First Look at E3: Dennis Day’s View
Considering I’m deemed an exhibitor for UGO Networks (You’re the best Brent) I was given an exclusive behind the scenes tour of Sega’s booth on the show floor. Essentially the booth won’t be open until tomorrow, when the show opens. However, amidst plenty of construction, I viewed what will likely be one of the most impressive booths at this year’s E3.
The booth itself, albeit not as flashy as Sony’s or Nintendo’s, has literally dozens of stand-ups everywhere. From Expandable to Seaman, it’s all there. In addition, Sega had a few interesting associated additions to their booth as well. For example, the construction workers were putting in a real F1 indy car on the floor within Sega’s booth while I was there. Furthermore, the finishing touches were being put on a massive HOTD2 display which featured huge model zombies. Overall, the booth is very impressive, and I can’t wait to see it all again, tomorrow.
From what you can see, since I can’t go there myself (stupid 18 & Over law), I am relying on the best sources of info available to give you a good look of what this exposition is like without going around other sites. We will have ALL SEGA and ALL SONIC coverage of E3 except for that little article below…
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.