E3 2000: SA2 Videos
In case you don’t want to be bothered with downloading the videos, basically they were trailers of the game, much like the early previews of SA1 were. Most of the pictures that are down below are in here, and in the beginning, two words that are antonyms of each other pop up (ie Light, Dark).
4PM ET: IGN Dreamcast has two new videos up, get Part 1 and Part 2 (7-9 MB a piece; need QuickTime 4). But read this before downloading:
This video was taken off a wall deep within the bowels of Sega’s booth, and we’re not exactly sure if we were supposed to be wielding our cameras in that particular area of the LA Convention Center. But we did, the result being that you can now download it all to your computer and see what we saw.
Well… uhh, sorta. We had to film the video wall with a crappy camera (from Sony – ha!), and the reflective, dim monitors didn’t make for the best footage. The videos below don’t indicate the quality of the game in any way, but they do give you a good idea of what’s changed.