Neo GHZ’s Green Gibbon AWOL from Site
Unfortunately, the freezing over may not stop at SegaWeb; GG! is leaving for about a month:
Yes, the facts are in, and the horrible truth is now apparent. But never mind my final grades, let’s talk about the site. This’ll be my last update for a while…I’ll be on sabbatical (very much against my will) for a month or so. But freak not! I am leaving the site in the very capable hands of resident GHZer, D-H Master. Oh yeah, Zero’s helping, but only ’cause she’s got the password anyway and I figured she’d assume control in a hostile manner if I didn’t give her an official position. They’ll be maintaining the daily news and weekly front page babble. I will have some limited internet access during this period, so I’ll be keeping an eye on things and may contribute a couple of articles if I have the time. So try not to cry. *bites his lip* Be strong. *sniffle* Like…me… *choke*
When I come back, I’m gonna have all kinds of great stuff! For one thing, I will have the PSO page updated. (It was totally impossible to have completed for this week. Just believe me when I say that.) I may even have that info on the old 8 and 16-bit PS games, depending on whether or not I can resolve this conflict between the new keyboard and the Master System emulator I’m using. I’ll definitely have museum pages up for Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car and that spaceship game. A bunch of old Museum pages will be updated with new stuff (and yet more bum info will be fixed), aaand…I just may have the finalized Samba de Amigo museum page up. Just maybe.
While we’re on the subject of SonicNEXT sites (NGHZ is hosted by SN as part of the Games section), news on SonicNEXT has come to a complete halt without any real notice! We’ll try and investigate what’s going on here.