Miyamoto refuses to confirm Wii HD
The Wii has taken a fair bit of abuse ever since release for numerous things. One of the main points has been how poorly games can look when viewed on larger televisions because of the consoles lack of HD output.
In a recent interview, Shigeru Miyamoto (Senior Managing Director of Nintendo) was questioned about Nintendo’s rumoured research and development into a future ‘Wii HD’ console. Obviously Miyamoto wasn’t ready to give anything away with regards to a future console, however, he did hint towards it.
Here is his full answer to being questioned about HD and whether Nintendo will be heading that way:
“…I’m afraid we cannot confirm what we are doing today. But the fact of the matter is that technology is evolving all the time and in Japan, for example…All the analogue broadcast will be stopped and shifted into the digital broadcasting. So many things are taking place and we are working in terms of the changes of the technologies all the time.”
I think that without this quote it would’ve been pretty safe to assume that Nintendo would be working with HD technologies behind the scenes. This just confirms it really.
Miyamoto Interview [Kotaku via 3sat via Nintendo Everything via GoNintendo]
They won’t because people like Sony will steal their ideas.
Then again, since Miyamoto has been constrained from saying anything that has to do with his personal life, since Nintendo fears that other companies will jump on the idea, they probably don’t want him saying anything about what they’re doing. He probably WANTS to tell us that there will be a new Nintendo system, but he can’t, lol.