Nigel Kitching Returns to Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic
According to Sonic HQ, here is Kitching’s announcement included:
Once upon a time, the Fleetway comics were the best thing on the market the UK had Sonic wise as far as comics go. But it slowly became more and more depressing, sinking into an endless rut of reprints, one new story per issue, and sinking into a directional rut. Then came the corker as Nigel Kitching, one of the best writers for STC left the comic. Well now it can finally be told as Mr. Kitching made the announcement yesterday that he is back as writer on Fleetway’s Sonic The Comic! This is from what was stated:
“I’m back on Sonic The Comic. I start with issue 175 and have had a synopsis for a ten issue run approved by the new editor Andy Diggle. My ten issue run will incorporate characters and ideas from the new game.”
First of all its great to see Mr. Kitching back – especially returning at the crux of the 175th issue of the comic (quite a feat) and focusing on new stories with a fresh perspective! He made a LOT of STC what it is as far as plot, storylines, and characters go. Nigel Kitching also disclosed a few other things – most notably: Andy Diggle, assistant editor of 2000AD and editor of The Judge Dredd Megazine in the UK (two more mature comics) is new editor to replace Deborah Tate. How Super Sonic and Chaos will fit in (because of the current situation Super Sonic was left in during the role of the book) is unknown.