Inside the Pages: Sonic Universe #12
In the melee of all our ASR coverage this week, you may have forgotten that Archie Comics has something Sonic related, and it’s just started shipping this week: The twelfth issue of Sonic Universe.
This issue will conclude the four part Knuckles: The Return saga with a pretty big battle on deck between Knuckles and Dr. Finitevus. It is a showdown to save Angel Island, as told by Ian Flynn, who wrote the script, and by Tracy Yardley, who handled primary art duties and also drew the cover.
The cover and first give pages of the issue follow Archie’s official description.
“Echoes of the Past Part Four of Four”: This is it – the grand finale! Angel Island is about to be conquered, and our heroes are powerless to stop it, having been captured and at the mercy of the Dark Egg Legion! Will a last minute revelation save or doom our hapless heroes? It all ends with the fight you’ve been waiting for: Knuckles vs. Dr. Finitevus in a knock-down, drag-out, no holds barred ruckus! Don’t miss the explosive final chapter to Knuckles’ return to the spin-off scene!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley!
Let’s-get-ready-to-rumble cover by Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: January 13th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: January 20th, 2010
On Sale at Newsstands: February 2nd, 2010
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US