PartnerNET Episode III? Sonic CD Videos Confirm Dual Soundtracks… And Then Are Taken Down By SOA
I was about to write you a nice long post about Sonic CD as others have done, about how videos of the XBox Live Arcade title had made their way online by a YouTube user called The360Preview. I was going to say how they revealed details like the fact that the US soundtrack will be available as a toggled option, making it a real definitive definition of Sonic The Hedgehog CD.
These things I was going to do… but it seems that all the videos have now been copyright claimed by those guys down south at SEGA of America and are down.
They were not officially released which begs the question that they were raided off of Microsoft’s PartnerNET system – something Taxman (Christian Whitehead) himself raised as a possibility over on Sonic Retro:
Haha far out, not exactly sure how this was filmed and by who (PartnerNET strikes again)?
But yes, oh ye of little faith. US soundtrack is in, and also loops seamlessly like the JP version in this game.
I guess we’ll have to await more details when SEGA wants to release them.