SA2: Not True?
I take back what I said yesterday in the News Shorts, even though I was a little weary of that statement too. Here’s the real lowdown from IGN Dreamcast:
Recently, trade publication GameWEEK’s Online counterpart, GameDAILY indicated that Sega Director of Marketing Communications Charles Bellfield indicated not only a sequel to Sonic Adventure, but also a spin-off title starring characters from the chart-topping Dreamcast platformer.
In following up on the story, IGNDC has learned that this isn’t quite the case, so we decided to take time out to get you guys in the loop. According to Bellfield, “The comment that was made was that obviously, [Sonic] is a franchise that Sega plans return to, and that one could even expect titles featuring other popular from the series characters in the future.” The rest, apparently was the product of eager journalists attempting to stretch said comments for all they are worth.
Bellfield went on to say that while nothing concrete had been announced at present, that the comments were directed at questions regarding the future of the franchise which, of course, Sega has no intention of abandoning. Given that Naka-san himself confirmed that there were titles in development that have yet to be disclosed to the public, we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed for the return of this franchise, among others, in the Sonic Team stable, and as always, we’ll be sure to keep you posted when news does manage to reach the public.