AAUK Completes Sonic The Hedgehog
This wouldn’t normally be headline news I know, but I have (on my 360 mind) FINALLY completed Sonic The Hedgehog – as in the original game. No deaths as well for good measure. Not only that my score places me above a certain Mr D.Knux which I am sure will horrify him immensely!
My lack of growing up with any SEGA consoles bar the Game Gear is well documented, so I’ve never really been all ‘it’s life and death’ over the classics – except for Triple Trouble which I adore. The fact i am not though does rub some people the wrong way because we all know Sonic 1 is the only thing that matters in life, apparently. Anyway this is actually a bit of a landmark for me, and I just wanted to share it. That’s all. 🙂