PaRappa The Hat, Huh? Insert Coin Unveil Latest Clothing Designs
As I sit here in my Halo Reach t-shirt, clumsily pulling on my Assassin’s Creed hoodie I have to think back how Insert Coin have developed a knack over the years for taking large amounts of my money. And whilst they probably won’t be getting any this time around (not that I have any at the moment *sob*) I do imagine some of you will be reaching for cedit and debit cards soon as a new range of limited print goods has been unveiled for preorder.
Arguably the most exciting is a recreation of Ryo Hazuki’s iconic leather jacket, resplendent with tiger logo on the back. Whilst an embroidered logo and badges would’ve been far more welcome than the printed version being used, especially given the £80 price tag, it is surely a must buy for any die hard Shenmue fan. I hope they ship it with a toy capsule in the pocket.
Other video game clothing goodies on offer include beanie hats based on the PaRappa The Rapper series and Playstation Vita title Tearaway at £15 a pop. Whilst another jacket – a denim sleeveless one – rounds out the new items. This one being inspired by the inFAMOUS series and is arguably the best looking item out of the four. I’m not even a big inFAMOUS fan and I’d love one of these. It will cost you £65 in comparison to the leather Shenmue number.
You can get all the merch from the relative links below.