Evening Star Team to Attend E3
On Monday afternoon, the Twitter account for Evening Star Studio, the team largely comprised of the team that developed Sonic Mania, Tweeted this message confirmed their appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next week in Los Angeles:
The Twitter did not elaborate further on what, if anything, the team could show off at the show, and as best as we can find, it does not appear the group has a booth proper for displaying anything.
But it is that aura mystery that has the community in wonder. Is next week the time we’ll see what the team’s been up to? Many want to see a follow-up to Mania, though Creative Director Christian Whitehead has noted in an interview or two around the time of Mania Plus‘s release an interest in producing original work. Still, the team has largely been silent on what’s next since. It’s not entirely clear the team will bring anything at all to gaming’s largest stage.
ICYMO We’ll keep you informed on anything that may be seen from Evening Star as E3 gets underway next week.