@Issue Poll: Buying a Genesis Mini
Our last site poll asked whether you got swept up in the hype of the Genesis Mini, and here’s what you said:
Will you purchase a Genesis Mini?
No, I’m not planning to – 110/226 (49%)
Yes, I’m planning to – 77/226 (34%)
I already have one! – 39/226 (17%)
Just over half of you either already have the console or were planning on purchasing it when you answered the poll, which is encouraging to hear for as the holiday season rolls on. Our newest site poll asks if the Sonic franchise had a good year this year, so be sure to share your thoughts!
I bought 2 for family members for holiday presents. They are both 4-6 years old. Hoping to get them into good video games. Was thinking of buying one for myself but I own a genesis that is hooked up right now and I pretty much have all the games on the list.
The Genesis mini would definitely make a good Christmas gift. Plug & Plays were how I played some of my first video games so this SEGA themed one certainly fits the bill.
As for the current pole… man. Sonic definitely had an interesting character arc this year. I’m sure the comics were stable, the Genesis mini got some spotlight, M&S at the Olympics is fun to have, and the Sonic social media has been doing a great job keeping things lively especially recently with the remixes & Chao in Space, but the thing EVERYONE was talking about this year was the goddamn movie… and it hasn’t even released yet.
It’s crazy how much attention the ordeal garnered to the point that people theorize Paramount planned this all out. My siblings were talking about it, my roommates, my classmates, my girlfriend’s cousin… Just like Pokémon Go, I thought the Sonic Movie would come and pass without much of a hoot. Seems I was wrong. I get that it became a trending topic, but man was it cool seeing this many people talking about Sonic. Of course it was in a negative light, as is synonymous with Sonic these days, but seven months later and MAN did they flip the script on everyone! The year ends with everybody talking about Sonic in such a positive aura! A freaking GameXplain comparison of the trailers was trending on YouTube for days! It isn’t even that big a deal, and the movie’s story/script is still likely the predicted Smurfs tier stuff, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping anyone from being excited about this movie! It just puts Sonic in such a positive light; it feels good.
Could Sonic have had a better year? Of course. 3D Sonic enthusiasts are still living in the fallout of Forces, and we still don’t know what to look forward to among other things. But as this year ends, I think we’re in a fun and unique spot that I think we ought to enjoy while it lasts.
I’m really excited for the year in supersonic review article, I don’t even need to look back at last year’s to know that Donnie did not predict what happened with the movie. But also, this is the end of the 2010s. It would be cool if there can be some kind of retrospective to the decade as well. It has been an interesting one.
It’s not for me. What’s staples for some is not staples for other. There’s no S3&K, Ristar, Toejam and Earl 2, Mega Bomberman — these are some of my favorite Genesis titles.