More Details About IDW Sonic #2 Posted, Full Solicitations Coming Tomorrow
The Sonic IDW news is really coming out now. Comic Book Resources has posted some more details on issue #2 of IDW Sonic, including an early preview at the solicitation for it. Full solicitations for IDW issues come tomorrow:
IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog will launch with four weekly issues in April, before settling into a monthly schedule in May. Issue #2, a spotlight on Sonic and Amy Rose, is written by Flynn and illustrated by Andrew Bryce Thomas (also a Sonic veteran), and covers and solicitation text are below. Tracy Yardley will illustrate IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog #1. Retailers can qualify for the Nathalie Fourdraine variant of #2 by ordering 10 copies of the issue.
Check back with CBR tomorrow for IDW Publishing’s full April 2018 solicitations.
Sonic the Hedgehog #2—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic’s new adventure continues, and when he comes across another town in need of saving, his old pal Amy arrives just in time to join the fight! The banter is fun, and the stakes are high, but things get really serious when Amy presents Sonic with a big request: rejoin the Resistance!
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/11/18
Sonic the Hedgehog #2—Cover B: Adam Bryce Thomas
Ian Flynn (w) • Adam Bryce Thomas (a & c)
*Retailers: See your order form for incentive information.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/11/18

This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News, it was expanded in 2020 by LMC..
I thought it was Natalie F. who also did Sonic cover #2 besides Adam Bryce with his own variant.
Also: No word on the Freedom Fighters fate, but tomorrow we see the revealing of the character who Sonic is holding a hand or tail with.
If the Freedom Fighters won’t show up ever again… will you try to get used to it or maybe start a riot?
Maybe they could come back.. but it’s up to Sega though.
Wouldn’t surprise me if people just start making whining rant blogs, vids, tweets, etc.
No one has even been throwing a fit at the IDW comics so far. In fact, more people have been complaining about complainers than there have been complainers doing any complaining. And this is coming from someone who usually sees the opposite of this.
Can we focus on the comics news for once, instead of getting irritated at people who want to see the return of some characters?
Actually SSF1991,
I’m not irritated… just telling you what I’ve seen and predict would happen if these characters do not return.
I understand the concerns, and I feel their pain. But we cant act immature when things happen that we don’t like.
An example of this is the Mecha Sally saga.
When Sally was roboticized in Archie Sonic #230, Sally fans were so angry that they vowed to not read the comics until Sally was de-roboticized.
See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feEexBgMcPk
Besides, this argument may be irrelevant later. Just because Sally and co. may not be in issues 1-4, this doesn’t necessarily eliminate the possibility of appearing in future issues.
Hope this addresses this issue.
Look at the cover image by Adam Bryce Thomas: the character from the earlier image is that lamb or goat creature.
Wait, is that an echidna on cover B? I’m pretty sure Ken Penders will sue, again.
Looks like a male and female Echidna on the ground and a pink goat or sheep girl.