Official Press Release from The Sonic Saga
(Wednesday, September 01, 1999) – Today, TSS management and production has been rearranged and the new E Group is now formed. Why the change? Well, we ran into some problems . BIG problems. Now, please sit back, relax, while I try to explain all this mess 😛
First things first, we had to cut a few people from the TSS staff. Main reason: I’m wasting your time. We hardly need those many people just to work on one little fan comic. So if your name is not listed below…well, it’s been fun, but we had to let you go. Sorry 🙁
Dash (Of course :P)
Rina Cat (One of our best artists. We’d have to be stupid to let her go :P)
John Terrell Fell (Ditto.)
Maria-Ki & Fran
` Now, the people listed below are part of TSS, but not actual E Group members. Only people that actually WORK on the TSS comic are members of the E Group. *ahem* anyway, if your name is listed here, then your still apart of TSS in some way 😛
Neon Chaos (makes the TSS mag. And card thingys.)
Knux (Gives us ideas here and there. And also helps Neon with the mag.)
Danehog (He will occasionally write some scripts.)
` If your name was not listed, please don’t go and get mad at me. Heck, don’t get mad at all. I was wasting your time! Besides, most of you are working on your own fan comics and/or projects anyway. I’m really sorry if I upset anyone. But like I said, you shouldn’t get mad. And you’re welcome to help out on TSS anytime. Just try and keep in touch, okay? No hard feelings? 😛
` I’m not going to tell you what we planned for this part, but we will say that the art will not be touched in anyway. Every issues of TSS will be in color and will be top quality. That is all 😛
` The E Group is just a name for the group of people working on TSS. However, two members of it (Dash and John) have plans for the near future and you’ll see other things made by the E Group even after TSS. The other members don’t have to participate with those “projects” though if they don’t want to.
` Hope that explained the whole “change” thing for you. If you have any further questions, you can email Dash or John Terrell Fell. Thanks.
Well, there you have it. The E Group is down to six, and Dash has said that The Sonic Saga will be in top notch shape from here on in.