Latest Sonic Saga Press Release in its Entirety
(September 18, 1999) So, TSS is now back. Ever wondered why it was delayed for so long?? Well, the main reason was because the writer for the script to TSS#1 quit, so Dash was forced to finish it himself. But it was better this happened, as it turned out allot better. Just for the records, I (Dash) was going to write the first issue in the first place. But some things happened (I wanted to get to work on TSS#2’s script) and so he got the job. And I must say this issue did not turn out the way I wanted it to. But it’s still great. It’s a great adaptation to Sonic 3 and Knuckles with a few changes and twists thrown at you. TSS#1 also has no connection to the real TSS plot, but gives you an idea to what to expect in TSS#2.
Now, progress. TSS#1’s script is now 98% complete, and John Fell should get his copy soon, so work on TSS#1 will begin again shortly. Now, starting with TSS#2, EVERY MAIN ARTIST FOR TSS WILL BE GIVEN A PART IN EACH ISSUE OF TSS TO DRAW. That’s right, starting at TSS #2, the scripts will be split into parts, and we’ll choose an artist to draw that part. This way, issues will probably be done quicker, and a whole issue will not be in the hands of only two artists, which can be very stressful. And also so that every staff member will actually be doing stuff for TSS, instead of waiting for their turn. Another good reason why this happened is because the scripts are allot longer than most comics. TSS#2 will be a total of 40 pages if not more!! Continuing this topic, CGI Stuf has agreed to help TSS in terms of music and 3D effects!!!! His awesome talent will come really handy in TSS#1 and especially #2, where you’ll see allot of 3D explosions and more. He’s also making a really cool DJ style TSS theme song. I have a preview, and it’s really great. I may release the preview later on this week.
Also, I don’t expect TSS to become popular until TSS#2 is out and done, as that issue will guarantee attract many viewers. Because TSS is not pro, but run by fans, we have no restrictions, no rules to follow. And storyline wise, TSS’s story is really well thought up and overall, a great tale everyone will enjoy.
In conclusion, TSS#1 is back in production, and TSS in general is now back on it’s feet. We’re sorry for the delay, but things happen. We really hope you’ll enjoy TSS#1 as much as we had fun making it, and we hope you’ll continue reading this great comic 😛 Sure, it’s not great yet, but you just wait!!