UPDATE: Sega launching new “Sonic Boom” Cartoon
This certainly came out of nowhere – a source has tipped us off that Dave Polsky, writer for such TV shows and movies like South Park, Frank TV, Scary Movie, and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, was dropping hints at the Ohio-based My-Little-Pony-themed convention Trotcon that he was currently writing episodes for a new Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon under the name of “Sonic Boom“. For what it’s worth, Sonic Boom is even listed in his Featured Guests profile on the Trotcon website:
Dave Polsky
His credits range from features (Scary Movie, Scary Movie 2) to animation (South Park, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Sonic Boom, Class of 3000) to sitcoms (Pair of Kings) to late night (The Keenen Ivory Wayans Show) to daytime (The Donny and Marie Show) to sketch comedy (Frank TV, Cedric the Entertainer Presents). Add that to the fact that he got his start in game shows (Singled Out) and you have a textbook case of a) versatility or b) terrible career management… take your pick. Dave created and executive produced Disney’s The Buzz on Maggie, in addition to writing other pilots for Disney Channel, FOX, CBS, Castle Rock Entertainment, and Nickelodeon.
Moments ago at his Trotcon Q&A Panel, Polsky revealed more information about “Sonic Boom” – we’re still waiting to see if our source can elaborate more, but early reports indicate that it is a “Pony-esque reboot of the cartoon series”. What, exactly, that means is currently a mystery – Sonic has had no shortage of cartoons over the years, and each one of them involves completely different settings and supporting characters. Any one of them could be rebooted, and it’s worth mentioning that one of Polsky’s contributions to MLP was, apparently, writing music for an episode, so not even Sonic Underground is out of the question at this time.
Right now, you know about as much as we do. We’ll have more on this as it develops.
UPDATE: Our source has offered more information now that the panel is over regarding “Sonic Boom”. All Polsky would say is that it involves Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy Rose, and would lean towards “comedic in style”, making it sound unconnected to any previous Sonic cartoon.
Stay tuned!
MLP’s possibly going to be connected to Sonic the Hedgehog?
Sounds cool I just hope they don’t make another Chris thorndike type character.
I tend to dislike the My Little Pony fanbase.
I really hope this show doesn’t create the next wave
of autism that is MLP.
Haha, wow, using autism as a descriptive term? how insensitive. At least the MLP fandom seems to know how to have fun. All Sonic fans can seem to do is complain.
Or argue, like your doing right now.
Seriously though, MLP fans are worse because they flip out at EVERY FREAKIN’ PERSON ON THE INTERNET BECAUSE THEY ASSUME WE ALL HATE THEM.
Okay, truth be told, we do hate them, but you know what I mean…
I’m a Sonic fan that likes MLP and an MLP fan that likes Sonic. I actually grew up with both fan bases. I know that there are Pony fans that are rediculously hurp durp but I also know Sonic fans that are exactly the same way. But I can’t think badly on the whole because of the few.
Except for fucking HOMESTUCK. Ive had many many run ins with Home stuck fans I can safely say that they have the worst fan base I’ve run across.
They’re worse because they think most of the internet hates them? Because… it’s true? Well, I can’t say all the internet hates them., that’s a bit of an over generalization. I mean, I don’t hate them. Then again, I’m not a big supporter of some of their more vocal crowd either… But you can’t really get mad at them for being upset about something that’s true and a negative. Or maybe you can, but at least from my point of view it’s a bit irrational.
I guess what I’m getting at is that I see a lot of my friends (who are into the show) sharing tons of fun and silly stuff and just in general having fun. And then you look at the notes on Tumblr and see how many people are complaining about HOW DARE THEY HAVE FUN AND CROSS MY FANDOM WITH THEIRS *SHAKE FIST* THEY DON’T DESERVE TO HAVE ANY ASSOCIATION WITH MY FANDOM. It’s just prideful and makes you look like the party pooper. You’re free to not like the show or the fandom but in my opinion you shouldn’t be an ass about it. It’s like if you don’t like oranges but someone else does, you go up to their face and go HOW DARE YOU LIKE ORANGES! THEY’RE TERRIBLE, EVERYONE WHO LIKES THEM IS TERRIBLE. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE MY OPINION IS RIGHT AND YOURS IS WRONG. I donno. That’s my point of view. Obviously I was a bit riled up when I made the first comment because I actually *care* about my friends, and even if I don’t care for the show much, I respect them. I respect your opinion as well, I just don’t agree with spreading hate about ANYONE, especially for something as stupid as liking a television show. We should be about enjoying Sonic stuff, while also having constructive criticism about them, but more often I just see the criticism part. Especially the negative. Which is interesting, but to me it’s not that fun to talk about.
Anyways, at this point I’m just rambling. Carry on 😛
Your opinion makes perfect sense 🙂
Members of various fandoms come in several varieties, there’s the super loose and the ridiculously strict as the main two, then several in between. Unfortunately, I’ve been hanging with the ridiculously strict most of the time, so I sometimes think they’re all that way XD
MLP fans also know how to annoy other fanbases by making pony versions of characters from videogames, anime, and other tv shows. They’re a cancer on the Internet .
My good sir, that is the PERFECT definition of a MLP fan 😀
Totally agree!
Thank you, Samurai.
And yes, I’m insensitive, because this is the Internet.
Agreed. Sure the fanbase make “good” content but at times its just uugghh
Why would they annoy other fanbase, if they are making crossover because they are part of the other fanbase themselves? Like, I’m making crossover Gundam and ponies because I love both? You’re just butthurting yourself.
Sorry but the Sonic fandom was the cancer of the internet LONG before MLP became popular. 😛
Pretty sure Sonic fans do the exact same thing, Mr. Kettle.
So the Sonic fans who do the same thing are also a “cancer on the Internet” by your logic. Interesting. Well, have a good death 🙂
Sonic fans complaining about MLP fans and vice versa is probably the internet’s worst case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Dave Polsky’s actually pretty decent, so this bodes well for the quality of the show’s writing. Here’s hoping the animation also has a real budget.
That first comment…. I love you. That is exactly what is happening in this thread XD
That first part of that comment is so true. Thank you.
Just because it’s the internet doesn’t excuse insensitivity. We’re all still people / human. 😛
oh boy, here we go. someone from 4chan using ‘autism’ to describe MLP.
I really hate people like you. Not because I’m trying to be insensitive to you or anything…but FUCK you guys are such sheep: no sense of pride and all saying the same things.
Can you read? The only thing we know is Dave Polsky is one of the show’s writers. He just happens to have worked on MLP. He’s also worked on Class of 3000 and South Park.
It’s almost like you didn’t fucking read the article at all.
You’re all connecting up a silly news banner and what the guy has worked on too much. There’s been no mention of it being a Sonic crossover.
Well, if Dave Polsky is on board, then at least the show will have one mostly decent writer. Although the comedic part has me slightly worried. I personally don’t want it to be another cartoon where it’s just random things happening each episode that everyone forgets about the next episode. :/
Yeah, I’d love a good plot and some continuity. Something that combines the epicness of the Adventure stories with the humor of Colors would be awesome.
Guys, guys, guys, calm down. If you’d taken a look at the article, you would find that the cartoon is simply going to be written by the same guy what wrote My Little Pony. Did you honestly think that they were going to make a Sonic cartoon with ponies?
I, for one, am excited. I didn’t care for SatAM, and Sonic X was just… eww. I honestly think that this could end up being the best Sonic cartoon yet.
You are the most level-headed one here. Props to you.
You deserve a medal for being cool headed guy 😛
To you and everyone else using this argument:
“early reports indicate that it is a “Pony-esque reboot of the cartoon series”
That’s more substantial than just writer credits, and is a legitimate cause for concern. Emulating bottom rung entertainment is not something this series should reduce itself to.
Emulating bottom rung entertainment? Excuse me?
What he means by that is how big of a change and success that the 4th generation of MLP brought to the ENTIRE FRANCHISE AS A WHOLE; that it even stands out or even has any success at all to begin with is a big plus.
Sonic fans need to get their heads out of their asses and do some research and actually READ THE ARTICLE for what it is, not for what the baiting cover image of this article did.
Overreactions aside, i can’t have a verdict on it until I’ve seen it motion.
Please have high-quality animation, game VAs, and no pointless humans… *crosses fingers*
The problem here isn’t that a Sonic cartoon is going to be written by writers from MLP, but that said fact is apparently enough reason to shove those fucking neon sugar sacks down our throat while telling us.
Well, considering he started talking about at at a pony fan convention I highly doubt the explanation was going to try to avoid mentioning ponies.
Yess, well there’s a bit of difference between “Hey, this happened at an MLP convention.” and “This happened at an MLP convention, therefor WE SHALL COVER THE NEWS BANNER IN PONIES AND TOSS SONIC ON THERE SOMEWHERE!”
Calm your fucking tits down, Tristan is doing this just to piss you people off and you’re just walking right into it.
But why you guys even get angry about it in the first place is actually a mystery to me.
That is exactly why it’s pissing us off, it’s being done for the simple reason of instigating. It’s like when you don’t like a certain food and some jerkass decides that that is reason enough to begin shoveling said food down your throat at any chance he can get.
It is a bit hypocritical what with the saturation the Sonic series has online, but the fact that such a problem was instigated simply for the lulz is a gigantic dick move for the people who simply want to read some fucking SONIC news.
I’m really excited to hear more info about this! I actually enjoy MLP (well, Friendship is Magic) and knowing a writer from the show will be a writer for this new Sonic TV show has me excited!
Since this will lean towards “comedic in style”, does this really show that in this new era of Sonic The Hedgehog, SEGA is officially trying to stay light heart with Sonic and friends instead of being all dark and serious like in the past? Have nothing against the direction SEGA is deciding to go with Sonic (still loving the blue blur!), but just curious!
Anyways, rambling aside, looking forward to this!
That is a terribly misleading photo and you are terrible people for running with it. Why do you work so hard at being so terrible?
Agreed: this is Kotaku-tier baiting Tristan and you people ought to aim to be much better than that level of bullshit.
Your reactions are just, wow. Just because you saw ponies on the banner you exploded.
For me, I’m excited I mean I did hear around January that Ken Pontac will be doing a Sonic Cartoon I believe.
It’s literally the reaction image of “Oh look it’s a pony! Now your day is ruined!”
Finally! Been wanting a new Sonic cartoon forever. I hope it’s better than Sonic X. That was a big disappointment.
I’m also hoping it’ll be CG, and not some ugly, cheap, Flash animation, like a lot of cartoons these days.
I’m really looking forward to this. 😀
Comedic in style? So it could be Teen Titans Go but with Sonic? It could be interesting.
Going more into it, maybe we’ll get more info at Comic-Con.
Teen Titans Go! is crap and made a Pony referencing EPISODE as it’s first. You’re not making me feel any better about this.
I’m not happy about this. The world doesn’t need another Sonic the Hedgehog TV show. Is Sonic even that popular with little kids nowadays?
Well ofc they have to do this or Sonic will die along with his old fanbase. They have to expand.
Sonic X has been in constant re-runs since 2005. They still air it even now.
Yeah, I’ve seen kids with Sonic T-Shirts even a Sonic Free Riders one 🙂
He’s still fairly relevant as a kids thing (not as relevant as he used to be ofc) but a new cartoon would probably give Sonic a bit of a boost in popularity with the kids of today.
“Is Sonic even that popular with little kids nowadays?”
You have no idea…
Am I the only one here who actually liked Sonic X? I didn’t see how it was that bad ((I mean yeah Chris was kinda annoying, but I still liked it)) but anyways. I’m personally not a fan of the MLP series. But it doesn’t matter to me who writes the cartoon series, as long as I enjoy it.
i liked sonic x too, but the japanese version. 4kids version was cheesy as hell, had annoying voices and cringe-worthy writing, while the japanese version had actually some sonic adventure’s tunes, great acting (all the original voices were in the show) and an overall better pacing.
I also liked SatAM and kiiinda followed Underground when i was a kid… they were mediocre – OK shows…
I think with a little effort and caring, a good western sonic cartoon can be made nowadays. Just look at some current tv cartoons like Regular Show, Adventure Time, the new looney tunes show and, without going further, Friendship is magic (even when i don’t like the show). They actually have pretty good writing :DD
could you imagine a Sonic cartoon as funny, fast-paced, and adventurous as Adventure Time? that would be tons of fun
While I’m not a fan of MLP (and actually dislike it to a certain degree) I’m interested in seeing what a new comedic Sonic cartoon (probably inspired by Sonic Colors, and Generations) would be like.
Comedic how?
Are we talking cheap humor, subliminal messages, or humor that mostly adults and teenagers would understand?
I’m excited, to say the least. I hope the art style is similar to X, and I hope the episodes will have actual STORY in them, not just random humor.
@Ryan Bloom – To you guys have any idea when we can expect this show to launch?
I hope this cartoon will be on big name TV networks like Disney or Nickelodeon.
I hope its on Cartoon Network.
If it’s from an MLP writer, it’ll probably be on the Hub.
Well, there was mentioned that he worked on SOUTH PARK and SCARY MOVIE, but those weren’t aired on this channel, because, if I’m correct, hub is actually TV Channel that aires cartoons based on Hasbro toys.
As long I can watch it on the internet, I really don’t care
This is what Sonic needs. Pony-esque is the cartoon style. My little Pony is an adventure cartoon cover coated with wacky characters and comedy. Teen Titans is like that, the new Ninja Turtles is like that. It’s great! I really am glad to have Sonic cartoons back in American hands. No more boring Sonic X garbage.
You said it!
First off, before you’re a pedophile, you’re a brony. Second off, I cant wait to hear more on this Sonic cartoon. Had no idea I’d even be excited, and very surprised they even want to make a new Sonic cartoon.
You know how some polticians who are constantly railing against homosexuals end up getting outed themselves because they’re actually in the closet?
I’m going to apply the same logic to you. So, why don’t you have a seat over there.
HAHAHA YEAH RIGHT wow that was the biggest laugh I had this week. Thanks for your ignorant comment, SerpX.
Speaking of bronies.
hehe 😉
Speaking of Sonic “fans” 🙂
Yeah, like you “Sonic fan” are better. Puh-lease ! “Bronies = pedophiles” for you ? Wow, you must be a raper then, because there have been Sonic fans who raped girls ! See how I can make a stupid association like you ? Also, bronies are well known for helping people in charity action. Freely. What did YOU do, mmmh ? Other than wasting your time on the internet, typing stupid comments and doing nothing productive ? Look at your own life before judging other people, and then you’ll be allowed to talk, moron.
Labels and stereotypes exist for a reason. Which means, if you wear the all black goth look, then there’s a high chance you shop at Hot Topic. If you’re asian, there’s a larger chance you’re talented at math.
I made up the pedophile thing for laughs, but bronies really do weird me out more than Sonic fans. MLP was aimed for young girls. Sonic’s target audience goes way beyond that, which makes being a Sonic fan less weird. Just sayin.
Lauren Faust made MLP FIM for every audience, FYI.
No, it was originally made for young girls before the brony mess started. I’ve done my research, though the answer is obvious. You honestly think My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, was made for people of all ages? Marketing definitely didn’t think that.
I hope it doesn’t only involve those four, whatever it is.
His credits involve Pair of Kings a.k.a one of the worst things ever created. This does not look good for Sonic.
I won’t say anything until I hear what network it’s on, the character designs, and a pilot episode or preview of some kind. Consider how Sonic’s had an insane tribute to Looney Tunes and slapstick, a dark and gritty show, a show that was the shining example of the 90s extreme attributes and DiC’s odd habit of including songs in every show they did, and an anime that included a human character with little to no development and eventually became the main focus of the show, I’d love to see what show’s going to do different. Will it stay true to the source material or will it try to be like the previous shows?
My interest is piqued. Can’t wait to hear more about it. Specifically, I want to hear that it’s not an Xbomination exclusive “TV” show, or that it won’t be cancelled when the station executives play corporate musical chairs.
Wow did this news just come out of nowhere! Anyway I am just glad that sonic is indeed getting another cartoon since it’s been awhile since Sonic. As for the tone and what the cartoon will be about, well looking at the past four incarnations and that they are going for a more comedic style… your guess is as good as mine. Hope we get more info on this soon.
I don’t mind it but only if sonic is the main focus and is badass
No ponies. They are ruining sonic. Really.
Calm down, seriously -_-
>Ruining Sonic
Please excuse me while I find my sides
To some extent, that’s actually true. People turn everything into ponies. Someone turned GLaDOS into a pony. I couldn’t believe it.
People also turn everything into Sonic characters.
So, yeah, there’s that.
That’s not true at all you fucking idiot. There’s cross overs of everything. Nothing is ‘ruined’ at all just for merely being crossed over with another franchise: unless you’re really this new to the internet.
Excuse me, but there is a difference between a crossover and changing characters completely. I am allowed to be tired of seeing ponies everywhere. No need to be so offensive.
As long as it’s not Disney, I’ll be okay with a new Sonic cartoon. But come on, I feel that Sonic has too many cartoons, and not enough video games (well, “good” games at least).
I can’t believe that there is going to be a new cartoon, Sonic is a game franchise, not a cartoon franchise. I mean, Sonic has way too many animated series compared to other video games, which some game franchises only have one or two animated series based on them, whereas Sonic has now four or five.
The only Sonic animated series that I truely loved were AoStH and Sonic X. AoStH because it was funny, and Sonic X because it was awesome. Underground was okay except for it’s flaws, and SatAM was okay except that it was the most overrated show of the bunch, and on the other hand, the OVA was very awesome, too.
If Sonic gets a new animated series, I’m hoping that another video game star gets one, too. I always wanted to see a StarFox show 🙁
It doesn’t matter what the rest of you say, Sonic games are better than Sonic shows in my opinion.
Gravity Falls is pretty good. So was Tron: Uprising. But no one will watch them because for some reason disney = bad / childish? But ya they certainly aren’t perfect.
The fact that Sonic is getting another TV show really shouldn’t surprise me as much as it has – I mean, SEGA has been pushing Sonic in markets outside of video games for the past few years. The shows have always been nice companions to the game series, but I’d never say I prefer the TV series over the game series. Some of the shows were actually half decent, but we have to remember that their material is based on a game and exists to sell games. So ya. My opinion. 😛
You gotta be kidding me… Enough with these silly, comedic, nonsense of animated tv series… especially when they’re based on franchises not known for such…
They effed up Teen Titans with Teen Titans Go! and now Sonic is probably gonna go down the same road…
Y’all kids really need to get a new appreciation for tv shows… I dont mind sillyness in tv shows, but these shows today are idiotic, non-original, predictable and have no sense
Maybe because you have grown up?
Gravity Falls, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Amazing World of Gumball. All well animated, comedic and generally funny shows. You’d be surprised how badly something like Sonic SatAM has aged; not all the past cartoons were great.
Yes because you’ve seen a few and are wearing rose tinted glasses EVERYTHING is terrible nowadays isn’t it?
This is gonna get weird…
A new Sonic cartoon? Hrm… not ENTIRELY sure how to feel about it considering the track record Sonic cartoons have had. AoSTH was… a thing, SatAM was alright but kinda overrated, Underground was crap, Sonic OVA was decent, and X was very, VERY mediocre regardless of which dub you choose to watch.
It’s going to be more humorous apparently, which… ehh… I don’t mind a little humor, but I also expect some action from a Sonic series. AoSTH was the most comedic Sonic animated series, and I kind of hated it. Its animation was all over the place, and to me… the same way some people on TSSZ feel about the humor of Colors, I feel about AoSTH–not funny in the slightest. Since we have no other info on this project aside from the article itself, I’m not going to be too harsh on it. I hope it’ll be entertaining, and if it’s not, then whatever. It won’t have a major impact on the series.
Don’t really mean to come in guns blazing, but MLP is not very good. Bronies and intended age range aside, it’s just not very well written, nor is it particularly funny. I realize that this writer has other credentials, so I’m keeping an open mind, but the part of the article mentioning “early reports” has me a tad concerned.
I don’t mind a childish cartoony humor-based Sonic cartoon (LOVE AoStH), even if it’s not very good (Sonic X), but inexplicable success stories aside, I’d hope that this thing’s producers would have higher aspirations than a completely asinine cartoon.
At any rate, interested to see how this develops.
Come come ChaotixFox, you’re far too level headed to go around stating your opinions as facts. I mean, I understand if you really don’t like mlp; I’d be worried if I were in your shoes too. But lets make a little room for the many sonic fans who do enjoy mlp and don’t see it as asinine, fans with just as much intelligence as your or I, eh? I’m surprised at how virulent people here are at a fanbase that doesn’t effect them in any way (current news notwithstanding). *shrugs*
Personally, I’m staying cautiously optimistic, as I do with anything sonic related from sega. But if “pony-esque” means in any way “character-driven”, then I may have hope.
Ack, sorry – *ChaoticFox
>MLP is not very good
>it’s also not very well written
You have got to be fucking kidding me. You can not like it but this whole bullshit “state opinion as facts” shit here?
Come off your high horse.
Really you guys? Fucking Jesus. Do I have to throw up a disclaimer over every comment that says “this is obviously my opinion?” I’m not claiming to have a doctorate level dissertation on the matter, and I’m not riding some kind of high horse just because I don’t use the words “I think” at the start of every sentence. But here IS a fun fact: most people think their opinions ARE facts – I’m not saying I’m objectively correct or infallible, but I wholeheartedly believe and stand by what I say, and I DO have some legitimate reasons for saying so beyond the fact that it just “isn’t my style”. You feel like you need to “defend the honor” of yourself or your shows? Go for it! Start a debate! Give me an example where MLP ever aspires to being more than generic daytime kid’s programming. I’d love to hear it, and it’d do more for your case than putting words in my mouth.
I’m not going around trying to run some kind of anti-brony smear campaign, but I gave the show an honest 6 episode shot just last week and found practically nothing of value in it – no laughs, no “character development”, no exceptional storylines, no reason to continue watching the series. It’s honestly not at all BAD, or worth the level of hate that it gets (though a fairly large portion of the fans I have personally come across most certainly are, which is where I think a lot of the hate comes from), but what I watched was completely uninspired. This may seem like a cheap shot comparison (though I promise it’s not), but even Barney the Dinosaur has its place, I just wouldn’t ever call it clever or well-written, and if it ever generated a following as obsessively devout as MLP, I would be just as dumbfounded.
THANK YOU. I was about to say the same thing 🙂
Weird, couple of my comments aren’t showing up. Putting on a stricter filter than usual in fear of anti-MLP backlash or is it something else?
Could be overload to be honest–we’re getting a LOT of traffic in on this.
I’m on board already.
I’m pretty sure Pony-esque means similar to the shows tone or style.
Obviously it would be more gender neutral, but I look forward to new developments. I’ve been hoping for a new Sonic show for a while and I can’t wait to see the results :3
BTW, Tristan, tell me, was that banner meant to fuck with people? I need to know, because the response is hilarious.
Tristan didn’t write the article, I did. No, it wasn’t meant to screw with anyone – the information was framed to me as “I’m at a MLP con, this is what is being said, this is who is saying it”.
I figured it was fitting.
I realized you wrote it after I wrote the comment, I apologize for that.
And that does make sense.
Thanks for answering!
this is stupid, they are ruining everything about sonic and the rest of the gang! 🙁 ughh.
I’d love to see a new cartoon series, and honestly, it doesn’t surprise me it’s going to be more comedic in tone considering how silly recent games have been. I just hope it has an even mixture of comedy and action, and isn’t as random as AoStH. I’d also like to see them use different elements from past Sonic games. I mean this is an opportunity to make a really great series. Anyway, the way I feel can be best described as cautiously optimistic…
Man, if there’s another Chris I’m going to shoot myself.
Somehow I doubt that’ll be an issue in this new series, but honestly, I’m right there with you buddy.
What the hell? We only know that the cartoon exists, we have NO idea on what the episodes will be, all we know is that the main characters will be the main four heroes and, it will slide in the comedic area.
Seriously guys why the heck are your over reacting? Just because a guy does work on MLP? Now I barely know about MLP all I know that it has a fanbase that said rival the Sonic Fanbase
and you know what? Screw you guys I’m can’t wait, we just know that it exist and already, ALREADY you saying that it sucks when you haven’t seen it?! My god
This guy up here. He gets all the awards. Over-reactions are all over the place. Just wait for more news – right now we barely have anything.
Mlp isnt really a rival more like friend, with some friendly healthy competition
Sounds similar to AOSTH. I hope the animation is going to be decent on it.
Also that banner is giving me aids.
I like how people are getting butthurt over a single writer from MLP working on the show… especially since they only recently found out the show was happening to begin with because a MLP con mentioned it in his bio…
This is a good example of irony.
I like how none of the other cartoons Polsky was involved in were included in the header image. :/
omg, that caught me off-guard lol
I don’t like ANY of the Sonic Cartoons, not even the anime Sonic X. But maybe it is good this time, who knows? The guy works on MLP and MLP is GENIUS. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy? YES! Characters from the game, and only the important ones.
Maybe there’s something good coming from this.
I don’t watch My Little Pony, but from the few episodes I did see it’s just another cartoon. The jokes are catered to every age group contrary to the show featuring ponies.
Yes, this may not be the direction some Sonic fans are wanting for Sonic, but as of recent with Sonic Colors, etc., Sonic is taking a more light hearted approach and is straying away from his Adventure style of story.
You scared the shit out of me with that banner and subtitle. Don’t DO that, my poor heart can only take so much.
It’s just made by the same people, apparently
This isn’t a bad thing an any way shape or form
If they could take a series like My Little Pony and turn it into a show that’s appealing to both men and women from the ages of 5 to 30, why is it a bad thing that they’re making a Sonic Cartoon?
I’d personally wait for a rating to come in before judging it.
If it comes out TV-G, we may have a problem (Granted some Disney cartoons turn out rather well on this rating)
TV-Y; less than ideal, but MLP manges to rake in thousands of fans of all ages and genders with that
TV-Y7; much more Ideal (And Plausible) as it allows for the action you’d expect from Sonic, with Jokes and Humor far more appealing to older fans
TV-PG; less likely, but it would allow for much of the same humor seen in Adventure time, and Action equal to DBZ (in its Televised form), ThunderCats (2011), and SymBionic Titan (Which featured monsters exploding and releasing purple Blood all over the surrounding area)
TV-14; Not a chance in Hell, So I Won’t go any further
It all depends on what the new show will look like… See I’m a fan of MIP but for the original, the new series Friendship is Magic is too babyish more for 4 year olds, while the original was more serious… And that’s why I have some concerns about the new series for Sonic… I loved the AOS series because it had a mixture of Comedy and Action and the Animation wasn’t too babyish… But I’ve seen the new series for MIP and it was way over the top stupid… I just hope this new Sonic Boom isn’t the same way…
Your kidding right? The original MLP was just as “babyish” as your claiming FIM is. sure the original had some dark stuff like Tyrak, well guess what, so does the new version, Chrysalis, Sombra, Luna, etc. MLP:FIM is far from stupid, I think your mistaking it for annoying orange or Johhny Test.
But yeah, back on topic if this new toon can be like a modern AOSTH, i’m fine with that, I loved both AOSTH & Satam back in the day.
Look forward to learning more about it.
>It all depends on what the new show will look like… See I’m a fan of MIP but for the original, the new series Friendship is Magic is too babyish more for 4 year olds
This is such a lie it’s ridiculous. The old series had deadpan boring characters with little to no characterization in them or uniqueness past what colors they were. I’m not saying it was terrible but it was anything but a land of rainbows and unicorns………..er….pun not intended.
The new generation is much more level headed and all-around written better without feeling like it has to act condescending to the audience like the previous G3 and G2 parts of MLP have been.
you gotta be kiddin’? this is a mokery of telivision…for once can we get one series that follows the archie comics people? the series doesn’t have to be based off the freaking video games
We already have it–it’s called SatAM.
And honestly, I don’t think a show based on the comics in the state that they’re in would be a great idea.
*A NEW show, anyway.
Umm dude, the comics were out BEFORE SATAM, and they slowly took after the show by issue fifty, and they’re really popular among people who don’t spend all day bitching about how bad they are on the net. Also, a game or cartoon more based on those comics would be tits, truly Sonic at his best, unlike anything after Sonic X and Sega of Japan fully taking control of the games, making them more kiddy then they need to be with Colors(even the title threw up a red flag for me).
Anyway, I’d like to get more news on this, but outside of the idea that they could be after the comics(not saying it will, I just like the concept), I’m afraid the show will turn into something stupid, mainly because nobody outside of the guys working on the comics don’t even know what Sonic is about.
Dude you know what’s up. Not only is the Sonic Archie series the pinnacle of literature (yes up there with “The Great Gatsby”, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, and “Catch-22” e.t.c.) everyone who reads it has the best social and physical skills. When I started reading my penis grew to 12 inches. When ever I wipe out the latest issue of Archie Sonic Comic at school there isn’t a single dry pussy. All the bitches want my sperm because of this amazing writing this comic has to offer. All of them orgasming at every word I utter from this holy series, with their 44 DD tits quivering as a result of Ians genius and definitely not pretentious writing. When I started reading this comic I was instantly forced to join my schools football team as first string quarter-back/captain. I threw 500 touch down passes because of this comic. I also bench and squat 1000 lbs. because of Archie’s masterful rendition of Sonic. Im not the only one who had this happen to them. Everyone who reads this series has the same life as me, espescially this Train guy. He probably has an anaconda sized dick that all the whores want. But the real lady killer Mr. Flynn himself. Look at him, 400 pounds yet 0% body fat and 100% muscle, so handsome that he rejected modeling for Abercrombie and and Finch because he claimed their models were too ugly when compared to him. Every week guys like Mr. Flynn, Train, and I go out in our lamborghinis to the gym doing our basic routine of 6000 pushups and maxing out benching 1000 while all the bitches stare at our gigantic cocks orgasming at the mere sight of the latest Sonic comic. Afterwards we hop back in our Lamborghinis going 500 miles per second picking up easy to get whores like Kate Upton and Denise Milani and take them back to Ian’s mansion. We read to them latest sonic issue while listening to a symphony of their orgasms and then proceed to have an orgy. You see bitches like Amuro bitch on the Internet all day while people like train and I read Ian’s master piece and lives like what I just described. Who cares if the comic has laughable pretentious writing, an obnoxiously large amount of characters, unnecessarily confusing story, and an innapropriate portrayal of all the video game characters. IT IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME MY ENTIRE LIFE, IAN FLYNN IS THE SECOND COMING! I LOVE HIM MORE THAN MY FAMILY; I WHORSHIP HIM LIKE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sounds promising, sonic shows are usually really well done and this one has a nice team of writers. Hopefully they capture sonic’s “rad” and funny side we’ve been missing for awhile.
I say it needs to be based on the comics. (Archie comics, I mean)
Agreed, though it’s more than unlikely.
I espect the new poll to be about this topic:
“How do you like a new Sonic cartoon?”
-Like the Archie Comics
-Like the Adventure games
-Like Sonic Colors
-Like MLP
-Completely new feel
If it looks anything like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic then they’re just going to ruin Sonic in animation for me. And if so I’ll just have to watch Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM since people can’t seem to do anything right with cartoons anymore.
SatAM and AoSTH had awful animation.
SatAM was the lesser of two evils in that regard. SatAM just aged, AoSTH looks like crap even by the animation standards of 1994.
>awful animation
God damn it I can’t stand the comments on this site if this is what you people believe. That was literally physically offensive to read.
Hey man, have you seen SatAM recently? Because I have.
I’m a huge fan but how often I cringe at the animation and off model characters in it is more than I can count.
It was made in the 90s- what do you expect? That was the time where animation was horrible, but shows were great.
Batman: the Animated Series says “hi”…
If this is true, count me in! I do hope though action and story plays a part (I mean, I’m in for comedy since it best defines Sonic, no offense).
I’m all up for it, i’m excited!
Well, that was unespected, I looking forward to it, I don’t like MLP at all but this doesn’t mean that this show has to be like that right? It being comedic is good but I seriously hope they don’t go as far as to make it look like MLP or Teen Titans Go when a bunch of random things happen with strictly stand alone episodes.
For me the best kind of tv show they could do for Sonic is one based on the Archie Comics Sonic, but I hope this one is good too, with smart comedy, a lot of action and at least some tense moments in the plot.
For a moment I thought I was gonna see some kind of weird crossover between Sonic and Ponies, but then I realized it was about plot.
I once tried to watch MLP but I didn’t have any patience to keep watching; I just felt out of place. Let’s hope this series doesn’t cause the same effect.
At least it isn’t Ken Penders.
Also, Polsky is a generic freelance writer.
If it’s going goofy and going on the Hub, I’ll be really really disappointing. Most of the Sonic fans out there want an atmosphere like Satam, they’re pulling a Teen Titans Go on us.
I don’t see how they are “pulling” anything on us, at what point was a return to satam ever promised? And have you not paid attention to the tone of the games of late. The new show sounds like it is just keeping in line with the current trend is all.
Most Sonic fans I’ve seen DON’T want that.
So this cartoon is going to have Sonic being involved in multiple different TV Shows? I don’t like this idea…
Yeah because that’s TOTALLY what the article said isn’t it?
They need to follow with the Archie Comics again
(and maybe bring in a certain green hedgehog with scars on his chest… ;u;)
Nah, stick with the games I mean that’s what Sonic is known for
Exactly! 😀
Comics have fantastic stories, but PLEASE, let’s not create ANOTHER alternate universe! We already have enough for Sonic 😛
I want continuations of SatAM and Sonic Underground.
look at all the butthurt, just from this guy from working on MLP
he’s also worked on south park, rugrats, pucca and even Scary Movie 2, you know
Actually, Rugrats was not very good.
if its comedic like pucca…. i will and i mean WILL watch it!!!
I watch episodes with neiss half the time. It’s an awful show but I think the target audience really enjoys it: little girls. She loves the toys and my sister says you have like middle aged men shopping for the same toy as a little girls.
I won’t believe this until SEGA announces it.
Lol at Adamis. I feel as if I was very respectful of the bronies. They share an interest in something marketed to little girls and that’s totes cool with me. Like I said my neiss loves the show so I can understand . Some people like hedgehogs that can run fast and fight robots…. And others like watching little pony girls make pies and throw bags of flour at each other. To each their own.
So wait….. Sonic the Hedgehog is going to be getting the “Teen Titans Go!” treatment? Going from action-oriented shows like Sonic X and Sonic SatAM to comedy? I know Sonic in the video games nowadays is more geared towards wise-cracks and one-liners, but I think we all remember what happened the LAST time Sonic tried having a cartoon based solely on comedy and humor. *glances at The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog*
I love AoStH. It’s my favourite Sonic series.
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog was great, what are you talking about?
Don’t get me wrong! Out of all of the DIC Sonic cartoons, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was the one I was raised on the most. Its just…. look at the production value of AoStH when compared to the more serious Sonic incarnations like SatAM and Sonic X. Compared to shows like those, many of the character designs, settings, and backgrounds felt very cheap, not very detailed, and not very inspiring. Comedy has this connotation to it that is considered the lowest form of entertainment. It is just kind of strnge to see SEGA go from a serious show with a lot of drama like Sonic X, to essentially a Teen Titans Go!/ My Little Pony type of show where the visuals are not very detailed and the comedy is geared towards grade-schoolers. That’s all I am saying.
I’ve been watching Sonic cartoons since I was 8, and my favorite by far remains SATAM. Though I have enjoyed all 5 of his cartoons on some level (6 if you count the Night of the Werehog short.) There is one problem with telling us it’s a comedy though. We are coming off the cancellation of Thundercats, Green Lantern, Young Justice, and have seen DC nation taken over completely by Teen Titans Go, and that’s only Cartoon Network. We are really hurting for cartoons with real drama right now, and frankly comedy can get really lowest common denominator. I have no problem with Sonic being funny, after all that’s one of his character traits, but I hope they don’t do it at the expense of narrative and world building.
*facepalm* that’s not what’s happening…
Hmmm I won’t start raging until I have some more concrete information. People do realise that it’s just a writer, who so happens to have worked on MLP:FiM, right? We have little other information to go on, artists, other writers, animation team, story etc is all unknown. Chill a little, it’s not like a darker narrative has worked for Sonic, some comedy could work out.
Let’s see what happens.
I like you. Calm headed, we need more of this
And hey, if the writer from MLP could win over soo many people, let alone 40 year men, then this could quite possibly bee a good thing!
Just as long as its not like that new Pac Man show…
Oh for the love of, READ before over reacting you idiot!
Thank you for posting the world’s most misleading article-header image, TSSZ.
Please change it.
It’s fine. Don’t be so uptight. It wasn’t intended to be misleading at all – the information did come out of a MLP writer at a MLP convention, after all.
Interesting… I won’t know till I see it, but it doesn’t sound like s horrendously bad idea. I’ve seen his works before. And its not entirely bad– this is coming from an animation student, but I also think a writer shouldn’t get labeled and generalized for past works.
As for the past Sonic cartoons, I grew up with SatAM and AOSTH. The animation was very weak for its time, especially AOSTH. And both didn’t age well to me. And despite being based on the games, the material hardly resembled them beyond “Sonic and Robotnik are enemies, and tails is his best buddy, and there are robots.”
Sonic X was better in animation quality–but rather lacked in character development, and the focus of the show drifted from Sonic to Chris. It adapted some games in a loose condensed manner, and tossed the game storylines for a long season that had no connection to anything as if to keep it going. But as least the Japanese version was more easier to make sense of and enjoy. In the end it was a weak cartoon/ anime. (Remember, the guy in charge of the 4Kids version knew nothing about Sonic!) The more memorable thing to me of it was how great Jason and Mike were beginning to do well with their roles as Sonic and Egg man (especially around in Sonic Unleashed, and Mike who is still Egg man today just fits him perfectly)
As for the guy wanting an adaptation of the Archie comics– Archie’s comic book is based on material from AOSTH and SATAM. And neither is entirely SEGA SONIC in their style. In my opinion, adapting that material is the most unlikely. Its the original SEGA universe of Sonic in style that is.
Now, considering how Colors and Generations were in their scriptwriting, the comedy part was a pretty obvious idea. Its how Sonic is modernly presented. As long as its able to make me laugh and enjoy it, and not be too excessive or random in it comedy like most modern american created animated cartoons these days, I will watch. Even so, I’d watch it just because its a new cartoon of Sonic and I’d like to see what kind of direction it goes.
I kinda hope it ties into the games, or at least the most recent ones (Colors, Lost World, etc.). The comics/cartoons that tied into the games were always my favorite imo.
However.. considering this was just revealed, and its just a cartoon– people need to relax and chill out. We haven’t even seen the animation, let alone no info beyond who happens to be working on it.
Exactly, it’s not like Dave is going to be the only writer for this show. They will obliviously be other names attach and we have yet to see ANYTHING in terms of design, animation, or overall story. So for now lets just be glad there is going to be another sonic cartoon in the future.
What are the odds that this might not be real?
I know the source personally. I’m also trying to follow up with Dave Polsky himself, but there’s no telling whether or not he’ll actually respond. I get the feeling this probably wasn’t supposed to get announced at a MLP convention.
@Ryan Bllom – Why is this ‘source’ of yours such a secret? You see, this is why people find it hard to believe this site. A ‘source’ is not enough evidence.
So… don’t believe it? /shock
Um–it came from the writer’s own mouth. what more do you want?
With any luck, video will be surfacing from the con in the next couple of days, so if that doesn’t satisfy, I don’t know what will.
I can hope it’s not real, though. I rather see a new game be made than another show, at least as far as Sonic is concerned.
Calm down, they can make a game and cartoon at the same time. Is Sonic Lost World not enough for you?
I just think that Sonic has way too many cartoons compared to other video game franchises. I mean, Sonic has 4 animated shows, while another game franchise like StarFox has nothing. I know there have been plenty of animated TV shows and movies based on video games before in the past, but come on, If Sonic gets a new show, I hope another game franchise gets one, too.
Personally, I’d like to see another Sonic/Mario crossover.
Every other “news outlet” who’s discussing this right now is citing TSSZ as its source, so I guess I’m gonna have to assume that it’s false until IGN or someone legitimate confirms this.
How kind of you.
i hope sally will be in it………
Ah, OH GOD the thumbnail! I think my eyes just melted and I feel oddly castrated….
“Comedic in Style” … Well I am fine with that just as long as show is interesting like SATAM it can have that Comedic style and still be good.
I am willing to give it a chance.
In his defense, the picture, title, and subtitle did imply that there was a Sonic-Pony crossover happening.
As long as there’s no female hedgehog that sounds like a slightly higher-pitched guy, I’ll check it out.
AWESOME! Haven’t had a new cartoon since Sonic X! I’m so psyched!
SEGA! Put that on the Hub right away and get back Roger Craig Smith, Kate Higgins, Travis Willingham, Cindy Robinson and Mike Pollock.
They clearly wouldn’t use them as voice actors.
We don’t know that. After all, 4Kids VAs were hired on for the games, and then Roger Craig Smith DOES VA for cartoons as well. So RCS has a good a shot as any to voice Sonic in this.
It’s safe to say it will not happen. Ever.
Disagree. Sega seems pretty hell bent on making sure Sonic maintains a consistent image lately.
How the hell do you know?
Because they’re the old voices? And Sega will want to use either the current ones or new ones? It’s so obvious they won’t use the older ones from way back when.
@Charlotte. I don’t know about the others because I don’t spend my time obsessing over VAs, but I DO know that Roger and Mike ARE part of the current cast.
Ummm…. Roger Craig Smith, Kate Higgins, Travis Willingham, Cindy Robinson and Mike Pollock are the NEW voice actors (Besides Mike Pollock, who was never replaced).
I hope so, if this rumored show ends up being the real deal.
No I think they would have the same VA. I mean why would the bring the 4Kids VA back?
Haha! So I totally read this comment wrong! Don’t ask me how.
I’d like to say “In my defense…” but I don’t have any defense! I just screwed up. So yeah, ignore me! ://P
A reboot to the caliber of the 4th generation of MLP?
Holy shit…I’d SO be behind that 100% you have no idea.
Especially since I love ponies.
The way you say that makes it sound that MLP is any good, and that a reboot to a Sonic animation would be a good idea, especially in a “comedic style”. We all know how the last series of the type went after all, don’t we?
While MLP can’t ever be some kind of serious show, it was already proven once before that they were able to pick up on Sonic the Hedgehog and make a serious story to it with character development, some actual plot and action to boot. So why not try that again instead of aiming at too generalized crap.
Wait, when did Sega do serious Sonic well?
They’d probably use the video game VAs; most of them do anime anyways (Roy Mustang, C.C, Greed, etc) so it’s not a problem.
I’m actually pretty psyched. Make it good, Sega. MAKE IT GOOD.
also put ponies
“Wait, when did Sonic Team* do serious Sonic well?”
See Sonic Adventure 2.
Don’t make me laugh
Agreed, fast and cool story, with some unesespected twists, good character develpment and some forgetable plot holes, what so wrong with that anyone?
If a new Sonic show is ever made, I seriously hope that it won’t air on any of Disney’s channels, nor will it be made by Disney (or worse, the whole Sonic brand being acquired by them! Good lord..)
I don’t believe whether or not Sonic Boom is a real show or a hoax. Unless there is proof, I still don’t know.
Why do you constantly bring up the thought of Sonic being acquired by Disney?
Because Disney’s been claiming the asses of a few multi-billion industries, recently?
Not to mention his appearance in Wreck-it-Ralph, and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog used to air on Toon Disney, and Sonic X on Jetix, and Sonic Underground on Disney XD…
That doesn’t mean Sonic’s next in line to be assimilated into their brand.
Doesn’t mean he won’t either….
Well they already own the film rights to “Sonic”, so it’s very possible it’ll end up on Disney.
God, I hope not.
Yeah. I agree. I love Disney, they’ve done a decent job with Marvel and There’s no proof of Lucasfilm being ruined by them yet, but I can’t see them running Sonic. Sorry.
if this is real then they have one heck of a start in there writers roster. =D
Very interesting. Can’t wait until we get further info.
F///k this bullshit. I dont want my little mobians! I need SA2 style, Sonic SatAM or Sonic OVA style.
…Again, that isn’t what’s happening here.
I’m sorry but this is a rage thing to me. I grew up reading sonic comics, watching the shows, and playing the games. But this, this is just insane. My little pony and sonic mixed together sounds like Sega got lazy enough to look at fan art and say. “O look at that sounds interesting. Lets go for it.” I mean come on! What are they going to do turn them into pony’s or give them magical powers? Ugh, I’m sorry if this annoys people to read this, and mabe I will be wrong. Mabe I will like it. Its just that it is so, irratating to see this for some of us sonic fans. Well that’s about it, thank you for your corporation. ((Nerd rage over))
……I don’t think you read this properly….
If it’s going to be leaning towards the comedic side with little action like AOSTH, I don’t want to watch it.
They ruined the thing that keeps me going. I HATE THOSE STUPID PONIES! Why, WHY, WHY the fuck would they put Sonic with My stupid fucking ponies!
If this is real, and I turn on my TV or see on Youtube Sonic teaming up with these dumb ass horse wannabies, I am going to be SO PEEVED!
And I was so hyped with the new game, too.
Sonic and My fucking Ponies ARE NOT to be mixed together…NOTHING should be mixed with this horrible show!
I was really hoping, if there was a new show to come up, it would have something to do with Eggman’s back story, or maybe something in the lines of a continuation to Sonic Underground or Sonic X. BUT NO we get the worst thing of all time! Shit. I am SO pissed off right now! Why Sonic? WHY?! This was the show that helped me go through the hard times, the games that helped me escape. And now they are tainting it with this crap? My Little Ponies are for young girls who are learning how NOT to be good people. (Making fun of crossed eyed people/everything can be resolved if you have friends…yeah…because that happens) Sonic is NOT to be mixed with this horse crap!
If this is real…I swear, I will be a volcano.
…*deep breath*
Maybe it is just that…in some way or another…that horse crap gave some writers ideas. (I can’t see how…) Maybe we might get a Sonic Underground continuation…or maybe something GOOD. Not this stupid pony thing.
*deep breath* I am going to calm down, and imagination my favorite character crushing those stupid ponies’ heads. Yeah…that’ll work…
What… are you…. talking about….
Um… WHERE in that description did they say that Sonic Boom would be crossing over with MLP? NOWHERE. Just because the guy talked about it at a MLP convention DOES NOT MEAN that the ponies will be in Sonic Boom. Learn to read before you make assumptions.
For Christ’s sakes, did you even READ!? I swear, some of you guys are so dense, it’s unbelievable….
Um…They aren’t mixing MLP with Sonic, just so you know. There would be copyright issues with that. What they plan on doing is making a Sonic cartoon that sort of mimics the comedic style of MLP. Sonic will still be Sonic.
LMFAO! You really need to read this again.
Re-acitve much? Read the article fully for damn sake…
Okay, I love MLP, but that is so not the tone a Sonic comic needs. There’s already a perfectly usable continuity with the Archie Comics’ world. Just adapt THAT.
NO. The Archie Comics has way too much going on. There’s way too much drama and love circles, and the characters’ personalities are WAY different from how they’re portrayed in the games (I stopped reading, but I hear Sonic’s a pimp now and that he’s dated every female in the series? Yep, that’s our care-free, lover of freedom in a nutshell).
Then, they made up fifty characters and shoved them all into the plotline. Since they’re not made by Sega, that technically makes them all OC’s.
There’s also a bunch of different Arcs/storylines (ie. Anti-Sonic, Future Arc(s), some Alien crap, etc. That’d be a mess to incorporate into a show.
You realize that even if a show based off the Archie books was green lighted that they would also treat it like its own thing just like how Sonic X was its own thing that was also based off the Sonic Adventure games. Basically they would pick and choose which characters and storylines that would appear and what we would see. Just like every X-Men toon or movie has a different set of main characters and storylines and tell a coherent story from its beginning.
Why do a lot of Sonic fans only see or want a 1:1 ratio of these type of alternate media offerings? The point of these types of alternate media offerings is to bring in new fans and to do something different with whatever the Intellectual Property is. Jeez, how do you think Marvel or DC or Disney keep their IPs fresh? Whenever a new show is made they take the best elements of their past to bring something new and interesting to their ever changing audiences.
Damn man! You’re my hero, so much agreement with this post, if only more fans could think like you (I mean they should have their own different opinions but being open minded a the same time).
That was actually more of the Pender’s era of the comic. The comic nowadays is a little tamer. It’s still got a shit ton of stuff going on, but compared to Pender’s explosions of plot points and uninteresting characters, it’s a decent read.
@ Trez: Yeah…I kinda stopped following X-men/DC/Marvel and all those superheroes after a while, so no comment on that. However, if I did follow it, I’m doubt if I would like for them to keep coming up with new characters. As a matter of fact, Sega has a habit of doing just that, and the issue is that they completely forget about their older characters, like when they created Shadow, whose rivalry with Sonic overshadowed Knuckles’ friendly rivalry with Sonic (though Sega might be bringing Knuckles back to the forefront FINALLY). While I’d love for them to bring in Archie characters like Scourge, I’d hate it if they brought in those excess characters like Mina Mongoose who are pretty much added to the story just for the hell of it (Sorry Mina fans C: ).
@ darkgomugomu: I see. If that’s the case and that shitstorm’s over with, maybe I can get back to the comics. I just couldn’t deal with it before.
Before I say anything at all, I just want to make it clear that I will be VERY disappointed if this show does not have Shadow, Silver, Rouge, Omega, Blaze, Cream, The Chaotix, and Metal Sonic.
Anyway, I don’t mind the comedic approach; as Clement has pointed out, Sonic has always meant to have a cartoonish tone to the series with a few raised stakes here and there for good measure. I feel like this show could have a chance to be good if SEGA and Polsky put their minds to it.
Perhaps they are in, but they aren’t part of the main cast, probably every episode will feature the original 4 and Eggman, but other characters will only feature or cameo in selected episodes.
Because Sonic arent slice-life character! For pony it’s exelent, but Sonic…. He is more seriusly character than a pony or Mario. Compare SA2 and current games — gameplay somewhere is good but plot is f**king sucks! Sonic generations gameplay is good but because of the stupid plot it’s was bored after week except for mods! It’s hero who save planet from disaster! As far as I know, that Polsky wants to make of Sonic the f**king comedy, and namely another AoSTH. AND AGAIN THE IDIOTIC PINGAS! STOP THIS TRASH, stop mocks of Sonic to making of him most childish CHARACTER! Plz, Do something serious, SEGA!
I just don’t get people who want a cartoon about colorful anthromorphic animals with powers to be serious an dark. I just don’t get it.
I agree. How much children in the fandom. Sonic could most exellent if instead of Polsky would be James Cameron for example.
Well, I don’t agree with Lucius but I think that the fact that Sonic it’s about cartoony animals doesn’t dictate that the tone must be childish, I mean you could have a show like Winnie the Pooh which is about cartoon animals and is super childish, or you can have games like Star Fox which again is about cartoon animals but the story is super serious (and good).
And about Sonic, I just think it should be oriented to everyone, not only kids, it should be fun and cool, joyful and light-heartened when it needs to and serious and tense when it needs to. Perhaps I don’t have much of a vote because I’m 23 but personally as a kid I loved show like Spider-man, Batman, Dragon Ball, Ranma, Thundercats, and honestly I don’t think I would have liked the tone of Sonic games like Sonic Colors, just saying.
I concur (fancy talk <X). I greatly enjoy works like Winnie The Pooh and Star Fox, and I expect to see Sonic somewhere in the middle. Light-hearted goofy humor for the kids, a few dark and serious elements thrown in for the adults, all while the fast-paced action is enjoyed by everyone. It shouldn't be too juvenile like AoSTH was, as much as I liked that show, what with all the robot-smashing speed-of-sound action; and it shouldn't be too serious like SatAm or '06 tried to be, due to the fact that it focuses around a bunch of cartoonish talking animal superheroes.
To back me up on this, I'd like to bring up two games in the series whose themes are as FAR apart away from each other as you could get, and have also both received some considerable flak. Those games are Sonic Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog; and despite the fact that I actually enjoy both those games, I can understand why they got so much hate when they first came out.
Heroes was easily the corniest game of the franchise. I think people rejected it so much because of its overly-happy tone with morals belonging more in an after-school special, and lack of a more-polished story like in the adventure games. As they say. The constantly-repeated level system might've also had something to do with it.
Shadow, on the other hand, was the darkest of the franchise. Fans rejected it because of its intense and hardcore tone involving guns, swearing, evil alien parasite monsters, wars, killing and more; all elements that have never been in any of the Genesis classics. That, or it could've been the dull missions and flawed morality system.
If it were up to me, the tone, and story all together, would be like a more recent game in the series that I love TO DEATH. A game that manages to balance the cartoony humor and intense elements perfectly in a way that most people overlook, whether or not they like the game itself. That game is Sonic Unleashed.
Unleashed had a plot that was light-hearted and dark at the same time. On one hand, you had all of the characters behaving in a humorous way similar to those in a Disney cartoon as well as the freindship between Sonic and Chip being extremely heart-warming and tender. On the other hand, you had a plot involving Earth being broken into pieces, a terrifying night god unleashing his spawn upon the world to possess people, and Sonic himself undergoing a supernatural transformation that is needed to save the world from this threatening deity. This game managed to get EVERYTHING right that a Sonic plot should be. In my opinion, it had one of, if not THE best story in the entire series, despite not being my favorite entry (Which is Sonic Colors; which, in its defense, had a plot involving innocent alien creatures being drugged and burned into a mind-controlling fuel source).
Now as for this new show, I feel I shouldn't have to say that its HIGHLY unlikely that Polsky will be the ONLY writer for the series. SEGA knows that Sonic is all about action as well as humor, and will likely get even more experienced people to bring this project to life. I can't say any more than what I just hope and predict for the outcome to be; but if I know SEGA, they will try as HELL to make it enjoyable for fans both old and new (though old fans will just reject it anyway because we all know just how bitchy they are).
And besides, its GOTTA be better than the upcoming Pac-Man show.
SA2’s plot was weak sauce. Sorry.
Wow… that image seems to have caused a lot of hate from people!! I just thought it was cute. I don’t see what everyone’s problem is. Just excited to see a new Sonic show! Although, I DO kind of wish they’d go back to deeper story lines rather than the comedy. But hey, just because it’s a comedy doesn’t mean it won’t be character/story driven. I’ve seen MLP, and I know sometimes it’s kind of one off, and other times it can pit the characters against an actual threat. And that’s kind of how Sonic has been… even SatAm had more comedy in it than people tend to give it credit for. And you know what? I didn’t find it all that funny. But it was an interesting show nonetheless. Wacky and silly comedies can have pretty good story lines. That’s the whole reason I fell in love with Adventure Time. At first glance, AT seemed like an annoying stupid show with nothing but noodly arms, weird jokes and screaming. I hated it. But after I gave it a chance, I found out that it actually has an amazing story, and I now find myself tearing up every time I even see the Ice King. And the show still manages to make me laugh, even if I DO feel like I’m watching Superjail or some other kind of trippy mindfuck cartoon… I guess my point is, I’m NOT going to judge this show before I even see concept art. What kind of fan would I be if I did that?
I hope there are other characters like Shadow, Silver, Blaze, and the Chaotix in this cartoon as well.
First of all…New Sonic Cartoon…YES! In the style of the new MLP…meh. Could be good OR bad. I’m not sure that sort of tone fits the Sonic franchise.
Not all that fond of Amy being in it, but I guess there’s not much I can do about that, since Sega seems determined that she be in everything Sonic is.
I will remain skeptically…skeptical…of this until if/when we know more.
If this is true I really hope the characters mentioned wont be the only one’s showing up. Other people like shadow, rouge and silver should also be in it. I really hope they finally make a show true to the games. no comic characters, no Sally Acorn love interest, no Chris just sonic and his friends who appear in the games in a nice comedic cartoon
From what I have heard Shadow might be in it but his storyline might change to a more suitable role for the tone of the series. Makes me wonder if they will redesign Rouge.
Not sure whats wrong with Sally trough she was a great character in Satam,
90s cartoons bad? So the 80s…. Greatest cartoons ever *rolls eyes* the 90s were great for cartoons. Without the help of the creator driven cartoon we’d have no South Park orvadultbswim. So yeah go watch ‘gi joe or Captain Planet….ill watch batman and cowboy bebop.
Nah, I thought that the 90’s had the worst cartoons.
Batman: The Animated Series, Hey Arnold, Ed Edd n’ Eddy, Freakazoid, Dexter’s Laboratory, Duck Tales, Animaniacs, Recess, Catdog, that Oscar Nominated Classic: Mickey Mouse in Runaway Brain and you are gonna tell me the 90’s had the worst cartoons…
How many years have you been on this Earth…?
Only time will tell but as long as robotnik (egg man) is present than it had a chance to be awesome.
If this ends up being real, and if by chance Silver shows up, I just want Sonic to refer to him as “Fern-head’ once, then I’ll be happy.
MLP haters much guys? Geez, where in the text does it say ‘Upcoming Sonic and My Little Pony Crossover series”? Nowhere. Get the facts straight before you make an ass out of yourself with your hateful comments. Just because you don’t like the ponies doesn’t mean you have to bash the crud out of them.
As far as I’m concerned, as long as our blue blur doesn’t suffer the same fate as Mickey, I’m cool. (For clarity, please watch the Disney short ‘Runaway Brain’ then an episode of MM Clubhouse, then you’ll understand)
Totally still hate the fansMickey is returning in all new shorts. They’re not like Runaway Brain, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Runaway Brain is brilliant.
Yeah. I loved those Disney Shorts. But my personal favorite was Disney cartoon series was Marsupilami. Marsupilami is a little yellow, spotted, long-tail creature who lives in a jungle with his silent purple gorilla friend in a pink shirt named, Maurice. I loved Marsupilami and Maurice a lot. I remember those 90’s Disney cartoons. Marsupilami came around the same time as Sonic SatAM. But I personally prefer Marsupilami. And I love Steve Mackall as Marsupilami. And I do love it when Marsupilami speaks (and does not only say “HOUBA!”) I love this guy. And Jim Cummings (who does Robotnic in Sonic SatAM) does visual effects for Maurice and does the voice of Marsupilami’s main enemy: Norman.
It’d be interesting seeing a series by someone known for their satirical works on various cartoons and Television shows.
When I read the whole story and heard of it, he is NOT working on a crossover of Sonic and My Little Pony, but rather just a special standalone series for Sonic that focuses on comedic preferences to the various series, characters and worlds in the Sonic the Hedgehog continuity. It has utterly nothing to do with My Little Pony (although I bet ya there may be some comedy bits referencing it and the fandom in a similar way various cartoons and comics have) but the great portion of the references will revolve around just the Sonic series and fandom.
Knowing most of Polsky’s works, he’ll focus on the main characters and surprise us with various cameos from various Sonic franchises (Comics, cartoons, video game), the fandom, the creators of the franchises, and of course the many heroes, villians, and supporting characters we love and love to hate rolled in with comedy, intrigue and plenty of excitement and adventure.
This guy helped write Damien from south park i have no worries that he is a funny man. My worry is that the show will be slapstick with no plot. I’ve already left the sonic fandom about 7 months ago because the fandom became a bore (theres seriously nothing going on) so maybe this will be push me back.
Dave Polsky worked with Matt ‘n Trey on “South Park”? Awesome! I hope to watch THIS show soon!
I really don’t get why many of you guys are getting mad at people’s reactions at MLP and Sonic, I mean, the guy who made this article freakin’ shoved those ponies in a banner with Sonic and you think people are suppose to act like it’s all good?
Lemme ask this question if anyone responds: What if we replaced those ponies with Marvel’s Deadpool(who’s getting his own game in a few days, SWEET), and the news of the new Sonic cartoon was that whoever the writer is/was for Deadpool’s comics/game would be behind this? Don’t you think that would have a different effect on people’s enthusiasm for this new cartoon? I know I’d be gitty as hell though, I love Deadpool. 🙂
Anyway, if you’re answer would be yes, then try to understand why so many people are having negative reactions to this now. Also, gotta give props to the guy who pointed out that the other shows Polsky did weren’t included in that banner, but that was a few pages back.
^This right here.
The same guy works on South Park, My Little Pony, and now Sonic the Hedgehog… think about that… South Park AND My Little Pony… that’s just wrong.
Of course, given the stuff certain perverts who think they count as “bronies” post on deviantart nowadays (I don’t even visit FurAffinity, but I’m sure its MUCH worse over there), maybe I’m not as surprised as I think I am.
Now I’m worried for the fanbase AND the franchise.
What I’m worried about is that the rabid bronies will blindly hate it then hop onto it and loving it like they did Alicorn Twilight Sparkle, Equestria Girls and the 2012 series of Littlest Pet Shop. And then here comes the crossovers, crappy fanfictions, porn, porn, porn, porn, porn… (As if Sonic hasn’t had enough images of him screwing Tails…)
*shudders*…Ughhh…. Why on Earth did you bring that up…
Yes, but he’s also worked on one of my favorite shows called Pucca. I’m not sure if anyone here has heard of it (seems not, since no one has brought it up), but it’s a pretty good show and I find it pretty hilarious. If he writes it with Pucca-comedy rather than MLP-comedy (sorry MLP fans, but that show is stale in my opinion…), I think it’d be good.
And better yet, Pucca has no creepy manchildren or porn (as far as I know).
If this is true I hope that there will be a nice balance between comedy and action, as well as endearing moments and maybe some genuine character development.
So far if the show will really focus primarily on Sonic, Eggman, Tails, Amy and Knuckles, then that’s a good start since I’ll finally have a show that focuses on the characters that really matter. No more Sally, no more Chris nor any of those spotlight
stealing original characters that no one gives a shit about.
A lot of people actually do give a shit about Sally.
Also, you say the toons should focus on the few main characters, call at the common few, then skip all the way to Sally and Chris as if there are no other characters. You may not like them, but not everyone wants to watch a Sonic cartoon that just focus on a main few when Sonic has the big cast that it does. We’re not talking about a game here where you wanna focus on gameplay the entire time, this is a show that needs to touch on subjects of the rest of the universe, or we’ll just get another cheesy AOSTH. This needs to be something more like SATAM or even Underground or the OVA, not like the games that are already bland enough as it is. I’ve gone on enough now so I’m done.
I do really like Amy a lot especially her Piko Piko hammer (I think that is what it is called), and her personality but why would she replace sally (I mean as a character no relation to their love interest but still) I mean they could both work for the ones who are sonic, Amy fans why not just use both I mean come on should I bring up that they do not even have a remotely close personality so saying she is better is like comparing a mailbox to a trash can it just cant be done that being said the same goes for sally so no one is better because there is nothing to compare it is just different I personally like both of their good quality’s so I agree with your post so this is more of an add-on then a reply but anyone who reads this post just think about it
Making this new cartoon like overrated SatAM is the last thing I want. No offense.
Don’t agree about Sally. She is over 100 time better than Amy, she’s whimsical.
But Amy is 12-13 years old and for her is a normal behavior. Amy is good, but Sally is better.
I love Sally but her personality/history really doesn’t fit the Sonic world.
Barely anything fits the Sonic world at all, he barely had a story or set theme when he started. The main goal of his game was to be a tech demo, but sooner or later, the guys at Sega of America wanted to actually do more with him. If anything, Sega of Japan actually withheld info on Sonic themselves, so that didn’t help.
As long as it’s not another Sonic X disaster and actually focuses on the world of Sonic….I’m pumped.
They did the same thing to Teen Titans. They f*&%ed it up and there is no action in it whatsoever. Just comedy. Comedy intended for little kids. This next Sonic cartoon will may be the same: nothing but a sitcom with little to no action.
How the hell do you know? You haven’t even seen the show yet. You just made some stupid little assumption because you saw the word “comedy” there. Just like all the idiots who assumed this was gonna be some crossover cartoon between Sonic and My Little Pony.
Not to be too spamtastic, but it looks like someone out there in the old wide web has not been taking too well to this rumor:
…I must say, I laughed my butt off when I read that XD
Ironically, the movie used in it actually being appealing for all ages, unlike MLP or current Sonic games, regardless of writing.
You know how important this is for me? I’m excited about this cartoon and I want it to be aired on Finland too. If My little pony get to the Finland, why Sonic boom won’t?
The only thing I’m wondering about is the quality of this show (Like will it be CGI animation, or have an anime look, will it have the games voice acting, or different voice acting, will it have a continuing story, or just be a show with random events to happen daily). I don’t really care about the genre. This show could be a comedy, action-adventure, or even a drama for all I care (Not that I want that to happen just an example). I will watch this show no matter what. But I am also concerned on what channel will be airing this cartoon.
Why is everyone getting bent up over a simple picture? Oh wait… I almost forgot, I’m in the SONIC fanbase…
>300+ comments
Jesus shitting Christ guys why
Thanks a fucking lot Ryan Bloom, you literally baited this article harder than Kotaku did on a feminism blog post written by Patricia Hernandez. Now we have idiots that think perverts are only exclusive to Bronies (IE: Pot calling kettle black) and discussion mostly exclusive to either MLP or how this show may or may not suck.