SAGE 2018 Booth Overviews: Set 7
Every day of SAGE, TSSZ will give you brief overviews of each booth’s amazing community content. Be sure to check back during the expo for more, and look out for Ryan Bloom giving each work a separate mini-review! You can play all games featured by heading to SAGE and clicking on the Games tab.
For those of you unsatisfied with Encore Mode’s palette swaps, look no further than Colorful Encore 2.0. This project takes the color palettes from the new mode and completely revamps them. Though some are improved off the originals, many of them have been made completely from scratch with original themes. It’s quite the pretty project.
Another one of the totally original games this year is Cosmic Boll, a remake/sequel to a game the creator made 12 years ago. This colorful beat ’em up is fast-paced, featuring action packed gameplay reminiscent to that of Dragon Ball Advance Adventure.
Sonic Regress – Robotnik’s Rampage
From the creator of the Toei Sonic Mod comes Sonic Regress, a simple yet appealing side-scroller set in the 16-bit era (think Sonic 5). The demo has you run through two acts of Sunlit Viridi Zone, collecting rings and defeating Badniks as you do. One cool feature is the inclusion of the golden shield from Sonic 3D Blast, gifting you with the homing attack/air dash.
Another classic side-scroller, Sonic & Tails takes place on Northern island, where Sonic and Tails must venture off to stop Robotnik and his doomsday device. The level features callbacks to the pipes from Sonic Rush’s Water Palace, as well as two new elemental shields, being ground and air. The demo fittingly includes Sonic and Tails, with a playable Robotnik planned for the future.
Returning from last year, Sonic Frost is a festive little fangame set in a snowy new world. The demo let’s you play as both Sonic and Tails. It’s sure to get you in the holiday mood.
Sonic Fever is yet another one of the classic inspired sidescrollers that are ever present at the expo. It’s a solid experience, this team featuring Sonic and Mighty instead of the usual Tails. The demo includes three zones, cutscenes, and an unlockable Super Sonic.