SEGA Preps For Crossovers Galore – Or Should That Be X-Overs?
It was a double dose of crossover action today, with one piece of somewhat overdue news revealed and one mystery that just keeps on growing.
First up was the news that Virtua Fighter fans have been waiting for, well, except for Final Showdown at any rate. Virtua Fighter is FINALLY going to do a crossover of sorts with series figurehead Akira Yuki doing the honours as a guest character. Unfortunately the news was tinged with disappointment slightly, as the crossover is with the upcoming… sigh… Dead Or Alive 5. Now whilst it is slightly more realistic fighting techniques than the likes of Street Fighter, lets face it Tecmo-Koei’s DOA franchise is so far down the fighter pecking order I’m surprised they are still going.
Still head man for Team Ninja Yosuke Hayashi was very flattering about Akira’s inclusion – the first time DOA has had a guest character crossing over.
“Gamers will have an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable battle with an esteemed competitor in Akira Yuki set in the Dead or Alive environment. This year will prove to be an amazing one for our loyal fighting fans as we are delivering a fantastic fighting game that can only been experienced in Dead or Alive 5.”
OR – just buy Final Resolution.
Footage was revealed showcasing all of this (below), with Akira beating the bejesus out of non-descript busty character C – let’s hope Sarah Bryant stays out of this for her own credibility. Although some of you probably would love to see her with DOA physics…
Meanwhile interesting things are beginning with another crossover previously announced for the Nintendo 3DS by SEGA, Namco Bandai and Capcom. The teaser website has expanded a tad and you can now click on the various petri dishes inside the safe each revealing three different coloured X’s – almost like some form of DNA. Could these be representations of characters? If so who are they?
SEGA’s are below:
[Source: Videogamer.com via SEGA Bits and Ein Eagle Vanato]