IDW Update: “Mobian” Banned Term, Unlimited Story Arcs, How To Pre-Order, & More
It has been a Sonic IDW bombardment of news so far this year. And yet, we still don’t know exactly what the lore of IDW Sonic will be like. Currently, Ian Flynn’s BumbleKast series has been our best insight into the lore of IDW Sonic. The latest episode gave us some more tidbits on the comics:
– Ian doesn’t have a limit on story arcs this time. He said to treat the first year as one big arc.
-The term “Mobian” or any similar term is not allowed to be used. Any “Mobile” that’s allowed is the Eggmobile.
-Besides Rough, Tumble, and Tangle, there’s one more heroic character that hasn’t been hinted at all yet, as well as something to do with the end of the arc that will mostly be explored in Year Two, but he doesn’t count it due to not getting there yet. Aside from that, not many new characters.
It’s another sign that the lore of Archie Sonic is being almost abandoned, if not entirely. Pre-orders have also started, but if you think it’s similar to the Archie Sonic method…well it’s not. Here’s what the IDW Sonic Facebook page says you can do:
IDW does not have a subscription service, I’m afraid. But there are ways to get your Sonic comics! The first thing is to go to your local comic shop and pre-order the issues. By pre-ordering, it guarantees you’ll have the issue waiting for you in-store the day it is released! Check out the cool graphic here for info on ordering from your local comic shop and go to comicshoplocator.com/storelocator. And I’m not entirely sure all the countries where the comics will be available, I’m afraid. Definitely the U.S., U.K. and Canada, but I’m unfortunately just not sure of other places.
Don’t worry, if you forget it, the shop will still let you pre-order. Plus, while you’re there, look around! Ask questions! A good comics shop will help you!
I know, having grown up in rural Arizona and having the closest shop 2 hours away, that not everyone has a “local” comic shop. If that is the case for you, don’t fret! There are still plenty of options!
1. Check for comic shops online! Some of the larger stores (like Midtown Comics) even allow you to preorder from their website. And some folks have shared online shops where you can even set a subscription!
2. If you want to wait for the collected edition, you can pre-order that now online or through your local bookstore.
3. If digital sounds better to you, you can preorder now through Comixology and subscribe to the series!
4. if no other option works for you, you can order the issue from the IDW website when it comes out. But, I will say, our supply tends to be limited and you won’t be able to read it the day it comes out (unless you get it digitally from us).
There were also remarks about the creators. Matt Herms is back:
Just as a reminder, the series is being written by Ian Flynn! And the first 4 issues feature art by the likes of Tracy Yardley!, Adam Bryce Thomas, Jennifer Hernandez, and Evan Stanley! Plus covers by them and people like Tyson Hesse, Kieran Gates, Nathalie Fourdraine, Jonathan Gray, Rafa Knight, and Jamal Peppers. And Matt Herms is back coloring too!
We also learned a little about SEGA’s restrictions:
Sega has been a wonderful partner. There are certainly some restrictions on what we can do with Sonic (spoiler alert: he will not be red or wearing pants in the comics!), but there’s also a lot of creative freedom. It’s part of the great thing about a fresh start. Yes, we have an idea of who Sonic is, but since this is a new version of him there’s definitely a lot of room for growth.
About merchandising and “seeing certain characters coming back soon”:
There could be, but that’s above my pay grade, I’m afraid! Most merchandising decisions come from Sega and our agreement is to do comics. There will likely be the occasional promotional giveaway (like the New York Comic Con flyers you may have seen), but I can’t speak to merch beyond that.
Ya got me. I went through an entire thread without mentioning Big the Cat! I’m sure he’s around somewhere…
About crossovers:
We’ve certainly crossed over with other publishers including DC in the past and have certainly crossed over franchises we do the comics for too. As per a possibility of a Sonic/DC crossover, I really couldn’t tell ya. There are some cool storytelling possibilities, but nothing in the works at the moment.
We learned that IDW Sonic will be its own separate universe:
It is certainly inspired by some of the games and the long history of Sonic, but is it’s own separate universe!
On whether the IDW Sonic story will have “a deep lore or a serious story, a more lighthearted romp”:
I mean, the answer is kind of all of the above. There’s serious beats, there’s humor, the world clearly existed before the comics and we’ll reference some events from before what we started, but it’s still accessible to someone who barely knows who Sonic is. And if I say much more, we’re in spoiler territory.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
What does it mean “not having a limit” on story arcs? Did Ian had a limit on how long the story arcs could be at Archie?
maybe they mean limit in how long the arcs can be?
you know, how In Archie pretty much every arc was 4-issues long. That’s the only thing I can think of.
Yeah you’re most probably right, in the article it kind of sounds like if they were talking about quantity and not length lol.
Was the Sonic were hog arc long during the last Archie Sonic years?
the werehog was more of an element in a larger multi-arc Saga. but the arc in which Sonic transforms is also 4 issue long.
If they’re no longer using the term “Mobian”, I wish they’d come up with something else to define Sonic’s species. It’s kinda wierd to just call them “Animal people” or “Furries”
What, you can’t call them by their actual species? Ya know, hedgehog, fox, echidna etc.
Yeah I kinda agree. Mobius and Mobian are basically fan terms to describe Sonic’s World and the anthropomorphic animals in the American cartoons and Archie Comics.
Back then in the Genesis Era, Sonic Team of America were trying to tell their own version of Sonic’s origin and story.
But then Sonic Adventure came out and the terms no longer exist in games lore. Though Archie Comics still stuck with it since it was based on Satam in the first place.
Here’s the thing: how do we diferenciate them from regular animals? Or stuff like the flickies? I know it’s a nitpick but I’d like some clarification.
I was just having this conversation with my brother. Humans are “humans”, little animals are “flickies”, and normal animals are just “animals”, but all of the anthropomorphic characters are kind of just referred to as “Sonic’s friends” regardless of how they feel about him. It’s kind of ridiculously clunky. I don’t even know what they could go with in all honesty.
I don’t see the problem, in the comics they have been referred as people/persons before.
Considering they can’t use the word mobian I will assume they are living on ‘Earth’ so they could also be referred as earthlings.
You can called them Fuzzy wuzzies.
Could the Sonic planet get a new name? And IDW and Sega still haven’t green lighted Sally Acorn and the Freedom Fighters! There’s still a chance to approve!
I don’t know about greenlighting but you should stop gaslighting yourself.
The planet’s name is probably going to be Sonic’s World as that’s the approved term used in recent games thanks to hack fraud Iizuka.
So Mobius is now Sonic World?
What do you mean by gaslighting?
I think you need to chill with that Lizuka stuff dude, he’s nowhere near as bad as you seem to think he is. He may be head of a largely successful franchise but he can still mistakes as we all do. Aside from a few mainstay artists, he’s the only member of classic Sonic Team left. Keeping a franchise together this long despite multiple direction changes is practically a miracle, me personally I wouldn’t knock him so hard.
Being upset and having an opinion I understand but having little regard for what someone has done seems like seeing what you want to see. I’d appreciate a management change up or stronger series direction with Sonic as much as the next guy, but circumstance and limitations are a thing in the games industry, especially nowadays and SEGA’s financial situation probably doesn’t help that. I don’t think we should just settle for what we have, but venting in a news comment section won’t do anything but satisfy our individual selves. Last I checked, we were a community of fans, not self-entitled lone wolves.
You seem like an intelligent guy with ideas for how to do this series right, why not do a piece on how that could work. Getting yourself noticed in a modern day setting isn’t all that difficult (youtube, personal sites, prose documents and so on), nothing stopping you. If you think you can do it better, then show don’t tell, know what I mean?
Don’t mean to come off sly or anything, just a friendly suggestion from the average fan. Have a nice day.
I tried to reason with him in the past but he keeps posting the same stuff in every important news articles over and over again, nowdays I just ignore him.
You can’t even use the word MOBIL in the IDW Sonic Universe – That’s a gas station brand anyway…
So what the hell are we supposed to call them? “Duuur, Sanic’s Friendz?”, as if everyone Sonic ever met are his best friends and they’re all one big Happiny family?
Anthropomorphics characters, and then have casuals and normal people look at you strange? Rolls off the tongue. doesn’t? And like other franchise like Star Fox haven’t done this before.
Or “Who cares!? Sonic is the only important character! The others hardly exist!”
Sonic characters (the 2-3 ft. animals, who you don’t free from robots) need their own term more than ever. Mobian was the only term we could identify with. Hell, Forces refers to one you can make as simply Avatars.
Even the species identity of Sonic characters has taken a backseat to Sonic’s inflated popularity.
How about as a reference to a previous SEGA System: Dreamcadians. Or Genesisians.
Or Planet Master System.
How about the M planet?
Maybe Ian should have never written for IDW Sonic in the first place…
I vote for cross promotion by calling Sonic and his friends ‘Neptunians’ who live in their own little quadrant of Neptunia.
Sorry: Sonic’s world is not set on the planet Neptune.
Just call them by their species, even the term mobian was misused since it was meant to call the inhabitants of Mobius but in Mobius there were humans too.
But even then the fact that the comics can’t use that word doesn’t mean that you can’t, just keep using it as you have always done, this is a restriction for the comics not for the fans.
Did there used to be a Marvel comic years ago called Möbius by Monius?
I meant Mobius by Mobius.
By their names?
So collectively, we should refer to every last Sonic being and their relatives (even the ones that may or may not exist) by each individual’s known name.
“And some folks have shared online shops where you can even set a subscription!”
This has been the ONE stumbling block that’s kept me from preordering. I read Sonic comics for years via subscription, I refuse to have to now order each issue individually.
I was thinking they might offer a digital subscription but that doesn’t seem to be an option? Guess I’ll just grab the physical graphic novel collections when they come out.
I read somewhere you can order them difigitally from comixology, I was planning on doing it but haven’t investigated further yet.
Vague “maybe later we’ll bring back non-sonic game things”
Concrete “mobian is banned, only egg mobile, no *o-matic* or whatever other names it has”
Goddamn ian stop beating around the bush and give a straight answer about the characters we’ve asked about.
That didn’t sound ‘vague’ to me, that actually sounded like a definite NO.
For what I get only stuff from the games will be in the comic, the only stuff NOT from the comics is the new and probably exclusive stuff created by IDW comics, so please stop waiting for the Freedom Fighters or other non-game characters, you got your answer already.
Stop with the caps.
Sorry…and I’ll be calm until IDW and Sega approve to use Sally Acorn and the Freedom Fighters in IDW Sonic. Honest!
Seriously? How many years have you been alive?
Sorry if I made you upstet but I just paraphrasing what has been already said about the comics. Also I don’t think is wrong wanting the Freedom Fighters back in the comic but I agree with SSF1991, you should calm down a bit and cease with the multiple post and cap letters while you wait.
Thanks, Axis. Apology accepted. And when IDW and Sega agree to have Sally Acorn and the Freedom Fighters (More or less) included in IDW Sonic even with Ian Flynn at the writing desk for IDW Sonic, everyone will be in the know or something like that.
I don’t want you to be upset or anything dude but Sega and IDW did confirm from the beginning that if it’s not game cabin or newly created, it’s not going in the comic. You may find that unfair but they are just trying to start afresh, not everything can be as it once was. You can continue to request that the freedom fighters make a comeback and maybe Sega will surprise us and they’ll be referenced to some degree in this series. However was things stand at the moment I just wouldn’t count on it, some things you do have to just let go of.
Game cabin? You mean game canon!
Also: Why not a seperate Sonic the Hedgehog newspaper comic strip that takes place where the Archieverse Sonic left off?
Another thing: It could be within the next year or two when IDW and Sega can agree to use the Freedom Fighters in IDW Sonic comics – That’s when the 2 companies feel in IDW Sonic when the time is right depending on the fanbase or something like that.
It’s too bad no more Mobius, but I assume it’s because it won’t be called Mobius in the movie.
Maybe Sonic World in the 2019 Sonic movie?
Maybe The Freedom Fighters – if they make it to IDW Sonic – will be part of this Sonic World (formerly Mobius).
To be fair, the term “Mobian” was already considered a dirty word long before IDW took over.
I didn’t know it was offensive…