Chupamedia In Trouble
Fernando Mosquera has told the massive Sega-related MP3 site to tone down its vulgarity and obscene language. Of course, this is such a problem because, other than the media, Chupamedia is known for its R-rated language. Here’s what Junon said on the main page Monday:
Okay Kids, listen up it’s been really fun the past couple of months, with our ranting, bitching and all that evil stuff, but it’s time for us to wise up a bit. I know for a fact that most of you come back for all the vast amounts of crap we talk on this site, most of you even inspired me and supported me for what I did. With comments like, “You’re the only site that does it…” and also, “Keep of the vulgarness! It rules, it’s unlike any other video game site out there!” I feel bad about the decision, Laine and I agreed that we must tone down the vulgarness of this site in honour and reputation of both the well respected SegaNet and Gamer’s Republic (especially now that SegaNet is apart of Gamer’s Republic). After all, we do not want to give them a bad name for what we do. So what I am saying is that this is no longer Chupamedia Uncut, now we’re like a Rated PG-13 Chupamedia *Censored* site. It’s best for the kiddy’s anyways. =)
Deep down inside, I am not a vulgar person, I can be nice and happy and shiney too. ^_^ Of course when I get into the Tequila Cabinet, Laine has to keep me away from the Keyboard and the server or else I might do naughty things. >:)
While it may come to a shock to some of you, I look forward to the challenge of being *happy* because it might be good for me, and maybe good for some of you either way it’s what’s best for SegaNet in general.
Now, on Tuesday, a message by Laine, saying something shocking:
For those who care, I’ll be gone all summer when school ends, I am going off to Seattle with my sister and up there at her place, no computer exists. I am going to skip the Summer Semester Classes and will not be in town, so that means I will not be here all summer long, I need a vacation anyways. Also I guess I forgot to mention that this site has been given ownership to Junon since the rebirth. After we lost most of this site during the server transfer from the old SegaNet server to the new one, I admit that I have given up this whole thing, I did nothing to bring it back nor did I care, Junon brought it back so it is only fair it belongs to her. I no longer say how this place is to be run or handled not that it matters to me, HTML is killing me a lot.
I’m not LEAVING the site if that’s what you think, I’ll be gone for the summer and I’m just announcing that Junon is now in total control of it. Therefore any gripes, comments, drug addiction rehab stories or complaints should be sent to Junon, not me.
Well, I got a week or so until I take off, so I’ll try to rant some more before I’m outty. This is happy week people!! Smile!!
So, what happens to the site during the summer? Well if we ever get better service to the point as to “at least” allow the staff here ftp in to update, it will be fine as I believe Indigo, Bathory, Sabin and Junon can run this baby without me. But no worry, this is Happy week, so just FRICK’n Smile! ^_^
As far as I know, Junon will stay home to continue School so someone will be here to update, of course after the new “We Forbid you of your Freedom of Vulgar Speech” Law: SN-001 Sec. 01 Line: 3. “Thou shalt be nice little pansies and become one with the happiness.” it will not be as entertaining as it used to be.
I knew for a fact that when I brought Junon to this site, we would become hardcore, it was the point! I enjoy what the evil one has to say, I know when I see Green Text on this page that I will be on the floor laughing my “behind” off.
What does this mean? Laine, the original webmaster of the site has basically given up on it. BUT that’s not all! Because of the vulgarity, their message board on Seganet has been taken off. Junon, the now-webmaster, said this on the old message board:
It appears our very own Fergy cannot handle our heat, so we had to tone down a bit to satisfy his needs. Laine has bestowed ownership upon this site to me when I resurrected it after the crash it suffered when we had a server switch.
It was my decision to do so, although I am feeling restricted of my freedom of bitching, our site is on their server so they call the shots.
We were threatened to be deleted if we didn’t, but not that it matters, we DO have our own Server and T1 line, so… am I hurting? Not really.
I would like to leave SegaNet myself now only because I feel like I am being controlled by a higher being when it shouldn’t.
Of course I’ll let the staff decide and you people as well, I can handle the bumpy ride, can you? This is my site now, as Laine gave it to me… I can probably leave just like that, but it’s really all up to you guys… SegaNet is a cool place, but if crap like this keeps up, hehe… well, I’ll just get a domain name, which is not a bad idea by the way. =) Yeah!
When I asked what she thought of Fernando Mosquera now, Junon replied:
It’s not really his fault, after all SegaNet is now apart of Gamer’s Republic and I’m guessing he’s going to try to keep SegaNet decent this time around, I’m guessing by censoring us. It’ not my thing. Don’t get me wrong, Fernando is a pretty cool guy, but it is HIS site and HIS server, or theirs, or whatever the…
Now, the forumers has said that censorship is wrong, especially with this site, and some have said that they SHOULD move. Keep in mind that Mosquera has yet to censor UK: Resistance; Chupamedia’s sister site, and home to more vulgarity than Chupamedia, even some X-rated images! And Junon pointed this out:
I wonder, now that we’re censored (mainly because of our talk about sex, masturbation etc,) does that mean UKR has to censor too? I mean, “masturbating on the DOA2 Cabinet in front of children” isn’t as clean as SegaNet’s content hmm?
Well… I have rendered myself speechless once more.
Now, I will have coverage on this throughout the week, because, no Chupamedia, no in-game Sonic Adventure music. Plus, more importantly, it is a big case of censorship on the Internet. Look for more tomorrow!
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.