SEGA’s Director Of Animation: “I Think The World Is Definitely Ready For Another Sonic TV Show”
Yukio Kusumoto had something interesting to say in a ComicBook interview:
ComicBook.com: Do you think the popularity of these shorts could eventually lead to a full on show in the same style? Is the world ready for another animated Sonic TV show?
Yukio Kusumoto: I think the world is definitely ready for another TV show, and I would love to work on it. There are several discussions and this is coming from me personally […] I would love Sonic to continue, so I’ll keep trying to put more stuff out there.
Who knows what this would be like, but with Sonic Boom being done for 2 years now, as well as the Tyson Hesse Sonic animations gaining more and more positive reception and momentum, there very well could be one soon!
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
As long as it’s something that aims to appeal to all Sonic fans and stand on it’s own two feet rather than leaning on either classic or modern appeal like the shorts have been doing.
Music to my ears.
Sonic is a character with movement built into his design. The world is always ready for animated Sonic TV shows because Sonic thrives in the medium, 2D or 3D.
Well, a new cartoon will be awesome to look forward too. But, I believe, it will be in a different formula and a different art style with a good proper development team. The whole Sonic community will be please for this. until then, lets see what happens once we get close to Sonic’s 30th anniversary in 2021.
If its anything like the recent animated shorts then it has my interest.
I would love another TV Show.
I was ready ever since season 3 of Boom seemed less and less likely. Say what you will for how it started, it definitely found it’s stride through the rest of the first season and especially in the second. Some of the best use of Sonic’s current voice cast and I hope that it helps inspire their dialogue writing in future titles (not that it will, so long as they keep Pontac and Graff in to keep mucking it up…). Anyway, sad to see Boom fade away after I started appreciating it, Mania Adventures definitely got me hyped for a potential new 2D animated Sonic show, so please give me some Sonicy goodness in animated form, lol.