Crush 40’s Gioeli to Appear at Russia’s SuperSonicCon
Much of the world’s gatherings and conventions have been canceled or postponed in the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic. For the moment, that has not applied to community-born Sonic conventions.
Sonic Revolution, for the moment, is still on for the beginning of June in Whittier, California. Half a world away, SuperSonicCon, organized by fans in Russia, still plans to hold its convention on August 15th and 16th. Yesterday, in cooperation with Crush40’s Johnny Gioeli, the organization announced he would be in attendance there.
Two weeks ago, Gioeli announced shows across Europe he intended to headline in April under his band Hardline would be postponed due to the pandemic. Those shows have not yet been rescheduled.
The announcement comes as St. Petersburg has banned gatherings of more than 50 people until further notice. In Russia, the independent media publication The Moscow Times reports 840 cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in the country as of today. Many new cases have been reported in Moscow. Some believe that number may be higher due to problems within the government reporting cases across the vast country. Russian president Vladimir Putin has announced a paid holiday for all citizens beginning next week in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.
There is no guarantee the current pandemic will be under control by the Summer, so any announcement of this kind should be viewed as tentative at best, even with the show many months away. We will keep you informed of any changes.