EB Vendor Show: Sega Rumors
A secret source was there from Segadojo; let’s start with an intro, then on with the info:
Anyway, let me start of with the rumor I received from Mr. EB, who is an anonymous manager at Electronics Boutique! Oh yeah, I would like to say hi to all EB employees out there! Anyways, let’s begin the rumorville:
According to Mr. EB, he went to see a vendor show for EB peeps that comes every spring and fall. He recently came back from the spring one to share the gossip of what’s to come for summer, Christmas, and E3.
Here is what he played for the Dreamcast starting with Acclaim.
“They had Fur Fighters playable demo (to be in June issue of Sega mag). The controls are just like MDK2. 4 players fuzz match (the animals are filled with stuffing). so every time you blow one up it looks like it is snowing. very fun to play, 60FPS. will be a hit.
Vanishing point. It was very limited in play, lots of play in the cars, lots of spin outs. still 60FPS, no pop, and the coolest things was when you spun out, you could see the calipers in the tired for your brakes. overall, could be a well game.
They had a video of the new ECW game, a tweaked WWF Attitude engine and more violence.”
Here is more of the Top Games he mentioned:
-Tony Hawk looked really well and played smooth. Will be very popular. Very clean graphics.
-Believe it or not, I played Rainbow 6. It will prob. go gold and make its Apr. 26 date or by the end of the month. They were really excited about it and are taking a different approach to rogue spear. Yes rogue spear. The CEO was a very nice guy who felt sympathy for everyone. It was a Windows CE problem. The game looked super crisp and moved really great, no pops or lag.
-The new THQ wrestling game for DC will be called WWF Royal Rumble, look for it in Aug or whenever the PPV airs. No shots or video.
-Silver was in playable form as a demo that might make it to the June DCM. Great backgrounds and smooth animation. It might make some waves unlike it’s
PC counterpart.
-4×4 thunder was nice and very smooth, I’m not into thunder trucks too much but the trucks looked nice.
-Virtual on will be horizontal or vertical multi player. No modem play.
– However, going over my fact sheets from Activision. Full color mind you
-also mention WWF Royal Rumble due in August from THQ
Here is what he had to say in regard to reactions from EB managers for Sega and Sony!
-Ok now for Sega. Most of the EB managers are so hyped about Sega because of their marketing strategy. When the DC was about to come out last Fall, at our Spring show they showed everything before E3 to us. Behind guarded locked doors. They had nothing to lose. and everyone was hyped. This strategy came over to this years show. New videos and a few surprises.
-The empire (Sony) on the other hand said not a damn thing about PS2, and a lot of people were turned off. They are going by the hype to the consumer and they will want to buy it whether or not we want to sell it. It is a little hard to type what I am thinking. I am trying to get it to from a salesman point of view. When a company shows you stuff before E3 because they know they need you to be stoked on the system and another blows it in your face because they expect to do it anyways is like a slap in the face.
Of course, what would life be like without EB marking their prices for future peripherals for Sega! Here they are:
the Ethernet adapter will retail at 39.99
MP3 player 99.99
Dream Eye 99.99
Oh, so you want to know about the DVD Player status? Well it come, or will it hold? We are just going to take his word…or will we?
-No DVD player, or very doubtful. The VIP rep said that Sony is having a prob. with people buying a PS2 and walking out of the store and just buying DVDs for it and no games. plus a recent drop coming up in the DVD players will bring them down to the 99 dollar range in order to make a player for the DC it will be between 99-129. So it looks doubtful but he sold us on the
reasons. Totally made sense. Why give Hollywood a kick and you lose tons of money cause kids a buying DVDs and not games. Some people will complain but
I agree.
Ah yes, dates! Here a few dates for the upcoming games!
Space Channel 5 6/7
Ecco will be 7/11
Want to know more…see what Mr. EB has to say about the future of DC Network!
-When the online network hits there will already be games out that can use it but because the network won’t be up till 9/7 You can’t play with it till then. Some games that will be compatible will be:
Chu Chu
Quake 3
NFL 2k1
DC Bomber Man
Phantsy Star
Magic the Gathering
Half Life
Ready to Rumble 2
Railroad Tycoons 2
Maybe WWF not sure on that one didn’t ask.
No on rainbow six.
Some video perceptions.
NBA looks better as does NFL, amazing.
Ecco, beautiful
And also were shown Eternal Arcadia, Space Channel 5, Sega GT.
The hit of the presentation that everyone was impressed with was Virtua Tennis. This title looks real. And it will be 4 player double play also I am pretty sure. The graphics and movements were amazing. Most people are not
tennis freaks, however this title could be a must have for partying fun.
Hopefully all these details will be confirmed at E3 in less than a month.