are the red flags.
Anyways, it seems education in business would benefit you on why some of us are thinking in this “negative” fashion. Feel free to contact me outside of this website and I’ll give you said lessons.
Whatever dude, you can think what you want about me…
Look this is all I’m saying. It’s not like I don’t understand why you want SEGA to go multiplatform (or at least something other than just the Wii U).
Heck! I don’t think there’s a person on here who wouldn’t like for SEGA to not just to be tied down to the Wii U at this point, ESPECIALLY not at this point considering the Wii U’s sales.
But, it’s a contract that they made…There is no positive in violating a contract.
If they back out now it can lead into different problems that we couldn’t even guess.
I UNDERSTAND your point, but do you understand mine?
That’s all I’m gonna say….I’m not going to continue talking but I’ll leave you with your thought’s.
even though i agree with you aswell-he is critically thinking. sega needs to keep a good relationship with nintendo and backing out might break that. so go away with that “critical thinking” mess like Sonicmaster wasn’t thinking at all. >.>
“Lose the exclusivity” was my comment, and it seems to have been taken in the wrong direction. Let’s clear up the air a bit. I do not suggest SEGA back out of their contract of 3 exclusive titles, since they only have 1 title left, and also since Nintendo is more than likely financially supporting them on some degree. That would be dumb, and would probably cost SEGA more than save.
I suggest SEGA not proceed with future exclusive contracts with Nintendo, because they can be making a lot more money being on multiple platforms, UNLESS Nintendo is paying them more money than they’d potentially make on their track record.
Long post ahead:
Bad things should be expected, if SEGA backs out of this deal(which they won’t). Although it might be a wake-up call for Nintendo to realize that even SEGA dropped support on the Wii U, it creates bad blood. It also makes SEGA look horrible to the public, making them look like a company that goes back on their word(they’ll look like Capcom, lol).
Not only that, but if I can remember correctly, Sonic games still sell the most on a Nintendo system when compared to others. It happened before Sonic & All-stars Racing Transformed hit the million mark in copies sold.
I also have to say that, while Sonic Lost World and Sochi 2014 is probably mediocre at best to the general public, Mario’s latest(and supposedly to the critics, his greatest) outing isn’t even hitting the same numbers his games used to(smaller install base should be blamed, among other things). The release date chosen was also a contributing factor for both. Lost World appeared when a bunch of big-name titles were released, with Pokémon being one/two of them. 3D World released around the time the PS4 debuted, not to mention the Xbox One. So of course they wouldn’t sell as well as they normally would.
If SEGA or Nintendo tried to back out on the Wii U now, that would create disastrous results for the consumers who supported the system. Just roll with the punches. SEGA is known for taking risks, and this gen Nintendo is known for playing it safe. Unfortunately, neither one of those tactics are working out for them right now, so it’s best for them to just learn and move on.
By the way, I’m no Nintendo fan-boy. I’m actually a bit tired of Nintendo’s practices, as of recent, and I’ve recently bought all of my Sonic games on the PS3. I’m just stating that SEGA should continue to work with Nintendo on this last game.
Looks around…What a great fanbase.
Once this deal is over, it’s surely game over for SEGA, AND Sonic fans as well.
The only reason why Sonic Lost World was made is most likely because Nintendo funded it…
I’m almost sure SEGA’s going to focus on mobile games exclusively after this. PC at most.
As a former SEGA fan, I´m just crossing my fingers so that they get enough sales from this Nintendo-deal batch of games to make another multi-platform game in the future.
Wishing them the best of luck.
Nintendo & Sega are what gaming is all about, why split them up? Sure, sega makes good games, not the best. But i think with Nintendo they could produce fantastic products together like Mario & Sonic At the Olympics.
I would like Nintendo to start being more supportive of other third parties along with ideas that Sega can come up with, like Sonic The Hedgehog 1 3D…..i so f^$ing excited i cant wait to play it. I wish Nintendo would take notes from what Sega is doing with its classic lineup, even if its been pushed out number of times already.
I wonder how many of these people want them to bail out because they don’t have a Wii U. (In which case the deal is doing its job)
We want them to bail because we’re fucking sick and tired of SEGA playing coy with their own fans. In the past few “This is the perfect Sonic game for you” PR stunts that publicize their own games such as Sonic 4 and Sonic Lost World (even Generations, because I’m going to go there), how many excuses have been made from them for why simple solutions to problem X could not be solved…only to then be later seen as a fix from the fanbase WITHIN HOURS (IE: Sonic 4 PC calibration/resolution issues) or improved on through a simple meddling (IE: Generations controls on the PC port, Sonic 2006 reworked to actually function better, etc etc)?
Innumerable times we are more and more increasingly accepting of “Oh it’s not that bad” of a fanbase because a lot of us figure “Hey it’s a new Sonic game, we’re happy now! But if someone tries to tell us our new toy isn’t fun, we have to hate them.” so their bones of critique weaken further and further.
It’s not even so much that we are unpleasable (because we aren’t), it’s just a lot more of us are irritated that these games are becoming more and more….”by the numbers”, “status quo”, “safe”, or increasingly repeating mistakes of experimentation for the sake of Sonic Team wondering if by throwing a new idea out there that hopefully something will stick for the sake of making playing Sonic games feel ‘new and exciting’ again.
People wonder how so many can play and enjoy Mario games and well the idea is simple: the basics of every Mario game are transferable to every single game and small changes amongst each game are easy enough to understand and almost always makes the game more fun instead of a new homework assignment to excuse like “Nintendo didn’t know what they were doing here”. Someone who plays Super Mario 3 is able to readily play New Super Mario U. Someone who was introduced to Super Mario 64 can then jump straight to Super Mario Galaxy or even Super Mario 3D World because the applications are similar.
Sonic is an increasingly difficult franchise to stay relevant because it’s always changing and ST and SEGA seem to not be able to let go that they always have to renovate each time they create something in hopes that it stays.
Well, whatever happens, I just hope the next main Sonic has a better control scheme than Lost World did.
Sega should not back out of their agreement. If they really want Sonic to appeal to the masses again, they need to do 2 things:
1. Fire the current writers as they know nothing about the series or its characters.
2. Add more speed to the gameplay next time. Yes, Sonic is not only about speed, but Lost World was far too slow.
If Sega doesn’t do these two things in future titles, it won’t matter if they release them on multiple consoles. The games will still flop because they will not appeal to the masses.
I would like to add to that and say
3) Give development to the West again. Sonic Team’s stubborn nature of ST Japan is what’s staggering the franchise. We need a “Sonic 2” to happen in this modern Sonic day and age where an American team takes over and surprises the shit out of everyone with something that’s polished, new, fun, and has an identity that is easily translated to the consumer.
Relax guys. They got one more game left to develop in the partnership. Either the 3rd title is a sequel to Sonic Chronicles, part of the Sonic Storybook series, or a new installment of the Sonic Riders series. The possibilities are endless, until the title is announced. … And I heard that Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS doesn’t count.
And don’t try to ask the current voice actors via twitter, I tried that on Mike Pollock and Roger Craig Smith (who is Mutagen Man on TMNT 2012). Pollock just knows that Eggman is in it, and Smith is just keeping it a secret until the time comes.
If SEGA bails out now, when the deal hasn’t been finished, expect more than bad blood. Expect a lawsuit. That’s what usually happens if a company cuts ties with another one mid-partnership, as that’s the breaking of a contractual agreement.
Nintendo isn’t a graceful-loser company like Lab Zero (which quietly removed a character after a non-disclosure violation when they could have sued the violator to financial ruin). If someone or something disturbs Nintendo in the legal sense, it will pursue relentlessly until its target is wiped out. That’s been its approach from Giana Sisters in the 1980s to the Pokédex apps in the 2010s.
What we need are more people like you on this site!
Not the stupid people with the pessimistic attitude towards everything who are one sided, unreasonable, and non-sensible beings.
We need more comments like these guys keep it up!
Well, I’d like for SEGA to go multiplatform too, but I also want SEGA to, well, remain out of legal trouble. I don’t understand the logic of people who want SEGA to flake out, repercussions in court be damned, unless they don’t understand the idea of a contractual agrement (which I thought was common knowledge).
Weren’t we told all 3 exclusives would be out in 2013? That means whatever the third exclusive title is (any word on what that one is by the way?) it’ll be out of the way before you know it. Sega’s next BIG Sonic title will likely be multi-platform based on this timescale.