More on the Knuckles Comic Crisis
Mr. Penders, when asked about if the artists had a say in the comic’s fate, had this response with the subject, “This is Higher than Justin Even”:
None of the people who work directly on the books has any say. Justin can plead our case, but that’s about it. Any decision is out of his hands. Let’s put it this way…the guys and gals who work in the Sonic office have dedicated themselves to doing the best job they can to do right by the characters. What will save KNUCKLES more than anything is convincing the publishers that it is more than worth their while to publish the book. If they feel they can make MORE money publishing something else, something they don’t have to pay someone else a fee (in this case, Sega), then that is what will drive their decision. You guys have to show they couldn’t make more publishing something else simply be keeping Knuckles one of the better selling titles on the market.
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.