Dreamcast Launch in Europe Delayed
This is OFFICIAL; it’s from the Sega Europe website:
Sega Europe today announced that its Dreamcast console will be launched within Europe on October 14th, 1999.
Sega has worked closely with its partners to enable it to launch the first games console with a free internet access service.
In addition, Users will be able to access e-mail and chat facilities plus many additional exciting features which are already scheduled.
J-F Cecillon, Chief Executive Officer of Sega Europe said today;
“Dreamcast involves the most advanced technology ever incorporated into a games console. Our free internet access is an industry first and BT has been key in its creation across Europe.”
That’s the story, now here’s the public reaction. First, Sonikka:
Here’s what I think. I think Sega underestimated demand in the US and needs a little time to catch up on NA production. I highly doubt they’re delaying it because “online” problems. I sure do feel sorry for you guys. Having to wait until the middle of October is gonna be hell. I’m sure glad to be an American, but it wouldn’t matter anyway because I’m waiting for VF3 to buy the American DC.
And one from Tiger:
If you ask me this is a sneaky underhanded corporate move on Sega’s part. A bunch of bull. This delay has nothing to do with the online services. NOTHING! It sounds to me like they just don’t have their act together to launch in the US and European markets at the same time. They obviously had to cut one market out for now and it certainly wasn’t going to be the US considering our massive population. I do feel sorry for the people who live in Europe. This is the type of thing that really ticks me off. The thing that really gets me is that they waited til now to announce this. Don’t doubt me when I say this but Sega knew this delay was evident at least 2 months ago and they waited to now to announce it as to not hurt pre-orders and the momentum they had going. What a sad move (on) their part.
More info should be available on Monday.