SA World Ranking Leaders Respond to Cheating Allegations
I took the time to E-Mail the top WR leaders, with a little help from Crimson Fury, asking them some questions on this issue. We start with Steve Karpeal, Fudge:
Well Tristan, let me just say this.
Has webtech/Sonic Team ever done anything when a contest closed 2 or 3 days late and people got knocked out of the top 10? I don’t think so. I am one of these people. Now I will share my story with you as I need everyone else in the Sonic Adventure Community…then I will answer the other questions.
It was in November that the Tails in Icecap Score Attack Contest started.
I had a good feeling about this one, I felt that I was going to finish in the top 10.
About 3 hours before it was supposed to end, I got a little help from one of my friends.
This help propelled me to 10th place.
I set my alarm to wake me up at 2:50 A.M. on the day the contest is supposed to end.
I wake up, see that it is still open and think, “Okay, its not 3:00 A.M. yet, I’ll wait.”
3:15 rolls around, nothing.
Then, 2 days later, it finally closes, with me, who should have finished 10th, finishing 12th.
Now, is that fair? I would consider that “cheating”.
As for the other questions….
I think that anything that isn’t in the rules can be done (Gameshark, file swapping, etc…)
But, I think that the Interact Pad wouldn’t be cheating even if it said you couldn’t use it in the rules.
Now, say your friend comes over your house and tries to get you a better time, would you think that is cheating? I wouldn’t.
And, no I did not cheat. I would not spend $50 some odd dollars on a Gameshark when I can save that $50,wait until August 18th, and pop it down for Ecco the Dolphin for the DC.
But, if it came to the point that I NEEDED a Gameshark to stay in the top 10, I have friends who have one and they would just send me their files.
And if other people think that I am cheating, then they can believe it or not. I really don’t care.
And, I really don’t think that webtech/Sonic Team will take any measures to stop this….they never did something when contests closed late.
Next, Chow, or Joe Federmann, responds:
Tristan, I’m one of the French players who regularly posts my time on Sonic contest. I’ve got, as all my French friends, a regular pad. If you’re talking about my score on E102 contest, I’m not cheating. You just have to shoot all the puppets (make a 10 hits somewhere) but not the last Sonic. Pass the check point and go to the beginning of the level and do this one one
more time.
If you want to catch up the cheaters, just take a look on Amy contest. I’m against the ones who are cheating. If you didn’t send me my cup and t-shirt from my podium on Sky Chase act
2 cause you suspect me to be a cheater, just ask me how I made my score and I’ll tell you.
Let’s do this, If you want me to explain to you contest like E102 on Red Mountain, Tails on Sand Hill, Sky Chase…I’m here and you’ll see.
Next, Jinjo:
Sincerely…I’m against this kind of product…Gameshark and Action Replay are only for bad players (do you agree)…Why? Because I think if you are using one of this product…you are killing a game and even…the GAME IN GENERAL!
Sincerely I don’t really understand why a player can use this kind of product…and WHY A PLAYER CAN USE THIS IN A WORLD RANKING!! WHAT A SCANDAL!! I prefer have a bad time and not cheat whereas be the first with cheating…And You??
In That Case…Where is the Honor??
I have NEVER use this kind of product…and buy it…NEVER!!
I think the Sonic Team is powerless behind this situation…What do you want them to do?? Yes, I know…if the situation persist World Rankings will desapear…just because of BAD PLAYERS…They are KILLING A GAME…SHAME ON THEM!!
And finally, Tao Williamson from England:
I got my time honestly and fairly!!!
I believe Gameshark users ie… creature n JJCOOL should be banned!!! I am beginning to stop doing these WRs because of such problems!!! Interact pads are banned and are still used so I fail to see how you will prevent the use of Gamesharks!!!
Me and my friends have been trying to find the secret but no doubt about it it’s a Gameshark!!!
I have wrote to Sonic Team and as always nothing is done!!! So in my opinion as well as my friends is to ban them altogether so they cannot repeat doing it!!!
To these people I would say if you can’t compete fairly don’t compete at all!!! I expect Creature and any others to be kicked out but this mail will be ignored as always!!!
7 minutes is possible on FE so over 8 is cheating!!! Please please kick them out!!! I work hard and get nowhere because of cheaters!!! Also no one has mailed me about sand hill that took me 17 hours coz I used DC pad n JJCOOL and Flint used Ipad!!!
We’re not done with this yet, I’m going to get back to a few of the people mentioned above with more questions. For the record I E-Mailed nine people, and four have not commented, with one sporting a fake E-mail address. The question asked were an opinion on GameSharks being used to potentially cheat on the World Rankings, whether Sonic Team will take any action on the WRs, and what they have to say to competitors.