“No Plans” For Classic Sonic’s Return Post-Generations
It may not surprise you, it may anger you or it may leave you reaching for the tissues. A snippet posted on SPOnG by Tim Smith from an interview between SPOnG and TSS staffer Svend Joscelyne and Sonic Brand Director David Corless rules out Classic Sonic appearing again anytime soon
When Joscelyne asked if – should Classic gameplay be received positively, there would be a chance for Classic Sonic to return once more Corless didn’t mess about with an answer.
“Do you know what? There are no plans, to be brutally honest, to bring Classic Sonic back. The reason for bringing him back for this game was because this is a celebration of 20 years of Sonic. It was a real fitting time to do it. He’s really well loved. Let’s see how Generations does. You can never say never in this industry, but at the moment there are no plans.”
The never say never answer is a familiar one from SEGA in recent years, but regardless it seems we shouldn’t let ourselves get too attached to Classic Sonic following the Sonic Generations nostalgia-fest.
Hmm, Id enjoy more generations, like a sequel or dlc but I guess sega played all the nostalgia up they wanted. Oh well maybe eventually they will get comfortable enough to bring back more playable characters