Ivy the Kiwi? Released for iOS
Crazy Taxi is not the only game coming to iOS today.
Yuji Naka’s charming little game Ivy the Kiwi? was also released today for iOS worldwide. It includes over 50 stages and a challenge mode where you can compete with your friends by sending over your scores.
There are two versions of the game available. One is free with restricted features (but still features challenge mode), and the other full version sells for around 2’99 $/1’99£/2’39 €.
Not published by Sega, Ivy the Kiwi? is one of the more frequently-ported games Yuji Naka’s Prope studio has made. If you have not played it yet, now is a good time to do so.
I’ll be getting this game for my iTunes once my iPod gets a firm update.
At least Ivy looks more like a real Kiwi than the one in New Zealand Story, or the one I’m that old Tazmania cartoon…Kiwis don’t even live in Tazmania either haha
Ivy will never reach Sonics success. Yugi Naka should have stuck with Sega
I always thought Ivy the Kiwi would be more fitting for the iOS than the DS (not saying it was awful. In fact, one of the best handhelds ever) and I’m glad it arrived on the device.