Inside the Pages: Sonic Universe #14
As the Journey Into the East started in last month’s edition of Sonic Universe, a lot of ninja fighting ensued. So, as we dive into the new issue, which is shipping now, we find…more ninjas.
But this time, Sonic Universe #14 opens with a misunderstanding between the freedom fighters and the Bat Ninjas, and from there, the trek to the temple continues. This is another tie-in–this time with the main Sonic comic out later this month, number #211. Ian Flynn penned the script, and Tracy Yardley handles art duties.
The cover and first five pages of issue 14 follow Archie’s official description.
“Journey into the East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights”: Having endured a fierce battle with the Spider Ninjas last issue, Sonic and his friends must now face Bat Ninjas! While ambushes threaten around every corner, the intrepid heroes proceed on their journey to the temple under the firm resolves of Sally and Monkey Khan. Are these deadly skirmishes any match for the political chess games and machinations of war that lurk beneath the surface? The big picture gets even bigger in this issue that ties into this month’s SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #211.
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley
Shipping Date: March 10th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: March 17th, 2010
Newsstands: March 30th, 2010
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US