69% Feel Sonic Did Not Have a Good 2014
Happy New Year! The final poll of 2014 closed today and the first poll of 2015 is now open.
We asked you on whether you thought 2014 was a good year for Sonic or not. A total of 875 of you voted. The results are in:
No (69%, 605 Votes)
Not sure (17%, 152 Votes)
Yes (13%, 118 Votes)
The new year arrives in the sea of uncertainty over the next Sonic title. Time will tell just how things play out. For now feel free to leave a comment on the previous and/or current polls in the comments below.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Everything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger xD
That’s not true at all. Sometimes things that don’t kill you leave you paralyzed from the neck down.
Ask an ex-convict and he will likely tell you this isn’t true at all. i
He would say if he didn’t nearly kill himself O-D’ing on his illegal drug stash or taking a gunshot while robbing a store or bank, he would have been much better off. He would say he would have gotten much further in life using sound life principles instead of trying to take deadly shortcuts. He would say don’t be stupid.
“Rise of Lyric/Shattered Crystal” we both trash and can go fuck themselves. Not sure of the runors of the next main Sonic title are true, but it sounds way better than these, even if they are just rumors. Hell, Sonic Runners sounds like a better experience!
Well Happy New Year TSSZ Team!! Thanks for all the Sonic and SEGA coverage from last year and all the years before and I hope you continue to cover news in the future! Anyway, 2014 was a mixed bag for Sonic in my opinion, on one hand the games pierced Sonic’s reputation and on the other the Sonic Boom TV show and comics were very good. All in all I hope Sonic has a better year in 2015 and as always I’ll be rooting for my favorite video game fuzzball even he suffers because of stupid ideas or actions……
I have no idea what to answer for this next poll. I really can’t put my finger on what I want them to do.
And the number begin sixty-fuckin-nine is just the icing on the cake.
A lot of swearing going on in the comment section, can we please be civilized as sonic the hedgehog is a children’s series and I would hate to see a child read such vulgar language.
Plus I don’t think big red button did such a bad job I mean it was a team of 14 people who had just over a year to make the models. They were such a small team whom have never published a game before, but I do wish they never used the flawed game engine as that was bad news from the start.
But looking at 2014 in the way that we got 2 games released, around 15 new figure packs, a TV series, a movie announced, a new comic series based off boom and more I must admit I felt that 2014 wasn’t too bad of a year.
“A lot of swearing going on in the comment section, can we please be civilized as sonic the hedgehog is a children’s series and I would hate to see a child read such vulgar language.”
Cuz ya know, Sonic is totally popular with the kidos these days, right? I mean the nearly 100% adult audience for that horrific Sonic cartoon totally proves this right?
God these social rejects, wannabe parents and moral guardians are hilarious! xD
He’s not a bad guy for wanting some proper behavior and innocence around here. Nothing’s wrong with making the best out of a bad situation either. Lower the intensity.
…..why would another person care about how another person talks…..on a site where 100% teens/adults visit? Never before have I seen people try to protect imaginary children with such passion and fervor as the Sonic fanbase. Lol
I kind of curse casually in real life too, but I suppose I could make an effort if it really bothers people.
Thank you. I really appreciate it. 🙂
You win.
“Can we please be civilized as sonic the hedgehog is a children’s series and I would hate to see a child read such vulgar language.”
You lose.
Screw that! I thought Sonic had a good year. The only disappointment I had this year, was Shattered Crystal, and that was it.
I haven’t been able to play a main title Sonic game since Generations, so I think now would be a great time.
I know people would rather wait until next year for the 25th anniversary, but it doesn’t matter to me because all I want is a good Sonic game.
It’s been nearly 10 years since Sonic 06 so who really knows what Sega will do, they could screw it up and then everyone would be ashamed that it calls itself an Anniversary title!
So for heavens sake worry on whether or not it will be a good game and not worry about what year it releases!
I feel Sonic had a good 2014. It’s a better year than he’s had in many. The cartoon raised a good amount of views. 2015 is uncertain to me though. Sonic Runners doesn’t look great. Maybe that Sonic movie will come out, not to mention we’re getting Worlds Unite, but that’s the best I’m seeing for him in 2015.
Sonic Runners has no information of any kind available yet, where are you getting this?
Here’s hoping the rumours are true and sonic will have a good 2015, sadly that will also mean a likely bad 2016 but what are you gonna do. Seriously, I really, REALLY hope the movie tie-in game isn’t real
I didn’t think anything could beat 2013 for worst Sonic year of all time but 2014 seriously blew my mind. What a firework display of failure! xD
Anyhow, I want these rumors to be false. A tie-in game for a 25th anniversary title is unacceptable, plain and simple. That goes without saying. I want them to release some a respectable side game (no, iOS shovelware does not count) this year and go ALL OUT with a massive effort to impress us for the anniversary. These rumors feel fake and I certainly hope they are fake.
Basically, 2016 needs to be as ambitious as 06 but this time around…actually completed.
What we’ve been hoping for ever since 2007. Right?
Why was 2013 a bad year? The worst thing I can remember is a mixed reception to Sonic Lost World, but nothing as catastrophic as in the late 2000s.
Being completed wouldn’t have saved that game. Sonic 06 had serious design issues that couldn’t be addressed without either scrapping them or reworking them altogether.
I hope you aren’t talking about the level design which was perfectly fine. The core level designs weren’t broken. What SURROUNDED the levels were glitched to high heaven. (Collision detection, scripted segments, level gimmicks etc.)
You simply cannot wtite off an unfinished game by saying it’s “design was flawed”. You have no clue how a completed product would look so your judgements are by their won nature, based on what product we have now, which is half done.
The game committed the same mistakes the Sonic Adventure games did, it was unfocused mess of a game with out of place gameplay (vehicles, telekinesis) filling up a majority of the game. The level design may have been passable, but we also had problems like health bar enemies and combat rooms hampering the pacing. A nearly useless spindash, and inability to hurt enemies by merely jumping into them. Inert physics and the controls poor didn’t help matters.
Not to mention the dull art-style and realistic humans making Sonic and co look completely out of place.
Out of place gameplay, telekinesis, vehicles, combat rooms and enemies with health bars. Inert physics and poor controls. Dull art style wit h realistic humans making Sonic and co look out of place.
It would’ve still be a mess of a game even if they fixed the glitches and would still suffer from the same issues the Adventure games did.
It makes me curios why you are comparing Sonic to games and series that have nothing to do with it. The fact that they are different series with different sets of expectations is someone with a half a brain would realise even, so surely you can do that as well, I hope. You also need to understand that those games you mentioned were new IP’s with no set expectations to them. That is obviously not the case with Sonic series, which has very clear and defined identity as a series, in gameplay, attitude and setting.
You claim that all the issues I listed were technical. So, was it due to technical reasons why they had vehicle sections? Was the enemies with health bars also due to a technical issue? Then I guess Silvers whole gameplay and level design was built around technical issues as well… Did you even read what I, or you for that matter, actually did write? It doesn’t seem that way judging from your reply. Those are not technical issues, but design ones. They would have remained even if they fixed the glitches and other technical flaws.
And SA1, while not a disaster especially at time of release, was a mess. It wasn’t particularly good either. You need to get over it already.
Also, maybe you are the one who should “cool your jets”. It obviously looks like I hit a nerve somewhere, but be less sensitive about it, it hurts your credibility otherwise.
Different series, different expectations. Shouldn’t have been that hard to figure out.
My only real gripe with 06 is that even if it was fixed, Blaze’s inclusion would have still made absolutely no sense what-so-ever and really just felt like a cheap way to stick a character alongside Silver with little thought to it. Same can be said for quite a few other characters who were just stuck in while the main three hedgehogs got all the spotlight, Knuckles being another good example.
“Different series”
No kidding?? I mean I thought Ratchet was a Sonic character!
Again let’s go back to something that might be unfamiliar territory for you: logic. Don’t you think the designers of Ratchet & Clank had to sit down and PLAN how to introduce these elements into their core gameplay without breaking the flow of gameplay? Do you not think the designers of Jack & Daxter had to do the same thing? You see, it takes TIME and PLANNING to determine the optimum method for applying varying gameplay styles.
Now I ask you this, do you think Sonic Team had time or much of a plan during the 1 year development of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)?
“Different expectations.”
So guess expecting a finished game is exclusive only to the Ratchet & Clank fans? What are you even talking about anymore?
Sonic 06 would have been perfectly fine and perhaps even the definitive 3D Sonic experience if it had the proper attention and time put towards it. As for the artstyle, perhaps you don’t like it since “samik iz a kawrtoon and needs two be in kawrtoon greenheel zoan!” but I actually like how vibrant each location looks, especially Kingdom Valley. As for the realistic humans, I won’t debate you on that as it did indeed look strange but that isn’t even close to being a good reason for 06 staying unfinished. Even if I prefer the SA1 humans, all Sonic and co. needed was some FINISHED models with the proper proportions and facial range. That would have done wonders in breaking the awkward “art barrier”. But lemme guess. The ugly Boom artstyle would be far more appropriate?
But again, you have no argument. Like what did that comment even mean? It’s just as vague as your first reply to me.
It also doesn’t help that they feel the need to keep referencing the fact that she and Silver teamed up while still stating that she’s from the Sol Dimension. (also, fuck Rivals, Eggman Nega is NOT from the future, and I won’t accept that) And funny enough, them constantly referencing that started with the DS version of Colors….
Let me elaborate; Sonic has very defined identity. This goes for gameplay, character, setting art and music style. Just because some other, non-related, games do something, does not mean that Sonic should do it as well. And being finished was not what I was referring to, which you probably understood but just decided to pull a strawman. People expect a Sonic game to look a certain way, to sound a certain way, and of course, to play a certain way.
Telekinesis, vehicles, emphasis on combat, all of that effectively undermine that, as well as the inert physics. They don’t undermine the other games, because people expect different things from them. This shouldn’t be hard to understand.
And it kinda seemed like you’d think that Ratchet was a Sonic character, since you used that series as an excuse for a Sonic game to implement unrelated features. “Bu.. but… Ratchet did that!!!” please.
I completely agree. There is almost no logic connecting any of Blaze’s appearances. They all feel disjointed and reboot-ish. I don’t see any way of salvaging her besides a much needed retcon. I would use the 06 appearance as a starting point and rebuild her character from there. Because honestly, her Rush origins are rather….bland. The whole Sol Dimension concept would be very cumbersome to include in a story since it is such a massive plot element. She needs to be written “closer” to Sonic and Co. If you get what I mean. With established character connections and backstory as well. I’m not a big advocate of Sonic characters with backstories but I say Blaze is an exception. If her “royalty” status were to be retained, that would need explaining for sure. There are very few characters I am willing to trash. The Babylon Rouges and Shade being the only fodder characters in my mind.
If we’re going for completely retconning Blaze, I’d rather not go for starting off at her 06 interperation, the whole Iblis sealed inside her, connection to Silver, and being from the future needs to be dropped post-haste. (I like Silver, but I wanna see her either solo or as a more main focus without being up-staged by a hedgehog character)
Honestly, sometimes when I look at most of the stories in Sonic, there is a level of disconnection to most of the appearences and stories, yet there is a small amount of connection them (save for Lost World which I honestly just don’t feel how that meshes with the main continutiy). Generations had a chance to give us a defining link to all these along with explaining so much, but really missed it’s chance there.
Personally, I do enjoy bringing in the Sol Dimension element for her stories, (I’m the kinda guy that likes that kinda multiverse stories) since I’d love to see more of the link between the Chaos and Sol Dimensions explored. But I do agree having her closer to Sonic and the others makes her more readily available for inclusion of events. Really, as long as however she appears has Burning Blaze involved (and doesn’t just make her completely worthless like how Archie writes her), I’m all for it.
Tails and Knuckles in Sonic 3&K still adhered to the established gameplay in a faithful manner, so did their, or rather Knuckles, stage design (Tails and Sonic shared stage design). So that doesn’t work as an excuse. Sonic CD did as well; the game still played distinctly like a Sonic game. All of the classic game had a consistent, well defined gameplay across all of their games. Don’t even try to suggest otherwise, makes you look ignorant.
The other media didn’t infringe on the games, each of them did their own thing. Needless to say, it did fracture the franchise.
And Sonic 3D.. really? You are going to use that game as an excuse now?
And please, don’t use strawmen. You are pulling things out of nowhere. Nowhere did I say anything about most the stuff you are accusing me of. So, please, try to read what people are saying for once.
And if anyone here needs to cool their jets, then that’s you. I’m not the one throwing a tantrum here.
Sonic CD plays close to nothing like the original Classic trio having a more bounce-heavy pinball design philosophy. The game slashes your speed in favor of “lol bouncing!” which, by the way screws up the activating of the obligatory Sonic gimmick which happened to be speed-based time travel. Sonic CD had thrown away almost all the flow of a Classic Sonic game and it felt extremely disorienting from a level design perspective. Sonic 3D Blast…again nothing traditional in the slightest, this time around the gimmick being “3D perspective”. Also, the GameGear titles having some glaring design choices don’t even phase you I see. Let’s not forget the Knuckles Chaotix “lol teamwork” gimmick which once again, was anything BESIDES traditional. But what am I saying! The Classics were perfection and are exempt from any and all criticism!
I never said that Knuckles or Tails didn’t build on top of Sonic’s core gameplay. What I am saying is that it was the natural evolution of other characters getting their own distinct playstyles which is what lead up to the differing playstyles in SA1 and SA2. To hate SA2’s “genre roulette” is to hate it’s precursor S3&K and as you honked out earlier, declaring the classics were anything less than perfect makes you look like a stupid fanboy. I doubt you will call S3&K out on producing something you apparently hate.
You also haven’t proven why a fully completed Sonic 06 would be a “mess” other than saying “multi-playstyles don’t fit Sonic” without any supporting proof what so ever. Nice. Keeping the TSSZ commenting tradition of stupid ape-like keyboard jabber going on strong I see.
PROVE that fully developed multi-playstyles wouldn’t work in a modern day Sonic game.
You haven’t done so because….YOU…CAN’T! There is literally NO PROOF to say that multi-playstyles would ruin a Sonic game since the reception of SA1 and SA2 prove you dead wrong. You simply want them gone because you are compulsive and want nothing but Sonic’s traditional [2D] speed levels in a Sonic game. It has NOTHING to do with what would and would not actually work and has EVERYTHING to do with your fanboy preferences. Lemme guess, all Sonic characters should be slight variations of Sonic’s core gameplay, essentially pulling a Sakurai and creating an entire Roster of Sonic clones.
Thank God you aren’t a game developer.
Your first paragraph doesn’t make much sense. What do the classic games have to do with what you said in that piece? Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, and Sonic 3D are not classic games. They do however, build upon the distinctive Sonic gameplay, from the classics, apart from Sonic 3D. The team mechanic is implemented in a very natural way and compliments the established gameplay. Sonic CD literally plays like the classics as well. Telekinesis, combat and vehicles on the other hand, do not have any resemblance to the established gameplay. Telekinesis was even supposed to be its own game, and not part of Sonic.
Natural evolution? You have to be kidding me. There was no evolution, it was plain change. Without the superficial elements, like the character models or the presence of rings, one would be hard pressed to tie into a Sonic game. Bringing in S3K into this is just plain wrong; all of the characters shared one playstyle in that game. That can’t be said about Sonic 06.
And to prove that alternative gameplay does not work for Sonic, I bring you Sonic Unleashed: The GoW like combat driven gameplay was lambasted by fans and critics alike. There was near universal agreement that it was out of place in a Sonic game to have such gameplay. Look at reception that the re-releases of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 received; the reception fell significantly each time those games were re-released. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle saw a double digit drop compared to the original despite being released only six months after and being an improvement in every way over the original. Similar fate faced the first Sonic Adventure game. Those games, along with Unleashed, and Lost world prove my point to the fullest extent.
You also do realise that most good games have one gameplay that dominates the game? Just look at games such as Valkyria Chronicles; turn based strategy makes up the entirety of gameplay and its excellent. Bayonetta; several different characters, but all of them are styling with combat, the sections where the gameplay deviates from the norm is either entirely optional or a very small part of the game. How about the RGG series; the brutal combat dominates the gameplay, there’s other gameplay to be had, but it’s once again either optional or a small part of the game. All of these are highly acclaimed games, which we haven’t been able to say about Sonic for way too long of a time now.
If Sonic 06 tried to build off SA2, then that’s already a bad way to go about it, because SA2 offers a poor foundation to build a good game upon. That is not the case with the games that build upon the classics games. They are not classics without reason you know.
The time travel in Sonic CD does not change the gameplay to any significant degree. It doesn’t change it all even. It works in coherence with it, as it’s based around speed and speed is still gained and utilised in the same manner as the classics.
The tether mechanic amplifies the established gameplay and adds a new dimension to the gameplay. It uses the same principles of momentum based gameplay and how that would be interacted with such a mechanic.
That is not the case with telekinesis nor the combat oriented vehicle gameplay presented in Sonic 06. More than just gimmicks, those gameplay styles saw a dramatic difference compared to the established gameplay that. They did not compliment what was there; they threw what was there out of the window and presented a new style of gameplay. You accusations of double standards thus fall flat.
The additional characters in S3K did not change the core gameplay. All of the characters in that game had the same core move set, and all of them interacted with environment in the same manner. All of them had comparable speed, and level structure. Their playstyle remained very reminiscent with Sonic’s which made the game more consistent and coherent.
“Because god knows realistic worlds were never used before 06. It was always Greenheel Zoan.
SA1 and SA2 didn’t need to use a checkerboard pattern to let us know it was a Sonic game. It let the actual game do the talking. Like it or not, realistic locations are just as much a part of the Sonic image as Emerald Hill or Lava Reef. Also I never knew that the actual inclusion of a Sonic character in a Sonic game could be categorized as “superficial”.“
You missed the point. The differing gameplay that has been presented to us through several games is so far removed from the established gameplay that the superficial aspects are the only thing that ties into Sonic.
That was not the only reason werehog was criticised. The fact that created such a huge contrast between the two gameplay styles is another. Sonic Unleashed was like two games crammed into one. In SA2’s case it was three games crammed into one. This effectively served to betray its namesake of being a Sonic game, when a large part, 2/3rds in case of SA2 and 1/2 in Unleashed’s, played nothing like the game marketed itself as. As such, it’s not hard to understand why it fell out of favour.
The deteriorating reception of the Sonic Adventure games is something that can be observed as a consistent. With each re-release, their reception gets worse and worse. And that’s not limited to single incident reviews, it’s based on the accumulative average.
From my observation of fans, it is usually the autistic ones that keep supporting those games in the first place, not the other way around. Our discussion seems confirms that observation.
“………really? Turn based strategy games are SUPPOSED to play the same across the board dor all characters. Bad example.”
No, it was actually a decent example. You admitted that a certain game is supposed to play in a certain way. So, why can’t that be applied to Sonic as well? Well, it can Sonic has to play a certain way. Otherwise, it’s not really Sonic in anything but name (maybe a slight exaggeration, but the point remains).
“Now you’re talking sense. Having multiple OPTIONAL playstyles is a great compromise as we can play the main characters (whoever they may be depending on the game) and unlock the extras afterwards. I have no objections to this.”
The issue isn’t with the characters. As I said in Bayonetta all of the characters share the same playstyle. They don’t play identically, but they are not radically different like in Sonic 06. The game, and the RGG series, handles the different characters similar to how S3K did it.
“Also I must ask why exactly do your Bayonetta and Valkyria Chronicles examples trump my Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter examples?”
You claimed that Sonic series needed to diversify its gameplay to remain competitive. If that would be the case, then a game that only has one dominant gameplay instead of several ones, would either be very rare or non-existent. Those examples prove that is not the case. Implicitly it is also suggesting that neither does the Sonic series need to have several different playstyles to be competitive, something you suggested.
The Sonic series started out with one dominant gameplay style, and out of it the series finest games were born. The Sonic Adventure series can at best be seen as controversial, while the rest of the games that had multiple playstyles range from mediocre to flat out bad.
I want the best for Sonic and his games to be highly successful and of course, enjoyable. Having a consistent gameplay dominate the games will serve to help achieve greatness for the series. This is based on that his best regarded games used that design mentality and many other great franchises do as well. It serves to make a more coherent experience and it reduces the workload for the developers enabling them to polish it up and making sure the other elements of the game are of high standards as well (graphics, music, story, content).
Ok so half of that is yet again you rambling and repeating yourself over and over again with points I debunked long ago so I’ll ignore those segments.
You ramble and repeat about the “reception and scores” of SA2 and ignore all the proof to the contrary I provided, namely the sales and fan demand.
You ramble on about the “unchanged” core gameplay of Sonic CD when the level design of the entire game is fundamentally different from any Sonic game before it.
You ramble on about the “core gameplay” of Knuckles and Tails being unchanged in S3&K when I have already said it is what TRIGGERED the playstyles seen in the 3D titles.
You ramble on (and damage control) the Unleashed combat. You don’t seem to get that video games are supposed to be fun first and foremost. Only a compulsive autist would cry about “what belongs” in a Sonic game. If it works and if it is fun and if fans approve of it, than it belongs. SA1 and SA2 were genuinely fun games with flaws. Fix the faws and you literally have a basis for a 3D Sonic game. Like I said, you literally can’t prove that these gameplay styles don’t belong other than you and critics not liking them. SALES prove that core gameplay means nothing to the people that find it fun. Am I advocating Sonic become a game of chess and connect four? No. I am saying that these playstyles especially telekinesis have huge amounts of potential and to throw it away because you and many other narrow minded dolts branded it “unfitting” is idiocy. Just because a character plays differently does not make it “unfitting”.
Also, let’s touch on this subject of “different” aside from the mech gameplay, what was so different? In SA1 Tails played almost like Sonic with the added ability of flight, the same goes for Amy and yes Knuckles. Just because their levels had different objectices does not mean the core gameplay was “changed”. Knuckles was still fast and platforming was still present. The same goes for all the non-mech playstyles. Each character should have defined attributes and this includes distinct gameplay. SA1 is the best example to date of successfully differing playstyles. Knuckles’ stages are genuinley enjoyable and far more fair when compared to Adventure 2’s treasure hunting. But according to you, treasure hunting stages should be trashed due to not being a typical race to the finish Sonic stage? Yeah no. A playstyle that has already proven to be fun and could be even BETTER using today’s tech advancements does NOT deserve to be thrown away. And again you can cry about how it’s different but your core gameplay argument holds no water since the core gameplay of action platforming is still present, the only difference being your objective is to find something rather than get somewhere. But I guess Silver being slowed down and able to throw things means the entire gameplay is changed.
Lastly action-stratefy games is a terrible exmple to use since not many people care about that genre to begin with. Valkyria Chronicles is not a massively successful series. Project X Zone is another example of action-strategy having limited success. The series isn’t mass market. R&C and J&D is though and they successfully merge combat, vehicle etc. gameplay without disrupting flow, but of course those examples don’t count reasons.
Even Rayman 2 did it successfully going from pseudo horseback ridding to flight to entire levels dedicated to sliding down paths and launching off ramps. This effectively switched up the gameplay but the main objective remained the same. But I guess these examples are all bad since they aren’t Sonic. God forbid Sonic characters do anything besides run from Point A to Point B.
Next reply try not to repeat yourself and drone on aimlessly.
Now who’s having double standards. So, Sonic CD was too derivative from the established gameplay, based on the level design, yet treasure hunting was A-ok despite it changing up even more compared to what CD vs the Classics did.
And yes, I do defend Sonic Unleashed and the werehog gameplay simply BECAUSE it was fun at least compared to the alternative gameplay seen in the Sonic Adventure games. Using your logic; the fact that Sonic Unleashed sold even more than either of the Sonic Adventure games, proves that people found it more fun. Continuing on from that; the fact that Sonic 2 is the bestselling game in series, that is almost universally loved by both fans and critics alike, which can’t be said about the Sonic Adventure games, proves that people prefer one playstyle, not several.
As for the differences, this should be obvious; in SA1 does Amy have the ability to spin-dash, roll, spin attack, is she even able to go fast and take advantage of the environment in a way that is so distinct to the Sonic series? The answer to all of that is: no, she does not. Knuckles has apart from different objectives, also a different moveset and different approach to level design. Contrary to what you claim, his treasure hunting gameplay was not fun. At best, was tolerable, simply because of how short and mind-numbingly easy it was.
Action platforming is an incredibly generic term that can be applied to dozens of different games. I hope you realise that. That and the way you described the playstyle of the classics merely as “2D obstacle-course gameplay” shows your ignorance towards the series.
RC and JD aren’t and never will be as huge and iconic as Sonic once was. They will never have a game that is as good, as fun and as revolutionary as the classic Sonic games were, and continues to be. And Sonic achieved that with one consistent, coherent gameplay style. Those series aren’t even Sony’s most acclaimed or successful games.
Also, you don’t care about gameplay. You don’t care about the Sonic gameplay. You don’t care whether a game has one or several playstyles. You don’t care about treasure hunting, despite claiming it being fun and doesn’t “deserve to be thrown away”. Because if you did care, you would mind treasure hunting being scrapped in Sonic 06, but you don’t, because you don’t care, despite claiming that it could be the “definitive 3D Sonic experience”. So why do you keep arguing something that you don’t really care for? I already know the answer, but I want you to think about it.
Unleashed (3 consoles) vs Adventure games (2 outdated releases)
Seems legit.
And you seriously just said “Ratchet isn’t the most popular Sony franchise” as some attempt to disregard it. I guess all those unpopular indie games should be disregarded as well? Screw Freedom Planet!!! xDDDD Oh god this is getting hilarious! R&C has condidtently had better quality titles than Sonic since they debuted. They had more effort and put forth and experience that meshed good content and multiple playstyles near-perfectly. Sonic can’t say the same and until you prove what makes Sonic so different from other platformers besides it being “faster”, you literally have nothing to disprove how multiple playstyles can’t work for a Sonic game besides broken arguments about critics or whatever you were jabbering about.
You literally just said “Werehog is fun because I say so and Treasure Hunting sucks because it’s easy and I said so!” Preferences=\=fact. Just a heads up. I can explain what the term “preferences” means if you like. I guessswinging your arms around in a combat arena is “totally hardcore” right? The epitome of challenge. XD I wouldn’t be surprised if it was challenging for someone like you. Also trying to convince anyone here that Werehog was better [received] than treasure hunting will end in laughter.
Uh oh! My “double standards” have been exposed! Never mind the fact that I have already proven how the core gameplay of Knuckles in Sonc Adventure was unchanged, containing speed and platforming exactly like Sonic’s and punches replacing the homing attack. Never mind the fact that the core gameplay of Sonic CD has an entirely separate focus on pinball ricocheting rather than momentum based speed like ANY OTHER 2D CLASSIC SONIC GAME. Yeah I’ve been exposed alright.
I already clarified my statement by saying that using playstyles that have proven to either have potential or to be fun would be the best course of action. I never said I didn’t care and trying to say someone who is clearly debating you about gameplay doesn’t care makes you look, yet again, exceedingly stupid. So I won’t even address such a point as It is it isn’t even remotely worth my attention.
“They[Ratchet and Clankgames] had more effort and put forth and experience that meshed good content and multiple playstyles near-perfectly. Sonic can’t say the same”
Finally, you understood that Sonic hasn’t been able to properly handle multiple playstyles (and it won’t, for reasons that are simply beyond you so I won’t even bother anymore). Thank you.
You can’t prove why Sonic can’t have multiple playstyles because there is literally no reason why he can’t. You have done absolutely nothing but spew nonsense about your personal preferences on what belongs in a Sonic game, proudly displaying your love for a watered down “God of War” knockoff gameplay. Then you tried to justify it all with half-baked arguments about critics and cardstacked “sales”, both of which failed miserably and amusingly. I gave you two perfectly viable video game series that support my argumet and the most you did to counter them was claim that they “weren’t as acclaimed as Sonic is” which is false by the way. (I’m still sitting here wondering why a series needs to be “acclaimed” in order to be viable. Must that infamous Nintendo Logic.) You claimed Sonic had a very “distinct” formula yet failed to define it as you also failed to follow your own train of thought. Sonic did exactly what was “cool” and “extreme” at that time. He HAD no “distinct formula” besides healthy doses of pop culture and appeal. But a gameplay “aficionado” like yourself most likely wouldn’t have known that since I can guarantee that you don’t even know what the term “content” means within the context of Sonic the Hedgehog (The series not the 2006 game, just in case I confused you.) You rambled on about 90s Sonic spinoffs not being classic sonic games when they clearly are for the obvious reason or BEING RELEASED DURING THE CLASSIC SONIC ERA. You did a lot
of subjective ranting yet never objectively proved anything. You brought NOTHING to the table and when you peal back the layers, you are nothing but another long outdated Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) hater, too busy childishly shunning an 8 year old video game to make any seblance of a logic argument. You failed to provide sufficient evidence for why the Sonic series can’t handle multiple playstyles when he had already done so in the past, regardles of whether those past attempts contained flaws or not. You’re all washed up, irrelevant, stuck in the past and compulsive. You go off of nothing but what YOU want. THIS is why you lost the argument. Because you failed to do just that: Argue.
But I will thank you. It was a nice change of pace to have an opponent that wriggled a bit. You did a good job feigning inteligence with those bloated, puff-pastry responses that either made no point to begin with or repeated the same exact point you surprisingly managed to churn out. Sadly, yet another debater enters the intellectual battlefield entirely unequipped with the necessary tools and weapons to secure a victory: Logic and Reason.
I accept your concession Charles, however meager it may be. Goodbye to you as well.
You excellently described your behaviour!
A weak deflection rather than proving anything related to the topic.
Concession accepted.
I did. Maybe you just didn’t understand something. I can clarify if you want me to.
Can’t say I care anymore but if it’ll soothe your smarting ego, go right ahead.
As if you needed to ask me anyway. Nice way to buy time I guess.
Damn I missed that one. I would of totally voted “Worst year I have seen ever”… Ok so that weren’t on the list but you get the point. I have never felt so down on the series even during the dark age period.
This is a “oh god they didn’t have a clue. Sonic team have proven too not have a clue and I cannot see how it could even get any better”.
I didn’t like 2014’s Sonics much, but I’m pretty optimistic about 2015. I don’t see there being a new main game until his anniversary in 2016, but whatever comes out on the side is likely to be better than what they’ve had this year.
I feel that “uncertainty” isn’t the proper term. It implies that it isn’t certain that Sonic is headed for a long period of suckitude.
Not sure how to answer the current poll. On one hand, I want a good main series title to make me forget Boom exists, but at the same time, I want them to put more time into the development of their next main game. Honestly, I’d rather there be an option for “A good, solid game that isn’t too horribly flawed, and is actually a finished product that lasts for more than 4 hours on the first runthrough with a lot of replay value afterwards.”
sonic boom cartoon was good. sonic boom toys were good, smash 3ds and wiiu both good, sonic jump fever good, sonic boom comic good,
sonic boom wiiu bad, sonic boom 3ds not the greatest, sonic archie comics going down hill, sonic boom del taco promotion bad,
i think goods out way the bads
I’d argue about the Boom toys. In comparison to the Jazwares figures, the articulation is far inferior, and some of the paint jobs I’ve seen on some of them aren’t the best.
Screw that. Fuck sonic 06.
1000rings? What does that means? You repeat the same horrible circle of logic 1000 times before you learn? You says sonic rush was boring for blaze yet she does shit in sonic 06. I believe you’re just one of the dregs that stick blaze with silver just cause for you happy fan service.
Anyways fuck you this site is awesome
you could have had the decency to reply to my actual comment chain but w/e
No I actually don’t pair blaze with anyone….what a stupid assumption lol
I find more potential in her 06 appearance than in her Rush appearance., or rather I feel that the 06 Blaze appearance would be easier to write for over the long haul since we don’t have to account for an entire dimension when including one character. I was more interested in Blaze in 06 than in Rush. You can stop trying to “expose” me now lol
Also my name is “100Rings” not “1000rings”
Dang ys, slow your roll. 100 rings is being honest… yes, your comment was true… but SO RUDE! Plus when I was in the sonic stadium, I was rude to sega and other companys (the companys who made sonic boom), but… I would like to apologize to them. Why? Cause I thought they ruined sonic boom, but they tried to help, then I got blocked, sometimes I go too far in my behavior, but yes, they ARE trying to help. Sorry sega, big red button entertainment, etc, I went paranoid against you. I would apoligize for you ANYTIME. 😉
2014 was definitely among one of Sonic’s worse years, and I’d rather forget about Boom’s existence completely though I know people will bring it up from now for the rest of eternity.
Still, the only thing we can do is look towards the future titles. They’re coming, whether we want them to or not. We Sonic fans should seriously try to find some sort of middle ground as to what we expect in these games and push our ideas towards Sega. We need to let them know that these low-quality, lacking games they’ve been shooting out at us are NOT okay.
You’re right. They need square enix or others that make realistic graphics in games. Here is why I chose square enix: greatest graphics ever since tomb raider 2014. But don’t forget they choose these games usually in rated M (rated mature) I want rated E 10+ sonic games, darn it. Blood, gore, and strong language is not my stuff.
The Sonic fanbase is awful. Why do we hate on each other for simply expressing a different opinion/viewpoint? Also, I can’t take anyone seriously who makes fun of autism.
They are the reason why Sega is done with Sonic multiplatform games.
You know what?
I’d believe it. With this fandom? I damn well would believe it.
Im one of the autistic ones, BUT WHY DID THEY DO THAT!? T_T cause they don’t care about me and others that are autistic.
I really thought it was uncalled for and insensitive to use “autistic” as a negative label against critical reviewers. It’s as if he was saying being autistic is synonymous with being stupid. It hurts me deeply to see how people use the word autistic to describe anything that they don’t like. There is a Google Play review of Sonic SatAM that does the very same thing. Heaven forbid one of my autistic friends saw it or they would get dreadfully offended. It makes me sick to see fans be such bigots. Prejudice against autism is, in a way and on some scale, the prejudice against blacks of our century.
Not surprising in the least, from the start I knew that the “Year of Sonic” was BS. The only thing disappointing is that it took people so long to realize it, even though it became more and more obvious with each passing month last year. Hopefully what happened will show people not to blindly defend everything Sega craps out when we’re the ones paying money for their games and actually have some standards.
I guess calling everyone here a mindless dregs is consider nice enough not to be treated like jerk dasher15. He seriously didn’t have this coming.(At least on this site)
Anyways now that he’s not ranting and shot gunning everyone I’ll be nicer to him. 100rings I believe your just star gazing potential for bad games as your argument. I also see you blaze idea is terrible. Good bye
lol bye xDDDD
69% felt that Sonic had a bad year.
..Because Sega really reads these and actually does something about it with their games.
thing is its just a percentage, no where does it state what sega did right for sonic and what went wrong, and just because people felt that sonic boom games were bad games, nowhere does it point out what they did right,
for example:
it was very sonic adventure styled for the Hub world
new characters who wernt main characters
flawed game engine (BRB’s fault)
Wii U couldnt handle Engine,
Bad lighting of scenes
few bugs
sega needs to get good with the bad, otherwise they will just scrap the good stuff and we keep getting experimental games, if we point out the good it could be one step closer to getting a new sonic adventure style game
“sega needs to get good with the bad, otherwise they will just scrap the good stuff and we keep getting experimental games, if we point out the good it could be one step closer to getting a new sonic adventure style game”
Yes indeed. I don’t think it is that easy though.
2014 was the worst year for Sonic ever since 2006, it was absolutely disastrous.